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feifei@spore2008-7-2 01:49 PM
Joining of SFC (Case Closed)

hello guys! im sure you had already heard that KL changed to S'pore right? those who havent join and wish to join can go together with me? haha

HOWEVER! i will only be transfering the money [color=Red]ard mid july[/color], [color=Red]specific date to be confirmed later[/color], coz i still need time to save money. haha. so for those who can wait till that time, you can join me ok?:v

another thing to take note of is that maybe you have [color=Red]to be there in person with me during the transfer [/color]coz i will be using cash. must understand taking out over 100 bucks from bank without my mum knowing is difficult!:P so i no choice but use cash. thus, it will be impossible for you transfer your money into my bank then i do it for you... you know what i mean? haha. sorry for the inconvenience.

i will update you on the date again in this post instead of the one at 谈秀说地 coz our Malaysian friends seem to be a little angry for us (or maybe me in paticular coz i posted that) being too happy and loud over this matter. opps... sorry abt it.:")

for now, the people who have contacted me are:
geraldineliew (3 people)
angtint (2 people)
if anyone of you wanna withdraw can just tell me k?

[b][5/7 updated][/b]

i will be transfering money [color=Red]next tue to thur[/color], [color=Red]one of those days.[/color]
[color=Red]venue: Plaza Singapura
Meeting place: Doughby Ghaut MRT control station
Time: [color=Orange]most probably 4-4,30pm[/color]
Date: [color=Orange]Wed (9/7)[/color][/color]

please PM me and tell me which day(tue to thur) and time you prefer (4pm and later, but the bank closes at 6pm), by tomorrow (6 july). however, try to choose a day that is asap, which will be tue if possible. one of our friend had already voted for tue. but of course, it's still majority wins la.

please bring around $140 CASH just in case. but it will be less than that if i did not calculate wrongly.

those who's name is still not mentioned above and you wish to join, please PM me by tomorrow (6 july).

those names mentioned above, if you do not contact me by tomorrow also, i will take it as you WANT to do the transfer with me.

please PM me your contact number also by tomorrow (6 july)

it's the first time i do a group payment thing, so im sorry if i make it troublesome for some of you guys.

i'm only responsible to transfer money with you guys and sending our particulars to the FC.

if anything happens after that like not top 500 or whatever incident, im TOTALLY not responsible k? haha...
hope you understand.

lastly, remember you have to be there in person with me k?

i will update again tomorrow. so do keep a look out.
[6/7] updated

please see the above in orange.
as for time i will update again tomorrow.
thank you guys for coming today! nice to see all of you! haha.
i will transfer tomorrow morning before going to sch. for the extra balance i will trasnfer into the acc you gave me today.
let's now pray hard that we will receive confirmation letter soon!!! haha!:D:D

[[i] 本帖最後由 feifei@spore 於 2008-7-9 09:11 PM 編輯 [/i]]

aliciajl2008-7-2 05:24 PM
Ya! so excited! it has changed to singapore instead! wondering why? haha anw how much will it cost?

phoebelicious2008-7-3 02:42 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]aliciajl[/i] 於 2008-7-3 01:24 AM 發表
Ya! so excited! it has changed to singapore instead! wondering why? haha anw how much will it cost? [/quote]

it's around S$145 depending on that day's exchange rate... =)
TT charges from POSB is around $50...

jasmine33062008-7-3 05:40 AM
i wan to join also.. but then scared cos i dunno anyone from here. =)

xiaozhu_show2008-7-3 06:12 AM
DBS only charge min $30. is depend on the bank charging rate...

callista:)2008-7-3 10:52 AM
hey add me in! i want to go together too!
hahaha, i hope i would be able to raise that amount by then!
thank you(:

callista:)2008-7-3 10:57 AM
hey, and we dont need a bank account to transfer right?
just bring the cash there, then can transfer?(:

feifei@spore2008-7-3 02:18 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]jasmine3306[/i] 於 2008/7/3 01:40 PM 發表
i wan to join also.. but then scared cos i dunno anyone from here. =) [/quote]
actually we also dont really know each other that well.
just than maybe we sometimes chat on MSN only.
but if you wanna join just tell me k?:lol

feifei@spore2008-7-3 02:20 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]callista:)[/i] 於 2008/7/3 06:57 PM 發表
hey, and we dont need a bank account to transfer right?
just bring the cash there, then can transfer?(:
thanks. [/quote]
yap, you no need a bank account.

callista:)2008-7-4 02:20 PM
oh hahaha okay thank you(:

nes89mark2008-7-5 10:57 AM
may i ask how can we transfer the money? i also confused. can i just follow u?

rynn052008-7-6 12:37 PM
oh yeah just a little info in case you guys didnt know.
the TT for dbs/posb closes at 2pm everyday on weekdays if im not wrong?
haha yup but that's if youre using dbs/posb!

feifei@spore2008-7-6 01:50 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]rynn05[/i] 於 2008/7/6 08:37 PM 發表
oh yeah just a little info in case you guys didnt know.
the TT for dbs/posb closes at 2pm everyday on weekdays if im not wrong?
haha yup but that's if youre using dbs/posb!
:D [/quote]
oh no... we are using posb....
but thanks for the info!
let me see what can i do

xiaoxuanzi2008-7-6 04:25 PM
but i thought is 6pm everyday?

erm i know compass point one opens at 11am and closes at 6pm on weekdays....

p.s. i maybe going compass point to do the transfer on tues....

you can contact me @ [email]chinxuan_91@hotmail.com[/email]

phoebelicious2008-7-6 05:01 PM
yea.. the bank closes at 6pm
but for TT, they close at 2pm to process those TT on that day
any TT after 2pm will be processed the next day...

graceter2008-7-7 09:01 AM

peanutcrazy2008-7-8 10:24 AM
huh? it's $140 for membership? I don't have that money!
GOSH but I want to join...
I'm tempted by the photo session...

小豬女2008-7-9 11:57 AM

feifei... faster transfer the money over!!!
i'm so excited can!!!!! :p


[[i] 本帖最後由 小豬女 於 2008-7-9 08:30 PM 編輯 [/i]]

xiaoxuanzi2008-7-9 02:25 PM
i have transfer the money but haven receive the email... so scared...

小豬女2008-7-11 12:49 PM
any news?
any updates?
they process so slow siaaa~~~

feifei@spore2008-7-11 03:38 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]小豬女[/i] 於 2008/7/11 08:49 PM 發表
any news?
any updates?
they process so slow siaaa~~~
:( [/quote]
relax. wont be that fast.
i think need at least one week=.=

elementary2008-7-11 10:03 PM
aww ..i wanna transfer tgt too ..
i haven save up enough money yet .. = =

小豬女2008-7-12 12:06 PM
qiao fei~
will the taiwan side email us the confirmation email to each and everyone of us?
or will they email it all to u?

feifei@spore2008-7-12 01:19 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]小豬女[/i] 於 2008/7/12 08:06 PM 發表
qiao fei~
will the taiwan side email us the confirmation email to each and everyone of us?
or will they email it all to u? [/quote]
im not very sure leh.
but i got put in each of you guys email in case.

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