ù§Ó²»°ê»Ú«á´©·| » ¦U ¦a¡u¨q¡v°g » ·s ®q¡u¨q¡v°g » SFC·s¥[©YÁpµ¸¤H

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¨q¼z2009-9-6 03:41 PM

¤j®a¦n~ §Ú¬O¨q¼z~ SFC·s¥[©YÁpµ¸¤H~

§ÚÀ³¸Ó¦­ÂI¥X²{¨Ó¤¶²Ð¦Û¤vªº~ :admire:


ÁÙ¦³¤j®a³£¤w¸g¥[¤J¤F²Ä¤G¦~«×ªºSFC§a~ «Ü´Á«Ý·s¥[©Y³õªº§a? =)

§Ú¤]¶}¤F¤@­Ó [url=http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=155732708017]SFC ·s¥[©Y facebook Group[/url]

±µ¤U¨Ó~ ½Ð¤j®a¦h¦h«ü±Ð:admire:


little.nikky2009-9-6 03:54 PM
·s¥[©Y SFC ¥[ªo¥[ªo¥[ªo!!! :v
¤j®a§ÖÂI¥[¤J§a~~ :)

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ little.nikky ©ó 2009-9-7 12:09 AM ½s¿è [/i]]

kmiang2009-9-6 04:02 PM
yay! 马¤W¥h¥[¤J¡I((:

jiaxins2009-9-6 04:04 PM


sun_in_action2009-9-6 04:09 PM
§Ú¥[¤Jsfc sg fb-group¤F¡C

pig_flu2009-9-6 04:13 PM


[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ pig_flu ©ó 2009-9-7 12:27 AM ½s¿è [/i]]

aiwei772009-9-6 04:14 PM
«p ´X®É¬O·s¥[©Yªº»e¤ë­w¡H


SHA'09 voting ­n¶}©l¤F¡I¡I
·s°¨´ä»O¤éÁú ¬ü¼Ú

chinice2009-9-6 04:44 PM


GO GO GO SFC,SG!!  :):)

Poison-Rainbow2009-9-6 04:58 PM

sHoW~jAs2009-9-6 11:51 PM
tks for informing :)
me oredi join le^^

¨q¼z2009-9-7 05:00 AM
²{¦b·s¥[©Y³õªºÁÙ¨S½T©w~ =¡]
®ø®§¤@¥X~~ ·|¸ò¤j®a«Å§G¡I


MxShOw2009-9-7 06:01 AM
§Ú会¥h¥[¤JSFC ·s¥[©Y facebook Groupªº~
´N½Ð¤j®a¦h¦h«ü±Ð«£~ [/color]

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ MxShOw ©ó 2009-9-7 02:05 PM ½s¿è [/i]]

caiiwenn2009-9-7 09:49 AM
¥[¤J¤F! :)
´Á«Ý»e¤ë­w®@! :pia

twinklet2009-9-7 11:54 AM
facebk grp, §Ú刚参¤J¤F¡I

Stage_joy^@^2009-9-7 03:28 PM
¥H¦Z«ô¦«§A«£ ¼K¼K¼K¼K¼K

©É¬À2009-9-7 03:32 PM

²Q¬Â2009-9-7 04:14 PM


lina03222009-9-7 06:02 PM

stage_060922009-9-7 09:49 PM

xiiaoheiis2009-9-8 11:52 AM

linryl2009-9-8 02:45 PM
§Ú¤]¥[¤J Sgªºfbªºsfc  group¤F¡I¡I¡Iª÷¦±奖¡A©ú¤Ñ继续§ë²¼¡I¡I¡I

lilian892102009-9-9 04:24 PM
§Ú¤]¥[¤FFacebook SG SFC group ¤F~~

¨q¼z2009-9-9 05:53 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]MxShOw[/i] ©ó 2009-9-7 02:01 PM µoªí
§Ú会¥h¥[¤JSFC ·s¥[©Y facebook Groupªº~
´N½Ð¤j®a¦h¦h«ü±Ð«£~  [/quote]


priscillaching2009-9-10 09:54 AM

little.nikky2009-9-11 07:32 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]¨q¼z[/i] ©ó 10/9/2009 01:53 AM µoªí

·Pı·|¦h¤F«Ü¦h©f©f~~~~:") [/quote]

¨q¼z, §Ú¤ñ§A§óºG°Õ... ¾ã­ÓªüÀ¨ªºª¬ºA... ºÎ¯v¤Ö¤@ÂI³£¤£¦æ¤F...  :'(

bulushow2009-9-11 12:59 PM
Sorry i cant type in chinese.
I sent over the money for the sfc member tee, but i received the package, and the tee is not together with the package. Is the tee supposed to be sent with the package or wad? Can help clarify my doubt?

Thanx a lot and hope to hear from u soon!

pig_flu2009-9-11 03:35 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]bulushow[/i] ©ó 11/9/2009 08:59 PM µoªí
Sorry i cant type in chinese.
I sent over the money for the sfc member tee, but i received the package, and the tee is not together with the package. Is the tee supposed to be sent with the p ... [/quote]

§Ú³o¸Ì¤]À°¤@¨Ç®a¤H©w¤F·|ªA¡A ®³¨ì¥]»q®É¤]¨S¦³·|ªA¡CSFC¤u§@¤H­û»¡·|ªA¤£°÷¡A ¥L­Ì¤wªñ¦b¥[¦L¤F¡A À³¸Ó9¤ë¦a·|¦n¡C §A­@¤ßµ¥¤@µ¥®@¡C¡C ­n¤£µM§AEmail¥L­Ì¦A°Ý¤@°Ý

¨q¼z2009-9-11 05:44 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]bulushow[/i] ©ó 2009-9-11 08:59 PM µoªí
Sorry i cant type in chinese.
I sent over the money for the sfc member tee, but i received the package, and the tee is not together with the package. Is the tee supposed to be sent with the p ... [/quote]

hi there... please email [email]showfansclub@gmail.com[/email] to ask (because the merchandises are mailed directly from Taiwan SFC)

Example below, u can use since u can't write in chinese.




bulushow2009-9-12 06:58 PM
oh really thanx a lot!!!! I'll email the person there... thanx again! U've been a great help..

hy_02102009-9-24 04:53 PM
join le join le~XD

creslia2009-9-29 05:12 AM

hilove2009-10-25 01:56 PM
·s¥[©Y场»e¤ë­wis when?

little.nikky2009-10-26 02:45 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]hilove[/i] ©ó 25/10/2009 09:56 PM µoªí
·s¥[©Y场»e¤ë­wis when? [/quote]


Jess¡B2009-12-13 03:58 PM

elaine17122010-1-31 11:51 AM
Hi, I would like to ask whether does the membership fee of USD75 includes the member tee? cos i received the other gifts and not the member tee.

yilin892010-1-31 04:28 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]elaine1712[/i] ©ó 2010-1-31 07:51 PM µoªí
Hi, I would like to ask whether does the membership fee of USD75 includes the member tee? cos i received the other gifts and not the member tee. [/quote]

it doesn't include. you have to pay an additional fee to buy the shirt =)

elaine17122010-1-31 04:55 PM
oh ic! oh no then! how can i purchase the member tee now? the group purchase on this forum already closed! =(

Pinky01262010-2-1 01:28 PM

sherlynn2010-2-12 05:36 PM
¶Ù¨q¼z ~~

§Ú会¥hfacebook¬Ý¬Ý¡AµM¦Z¥[¤J...§Ú³£§Ñ¤F¬O§_¦³¥[¤J :P

elaine17122010-2-15 12:30 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]yilin89[/i] ©ó 2010-2-1 12:28 AM µoªí

it doesn't include. you have to pay an additional fee to buy the shirt =) [/quote]

oh ic! oh no then! how can i purchase the member tee now? the group purchase on this forum already closed rite? am i able to purchase it through SFC directly?

ruiling922010-2-16 04:28 PM
¦^´_ #40 elaine1712 ªº©«¤l

I'm in the same boat as you. It's either you email to SFC and order from them or you wait for another group order. But ordering from SFC on your own means you have to pay the charges by yourself. It's not worth it la. Wait & see ba. I myself don't have the tee too. :/ Maybe i'll borrow from my friend cos she's got an extra tee.

ù¤p´@2010-2-26 06:21 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]¨q¼z[/i] ©ó 2009-9-6 11:41 PM µoªí
¤j®a¦n~ §Ú¬O¨q¼z~ SFC·s¥[©YÁpµ¸¤H~

§ÚÀ³¸Ó¦­ÂI¥X²{¨Ó¤¶²Ð¦Û¤vªº~ :admire:


ÁÙ¦³¤j®a³£¤w¸g¥[¤J¤F²Ä¤G¦~«×ªºSFC§a~ «Ü´Á«Ý·s¥[©Y³õªº§a? =)

§Ú¤]¶}¤F¤@­Ó SFC ... [/quote]
§Ú¬O¥h¤W·s¥[©Y¾Ç­µ¼Öªº®a¤H ¼K¼K ³o¬O§ÚªºQQ514081952   MSN  ¡G [email]shanben56zuozuomu@126.com[/email]  §Ú¥s´@´@ «Ü·Q»{Ãѫܦh·s¥[©Yªº®a¤H

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°p©ÉSHOW2010-2-26 10:37 AM
I emailed SFC and got a reply already.

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ °p©ÉSHOW ©ó 2010-2-28 01:10 AM ½s¿è [/i]]

°p©ÉSHOW2010-2-26 10:45 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]ù¤p´@[/i] ©ó 26/2/10 02:21 PM µoªí

§Ú¬O¥h¤W·s¥[email]shanben56zuozuomu@126.com[/email]  §Ú¥s´@´@ «Ü·Q»{Ãѫܦh·s¥[©Yªº®a¤H

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[b]·s¥[©YªºSTAGE¦b 乌节¸ôªº Far East Plaza, #02-60![/b]

¬d¬Ý§¹¾ãª©¥»: SFC·s¥[©YÁpµ¸¤H

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