羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » 金钟奖

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Sh_khor2009-10-11 07:26 AM

will they show this year's 金钟奖  in sg? wither through mediacorp or starhub? have been searching for info abt it, but cant find any. :(

Sally072009-10-11 12:40 PM
Starhub will show 金钟奖 on 17 Oct at 7pm on channel 56。 Please inform your friends to watch it。

Sh_khor2009-10-11 03:45 PM
YEA I WILL. thanks! (:

esplanade562009-10-11 06:14 PM

twinklet2009-10-12 04:59 PM
thks for the info =)

xiiaoheiis2009-10-15 07:35 AM
yes. :D
thanks a lot!

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