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register252010-1-17 03:31 AM

我想請問羅生門在新加坡唱片行(如HMW 或CD-RAMA) 發行了嗎?


trendyman20092010-1-17 05:28 AM
CD-RAMA in jurong point is taking in pre-order version but its super LIMITED so get it quick if u want i have already pre-order the one that gives the xie zhen and also it will come tml other store i dont know

register252010-1-17 05:44 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]trendyman2009[/i] 於 2010-1-17 01:28 PM 發表
CD-RAMA in jurong point is taking in pre-order version but its super LIMITED so get it quick if u want i have already pre-order the one that gives the xie zhen and also it will come tml other store ... [/quote]
what's the price?

Pinky01262010-1-17 08:29 AM

caiiwenn2010-1-18 10:34 AM
you can get it at CD RAMA alrdy.

just reached this morning. it's the 2 preorder ver with preorder gift.

Price: $25.95 & $26.95 :)

HMV.. not sure. din check. heard that gramaphone have also.

mianz_03012010-1-18 11:20 AM
with 2 preorder gift meaning the xie zhen version also have? :o

Sh_khor2010-1-18 12:52 PM
回復 #6 mianz_0301 的帖子

yup, with the gifts too.  sembawang outlet does not have stocks now. need to wait till friday for another batch of stocks to arrive. Best way is to leave names with them (:

jialing88882010-1-18 02:47 PM
what about the normal version? like the non- preorder version.. when will it be out in singapore? :D

玉梅2010-1-18 03:04 PM
Hi people,

Have gone to HMV @ 313 Somerset to purchase Show's Rashomon. S$29.95. 2 versions - CD with sunglasses & CD with the 寫真. Just out today, heard that they have limited stock, so if want better grab it fast. Btw, anyone here interested to participate in flash mob? Was thinking to flash mob Show when he's here in Singapore promoting his album. Song wise: 愛的主場秀. Am currently deciphering the dance moves, hopefully end of this month can get it out real soon. Y flash mob him? Coz he's been working so hard to entertain us, think it's time we entertain him. =) Hopefully can get as many people as possible.

ickypix2010-1-19 03:19 AM
回復 #5 caiiwenn 的帖子

which cd-rama did you get from?

rynn052010-1-19 07:38 AM
多虧家人們的通知,終於買到了專輯! :)
toa payoh 的 cd rama 只剩一個版本了,沒有送墨鏡那一版本~
可是貨還會再進所以不用擔心哦, 貨來了他們會通知我~
bishan 的 cd rama 還有貨,剛剛去看了 :)
送墨鏡的版本是25.95, 送本本的是26.95! :)

huiling072010-1-19 08:34 AM

ickypix2010-1-19 09:38 AM
wow 我刚从 313@somerset 的 HMV 买 $29.90!那边好像送墨镜的版本也比较少。。。

mianz_03012010-1-19 10:44 AM
我也在jurong east 的 cd-rama 买到有送写真的!哈哈。。 专辑很好听哦。。 赞!!

玉梅2010-1-19 12:42 PM
個位請注意: 本人在Takashimaya的Gramaphone發現了[羅生門]. 送本本的S$26.95, 送墨鏡的S$25.95. 貨源看起來好像不多. 趕快搶購哦...

xiiaoheiis2010-1-20 12:39 AM

caiiwenn2010-1-20 10:27 AM

looks like it's selling out at a very fast rate! :D

the normal ver one the staff say they got no idea too. waiting for tw side to send them email.


Sembawang CD rama said that today's new stock is coming in the official ver one..

[[i] 本帖最後由 caiiwenn 於 2010-1-22 04:28 PM 編輯 [/i]]

phoebe3082010-1-23 04:54 AM
CD rama at causeway point said that the preorder version will be coming one last batch so can call them and order now if you want that version

jieqi662010-1-24 07:08 PM
Hi,I just saw the notice... Where can ui still buy the UV glasses version? pls sms @ 94248037 thanx...

tinkerstar2010-1-27 03:13 PM
i still cant find show's cd in singapore! can someone tell me where to get the one w pictorial? went cd rama cck so many time no stock

huiling072010-1-28 05:25 AM
anybody knows show luo 正式版本 is it release it Singapore??

jialing88882010-1-30 03:32 PM
i cant find the album in any Cd shops too! went to gramophone and CD rama in JP, both dont have!
anybody knows how i can get the 正式版本 in singapore?

caiiwenn2010-1-31 02:29 AM
I think it's all out of stock?

I know CD RAMA and HMV sure dun have already.

Gramaphone i'm not very sure. But some outlets i know dun have too. And if i'm not wrong, the next batch of album coming in is the official ver one.. that's what the CD rama ppl told me.

huiling072010-1-31 04:49 AM
Thanks caiiwenn, i m waiting of the offical version too!!! Hopefully every one of us can grab the offical version of the album asap as I noe it is selling reali fast for Show's album... Any of the fans noe when the offical version out in sg, remember to remind us!!
As i m managed to grab 華麗版onli..

caiiwenn2010-2-2 11:44 AM

the official ver is here! You can try CD rama.. if dun have, HMV shld have.

I just called, CD rama is running out of stock very fast. HMV still got alot. (:

粉紅豬豬2010-2-2 01:46 PM
i just saw the 发行版 too at cd-rama at lot one.
it's $23.90. the one with the sticker cover one.

although dunno if you should buy now cos when he comes there might be a particular version or cd shop that has a sticker that allows you to gain entry to the autograph session like the last time what cd rama did for 潮男正传's 改版

huiling072010-2-3 08:00 AM
thanks.... going to grab it tml liao... will try my luck at CD rama n if it is sold out, will try HMV instead...
yup i m wondering too if they might hv the gain entry sticker for the particular album version ant...

tinkerstar2010-2-3 02:54 PM
can someone tell me where to get the one w pictorial?

i saw the 发行版 too at cd-rama at lot one

but i want the one w pictorial book...anywhere still selling?

huiling072010-2-5 02:21 AM
went Bugis Junction  Gramaphone yst din manage to see any offical version, went Bras brasah Cd-Rama managed to bought it still left ard 6 albums...
regarding the one w pictorial bk i din see at gramaphone nor cd rama

yilin892010-2-5 04:00 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tinkerstar[/i] 於 2010-2-3 10:54 PM 發表
can someone tell me where to get the one w pictorial?

i saw the 发行版 too at cd-rama at lot one

but i want the one w pictorial book...anywhere still selling? [/quote]

the one w pictorial book not available at east side cd ramas long time ago.
coz i tried to call and ask if there are available copies for my friend.

the 正式版still got quite a bit at cd-rama..only some outlets out of stock.:)

caiiwenn2010-2-6 11:58 AM
pictorial book.. all CD rama outlet out of stock long ago. HMV dun have alrdy too.

U can try gramaphone. Not sure have or not, i only know that some gramaphone no more alrdy.

If gramaphone also dun have, i think quite hard to find it in singapore alrdy.

正式版.. better if u call and ask then go down straight away to buy it. Cuz a few  CD rama outlets left with only a few pieces and they dun allow people to reserve cuz alot ppl looking for his album. Otheriwse HMV shld have stock  (:

thr3e2010-2-18 10:11 AM
the gaiban is out. for the gift, can choose b/w a calendar and an A4 folder.
26.95 at cd-rama (25.60 member price)

Christina06112010-2-18 02:47 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]粉紅豬豬[/i] 於 2010-2-2 09:46 PM 發表
i just saw the 发行版 too at cd-rama at lot one.
it's $23.90. the one with the sticker cover one.

although dunno if you should buy now cos when he comes there might be a particular versio ... [/quote]

Hmm...u mean when there is a autograph session, another version might be out, we must buy that version to gain entry?:L
If its happens like that, we wont be able to get our preorder and gai ban albums signed o....:(

showmi172010-2-19 12:03 AM
hmm the gaiban here is different frm the one in tw???
does the gaiban come with the usual mvs?

i think if u rmb he said this during the auto sessions here..he signs ALL VERSIONS..as long its original :)

caiiwenn2010-2-20 07:38 AM
i think he will sign all ver as long as it's 正版! haha.

this gaiban is the same as tw one.. but no MV.
the file and calendar i think is an extra special gift for singapore and hk.
but yeah, u have to pick one of them.

aiwei772010-2-22 04:22 PM
adding on to the gaiban version that is released in sg CDRAMA...

this gaiban version has the "limited" stage keychain and vdae card

aso, cd-rama is having a lucky draw, fill in a form and you will stand a chance to win an autographed poster of zhu's.

Christina06112010-2-23 03:09 AM
i got the extra freebie too...can choose either card calendar or plastic folder...

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