羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » YES 933 龍虎榜 - 愛的主場秀 第2名!!! In Your Eyes 第14名!!

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etyl2010-1-17 04:50 AM
YES 933 龍虎榜 - 愛的主場秀 第2名!!! In Your Eyes 第14名!!

剛剛聽了這一期的 新加坡 YES 933 醉心龍虎榜.

[size=3][b]愛的主場秀[/b][/size]是這個星期的 [b]第二名[/b]. 稍微滑落了一名...

[b]In Your Eyes [/b] 新登榜,[b] 第14名[/b].

新加坡的家人們要繼續加油投票喔!! 希望愛的主場秀能在下個星期維持在前3名, 或反彈, 回到榜首的位置!! =))

[[i] 本帖最後由 etyl 於 2010-2-7 02:09 PM 編輯 [/i]]

sHoW~jAs2010-1-17 05:02 AM
17/01/2010 YES933醉心龙虎榜

恭喜罗祥 :pia:pia

《爱的主场秀》首度進榜就在NO.13  我们又要开始投票咯 ;P

1) i周刊固本 - 要在每个星期一5pm之前寄出固本才能計算為那個星期日的票數

2) SMS 方式 - 聽眾也可SMS [POTP933 + 單曲名稱(簡體漢字或漢語拼音)] 到72346 每則簡訊收費3角錢

兩種方式都限止一人一票 一個星期只能投一票

固本投票占70% & SMS票選占30%

[[i] 本帖最後由 sHoW~jAs 於 2010-1-17 01:12 PM 編輯 [/i]]

Sh_khor2010-1-17 05:22 AM

caiiwenn2010-1-18 10:23 AM


Sh_khor2010-1-24 05:46 AM
龙虎榜 YES 933 第4期

[size=4]大家辛苦了! 老公得了第四名![/size]

[size=3]第13 名         第3期  爱的主场秀          [/size]
[size=6][color=Red] 第4名         第4期 爱的主场秀 (跳了九级!)[/color][/size] :v

:>   [size=3][color=Purple]继续加油![/color][/size]

[[i] 本帖最後由 Sh_khor 於 2010-1-24 01:54 PM 編輯 [/i]]

etyl2010-1-24 02:05 PM
今天有事所以沒聽...好厲害喔!! 也上升太多了吧! 大家辛苦了!! 繼續加油嘍!! =)

P.S. 謝謝 wintersky幫忙更新標題!! =)

[[i] 本帖最後由 etyl 於 2010-1-24 10:07 PM 編輯 [/i]]

SHOWSHOW072010-1-26 12:42 PM

mikicole942010-1-31 06:02 AM
<愛的主唱秀> 今天登上了龍虎榜的榜首! :D:D

933還說 羅祥今年會一直來新加坡.
戲劇的宣傳, 唱片宣傳, 而且也確定今年會在本地開唱!
如果是真的, 應該會好想07年一樣, 來很多次吧!

kelly892010-1-31 06:08 AM

PS: 主持人說羅志祥會來宣傳戲劇,唱片&演唱會.
也就是說他會來新加坡兩,三次. :v

trendyman20092010-1-31 08:07 AM
heard that yes933 dj say his new concert tour will also come to singapore in this year!!!HOPE THAT IT IS NOT IN THE NOVEMBER COS THERE IS EXAM!!!!

etyl2010-1-31 08:16 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]trendyman2009[/i] 於 2010-1-31 04:07 PM 發表
heard that yes933 dj say his new concert tour will also come to singapore in this year!!!HOPE THAT IT IS NOT IN THE NOVEMBER COS THERE IS EXAM!!!! [/quote]

hey! did the dj say when will he coming to singapore then? since they did mention that he will be coming over to spore for a few times this year... =)

惠婷lovesSHOW2010-1-31 09:31 AM
罗祥又再次夺走冠军啦!:D 恭喜哦! 开心~ :>

sherlynn2010-1-31 09:41 AM
真的很开心听到 [爱的主场秀] 第一名!

caiiwenn2010-2-7 05:59 AM

still in top 3. - NO.2!

Hope next week can maintain or even the best, go up to NO.1 again! HEHEHE! :)


In your eyes- NO 14!

[[i] 本帖最後由 caiiwenn 於 2010-2-7 03:01 PM 編輯 [/i]]

showstar-2010-2-7 03:18 PM

slzx2010-2-16 02:34 PM
2010年 第7期 YES.933 醉心龙虎榜 2月14日
oh my god! 愛的主場秀 dropped from no.2 to no.6
In your eyes-  moved up from no.14 to no.11

I wondered why can't maintain in the top 3 for the past 2 weeks? Seemed that show fans are not voting diligently.
Likewise, the ranking positions for the e-awards 4 categories are also quite discouraging.

萧敬腾fans are very strong, probably he is holding his s'pore concert on 13mar and they are voting whole-heartly for him to win the awards. Same for Vic Zhou's fans, their hard efforts paid off as he is no.1 now in the most popular taiwan tv actor.

Dear All Show Fans, Please Do Your Best & Vote for Xiao Zhu.
Especially the e-awards, if we work hard, I believe Xiao Zhu can win the Most Popular Male Singer & the Most Popular Taiwan TV Actor awards and hope to see him in S'pore to  receive the awards.

仲惠2010-3-16 04:46 PM
13 Mar 10 Wk11 @ Yes93.3 rank:
習慣就好 no.16
愛的主場秀 no.15
In Your Eyes no. 1!!! Wuhoo~~~

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