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Chiara2010-5-7 12:58 AM
關於小豬來馬行程∼JB 站 (30/05): 更新消息 13/05



Catch Show Lo at these exciting events: Date  Location  Time
[color=Blue]28 May 2010 Meet The Fans (The Mines Splash Park, Level 5) 3pm - 4pm
[color=Purple]29 May 2010 The Spring Kuching, Sarawak  10.30am - 12.30pm  
29 May 2010 One Borneo, Sabah  9pm - 11pm[/color]
[color=Red]30 May 2010 Debali Bistro, Johor Bahru  9pm - 11pm [/color]

[color=Maroon]For more informations please click here:[/color] [url]http://www.digi.com.my/whatshot/promotions/showlo/index.do[/url]


[[i] 本帖最後由 Chiara 於 2010-5-13 12:02 PM 編輯 [/i]]

luvshow12052010-5-11 05:41 AM
請問曉得活動時間嗎﹖ 是幾點﹐可以分享嗎﹖
5/29 會不會有簽唱會在JB呢﹖

MxShOw2010-5-11 06:33 AM
I feel like going too ~
But those days, i have to prepare for my O level chinese

Chiara2010-5-11 09:04 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]luvshow1205[/i] 於 2010-5-11 01:41 PM 發表
請問曉得活動時間嗎﹖ 是幾點﹐可以分享嗎﹖
5/29 會不會有簽唱會在JB呢﹖ [/quote]


*几点、怎样拿票,可以打去问 (DEBALI Tel: 07-223 5028) [/color]

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