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HedgehogShow2010-5-10 05:16 AM
U weekly 有 羅志祥!

but they say that Show is the male version of Lady Gaga. Comparing again. =( and got alot of fei wen inside also.

Sorry, cannot type chinese =(

Alivia2010-5-10 05:21 AM
Oh is it? I read this short para in the chinese tabloid then they mentioned that the u-weekly article will touch on his fashion sense also..got?

I hope u-weekly doesn't go OOS so fast..

huiling072010-5-10 05:24 AM
;P bought U Weekly yesterday!! left afew but i still manage to grab it!! :pia

[[i] 本帖最後由 huiling07 於 2010-5-11 01:06 PM 編輯 [/i]]

SHOWSHOW072010-5-10 05:38 AM
Oh yes! I'm going to buy later.

MxShOw2010-5-10 06:12 AM
YA i just brought it ....

惠婷lovesSHOW2010-5-10 10:39 AM
祥祥真的帥到爆~~ :kiss: :hehe
家人們買了嗎? :)

xiiaoheiis2010-5-10 10:57 AM

nahcanit2010-5-10 11:19 AM
好棒! :D 很期待接下来的weekends都继续有!XD

HedgehogShow2010-5-10 03:31 PM
OH NO, 对不起. no comparison. 是SHOW自己说可以叫他男生版的 LADY GAGA. =)

anyway, u weekly used xiao tian tian's photo and said called her an xin ya. XD

Tarzan'BAO2010-5-10 03:38 PM
yesh. saw it! wanted to buy but didnt.
will chiong to buy tml morning;) OMG OMG. cant wait;)

alateria2010-5-10 04:04 PM
yah, they should put xiao tian tian, rather than an xin ya.
Afterall, xiao tian tian like him for so long.

Q: i thought he is already 15 years in the industry? they put 14 years...

itsshowtime2010-5-15 07:12 AM

mayning2010-5-20 05:11 PM

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