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Sh_khor2010-5-15 07:25 AM
Lightstick's colour!

Hello! I was wondering for the lightstick's colour, should we have one same colour?

Since the lightsticks that is ordered by another user is blue in colour, maybe we should buy BLUE colour lightsticks (as i never order) which will form the blue ocean that hongkong had it?

yilin892010-5-15 09:06 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Sh_khor[/i] 於 2010-5-15 03:25 PM 發表
Hello! I was wondering for the lightstick's colour, should we have one same colour?

Since the lightsticks that is ordered by another user is blue in colour, maybe we should buy BLUE colour ligh ... [/quote]

you can look at previous posts, everybody will use blue, don't worry. but you can spread to your friends~ Show decided on blue already, so we will stick to blue.

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