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shou_902010-5-21 02:19 PM
show luo meet the fans session at airport

Hi, I would like to ask about the session:

地点:樟宜机场 Terminal 2 (Transit area)

The transit area is not accessible to the public right? It is after the immigration is it?

tinkerstar2010-5-21 06:38 PM
yes its is not accessible to public...

for transit passengers

and i think its against the law if u buy air tic and go into the transit area  and not leaving singapore by flight...

alateria2010-5-23 05:29 AM
So that means only for people for who are travelling?
The public can't get to see him?

unmaturegirl2010-5-23 06:26 AM
yeah thinks so. tat is so sad man.....

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