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MiloBeannie2010-5-26 07:20 AM
fan dances @ Show's A/S IMM

HELLO!! I'm searching for videos/pictures of the girl that danced <Ai De Zhu Chang Xiu>& HUGGED LUOZHIXIANG During his Autograph Session at IMM SINGAPORE. PLEASE PM ME IF ANY FANS HAS IT/SAW IT!! THANKYOU

哈咯! 我在尋找那天在羅志祥新加坡的簽唱會IMM有個女孩跳<愛的主場秀>&和羅祥抱抱 的影片/照片. 如果大家看到/有 請PM 我!! 謝謝!

bblinhui2010-5-27 01:38 PM
oh you can add me on fb i uploaded it on my acc.... abit shaky....  
FB : Belinda Love Show :D

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