羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » Anyone know whether the Honeymoon White Tee still selling at SFC ma?

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jieqi662010-5-26 10:08 AM
Anyone know whether the Honeymoon White Tee still selling at SFC ma?


I didn't manage to purchase the Honeymoon White tee in the recent event.

Anyone still know at SFC,is it still selling?

Can anyone help??
I would like to purchase size L or XL.

and how much is it?


wintersky2010-5-26 10:44 AM
[color=Red]SFC的疑問麻煩到SFC的留言區發問.謝謝. [/color]

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