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xiaoyun902010-6-7 01:19 PM
Lets form a band to jam luozhixiang's songs!

HELLO. omg it's been long since i posted here.

anyways, few days ago suddenly an idea struck me and i was thinking maybe we can form a band ourselves and play luozhixiang's songs! :D
i mean, it's quite hard to find bands which are willing to keep playing luozhixiang's songs cos they will concentrate not only on one artiste.
so i guess it would be damn fun if we form one ourselves!
erm.. just a suggestion. anyone interested? pls reply! (:

EDIT: so happy to see pple interested in this idea. haha! i see alot of pple wanna be vocalist, hmm, i think i'll roughly explain about the band here in case anyone wanna noe more. basically a basic band requires a vocalist, keyboardist, guitarist, bassist and drummer. so yupp. we need to find players apart from the vocalist. and the scores are supposed to be done by ourselves, so eg. the guitarist will have to figure out his own parts, the keyboardist will figure out his own parts and so does the bassist and drummer! yupp! :)

sounds hard? i think so too cos i not very pro. HAHA. but it's okay we can improve together! so yupp state the instruments you play also okay? thanks!

[[i] 本帖最後由 xiaoyun90 於 2010-6-8 11:35 PM 編輯 [/i]]

lailipin2010-6-7 04:47 PM
i willing!!!:)

xiaoyun902010-6-8 05:58 AM
ohh cool! wad instrument do you play? hahaha.
lets see if got more pple interested or not :)

iwilloveuu2010-6-8 07:57 AM
im quite interested... but we must have somone to teach us how to play his songs n stuff.. heh...

iwilloveuu2010-6-8 08:24 AM
anws... i can play a few instruments. (basic).. not very pro. so if u dun mind, im willing!!! haha. but do we have the scores?! =)))) do contact me when there is more details.

lailipin2010-6-8 09:54 AM
i don no how to play wor....i sing....haha

Tarzan'BAO2010-6-8 10:15 AM
i think it's fun;) i like the idea. but i duno how to play either.. :/
i sing la. hahas;)

HedgehogShow2010-6-8 02:28 PM
haha, i want too!!! but dont know how to play. or we form choir with live band la. haha =) jkjk. =p

itsshowtime2010-6-8 02:33 PM
i wanna join too!!!
i wanna learn his dance
all his dance so cool...

xiaoyun902010-6-8 03:28 PM
iwilloveuu : hey! it's okay. dont need to be super pro. haha. wad instruments do you play? hmm as for the scores we can figure it out ourselves (: cos normally thats what pple do for jammings (:

lailipin & Tarzan'BAO & HedgehogShow : we need vocalists too! hahaha. can have more than one singer laa.

itsshowtime : hahaha. sorry i dunno how to dance! lol!

twinklet2010-6-8 05:37 PM
this sounds interesting :)
i do not know how to play any instruments tho.
guitar i alrd return everything back. cos i learnt v basic only.
i wanna sing:x

iwilloveuu2010-6-9 09:21 AM
we can like learn his dance together while some of the others sing and jam... HAHA,

xiaoyun> i can play guitar, piano, drums and trombone. HHAHAHAHAA... cos i was from band. but all not very pro..

iwilloveuu2010-6-9 09:26 AM
anws, for those interested in dancing, i suggest we (as a group) go and sign up for dance lessons. AND AND AND, we show them SHOW's MV. then ask them teach us... HAHAHA. i think it's quite possible(some studios do that. and u even get to perform!!). anyone for the idea?

xiaoyun902010-6-9 03:41 PM
iwilloveuu : wow u play alot of instruments! that's awesome! hahaha. and im in for the dance thing! but must consider the price first! haha.

lailipin2010-6-9 04:31 PM
ya i also wan learn the dance..esp ai de zhu chang xiu

bblinhui2010-6-11 03:32 PM
cannot play anything... but kinda can sing... :D i m willing!!

Geraldine2010-6-13 10:57 AM
interested in it~but instruments i only noe the fingering of guitar haha
if really got band formed , i will learn more ~~~
if best i want to sing ^^

lailipin2010-6-16 05:18 PM
y no more respond alr??

iwilloveuu2010-6-17 05:45 AM
cos this thing sort of died off?? as no one's really in charged of it to get it going... ~~~

oinkies12052010-6-17 11:02 AM
HEHE.. sounds fun... hmm let me see, i've learn all the instruments you've stated there but they were all a big failure D: HAHA
i'm really bad at music! and i'm not that very interested! HAHA. i don't mind playing the guitar as the rhythmist but i'm not very good with the electric guitar. and i'll take forever to figure out the chords. OK. my conclusion... i don't think i'll be of any help to you guys. (but i think it's a damn good idea and i would love to be of some help)
HMMM just have fun playing and enjoy the music. :D i'll give u guys my moral support! :)

oinkies12052010-6-17 11:05 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]iwilloveuu[/i] 於 9/6/2010 05:26 PM 發表
anws, for those interested in dancing, i suggest we (as a group) go and sign up for dance lessons. AND AND AND, we show them SHOW's MV. then ask them teach us... HAHAHA. i think it's quite possible ... [/quote]

I know one dance school at thomson plaza that does it. but it's damn ex :(
but if u do find any others i wanna go!!! :D

iwilloveuu2010-6-19 01:24 PM
i heard there's one in bukit tmah, not THAT ex, if we have 5 in a group they can open a class and teach..... there's another one in bukit timah too.. but i not sure if they would allow us to learn show's MV.

oinkies12052010-6-20 04:28 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]iwilloveuu[/i] 於 19/6/2010 09:24 PM 發表
i heard there's one in bukit tmah, not THAT ex, if we have 5 in a group they can open a class and teach..... there's another one in bukit timah too.. but i not sure if they would allow us to learn  ... [/quote]

(汗)感覺很遠 哈哈哈
Bukit Timah 的什麽部分啊?

siwei932010-6-21 06:52 AM
i want to learn dance too!!!!

is it bukit timah plaza? or beauty world? o.O

iwilloveuu2010-6-21 10:41 AM
both bukit timah plaze and bukit timah shopping centre also have dance studios ar.. must go and ask them..

oinkies12052010-6-21 02:21 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]iwilloveuu[/i] 於 21/6/2010 06:41 PM 發表
both bukit timah plaze and bukit timah shopping centre also have dance studios ar.. must go and ask them.. [/quote]

哈哈哈 好~ 你去查資料然後讓我知道 :D
你可以加我的MSN啊 [email]oinkies_jialikoh@hotmail.com[/email]

siwei932010-6-24 06:10 AM
i want to go!!!! :D
but none of my friends 要陪我去。

liaoqny2010-6-26 08:47 AM
Hey can i join? But i think i can only join after my O'S this yr:(
But i have learnt singing at LWS before so i would like to try for vocalist:)

fuye902010-7-6 08:11 AM
haha i can play dizi so i can only be the dizi in jing wu men.

iwilloveuu2010-7-15 05:46 AM
回#27, haha. make new friends lor..

this thread sort of died again...

xiaoyun90, any updates?!

xiaoyun902010-7-20 06:25 PM
hahaha i am back! after a superrrr long while.
anyways ahh. i kinda think my suggestion like abit fail. HAHA
cos like cannot find any musicians lehh. alot of singers though. LOL.

it's like i think we can form a choir instead of a band. HAHAAHA.
dont know how now also. :(

iwilloveuu2010-7-21 02:13 AM
lols. haiyo.... learn together lor.. HAHa..



lailipin2010-7-23 09:02 AM
but also mus add dancing ma..is xiao zhu wor...dancing king of asia

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