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shou_902010-7-16 12:24 PM
Show luo bdae celebration at the hotel


Does anyone have the group photo taken with luo zhi xiang during the birthday celebration in the hotel at night on 10th july when luo zhi xiang came to singapore for the STAGE opening? The group photo was taken by xiao shuang. Wondering if anyone has it? :)


serena_leng2010-7-17 04:25 PM
因為我們最愛的男人把相機調到 Auto Focus。

shou_902010-7-18 04:18 AM
oh, is it? i didnt get to see the picture. do u have the picture? and i thought its xiao shuang that helped us to take group photo with luo zhi xiang? :>

kelly892010-7-18 01:41 PM
捕「秀」捉 影 有PO大合照

[quote]原帖由 [i]SG-KYM[/i] 於 2010-7-11 10:53 PM 發表

原來是羅攝影師調到AUTO FOCUS ;P

shou_902010-7-18 02:21 PM
Thanks for the link, kelly89. ;P

Thanks serena_leng for letting us know about the auto focus. I didn't get it just now, sorry. :")

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