ù§Ó²»°ê»Ú«á´©·| » ¦U ¦a¡u¨q¡v°g » ·s ®q¡u¨q¡v°g » »Rªk»R¤Ñ©M·Rªº¥D³õ¨q»RÁнҵ{~ ¦³¿³½ìªº¤H§Ö¶i¨Ó:D(updated 9SEPT2010)

­¶: [1] 2

oinkies12052010-7-19 11:31 AM
»Rªk»R¤Ñ©M·Rªº¥D³õ¨q»RÁнҵ{~ ¦³¿³½ìªº¤H§Ö¶i¨Ó:D(updated 9SEPT2010)

«¢«¢«¢ §Ú¬O¨Î²ú ¡]¨S¤H»{Ãѧڧa¡H¡^:admire:
¨º§Ú·Q»¡ªº¬O~ §Ú¸ò­Å»ö¡]»{ÃѶܡH¡^·Q¾Ç»Rªk»R¤Ñªº»RÁÐ ©Ò¥H¨º¤Ñ§Ú­Ì¥h°Ý¤F®ü½º´ËªL
¥L­Ì»¡¦pªG·Q¾Çªº¸Ü§Ú­Ì¥²¶·§ä¨ì¦Ü¤Ö10­Ó¤H¤@°_¥h°Ñ¥[ ¥L­Ì¤~·|À°§Ú­Ì¶}¤@­Ó¯Z
¨º³o­Ó¯Z·|¬O 8 lessons ¨C¦¸1.5hours
»ù¿ú S$145 for 8 lessons.
i'm still not sure which day it'll be on... §Ú·|¦A¸ò¥L­Ì»¡
¦pªG¦³¿³½ìªº®a¤H´NÅý§Úª¾¹D§a! ÁÂÁ§A­Ì®@~ :D

[b][u]UPDATE (28AUGUST2010)[/u][/b]
HELLO! this is my ENGLISH WEEKEND!!! ^O^
(if you wanna know how and why this weekend came up in my world, ask me personally!)
SO... the following would be typed in ENGLISH! <3 (HMM.everyone whom i'm directing this at should understand..)
we are now going to learn both »Rªk»R¤Ñ and ·Rªº¥D³õ¨q since ocean butterfly claims that »Rªk»R¤Ñ is too EASY>_<
the timeslot that has been kept for us is on FRIDAYS at 6PM. Interested people can let me or NUTNUT know! :v
Please do let us know by monday 5pm. if there are any other interested parties after that, still do let us know as we might be able to sqeeze you in!:>
my MSN is [email]oinkies_jialikoh@hotmail.com[/email] :D (please specify that you are from the forum when adding or i'll reject!)
if you are interested TAKE ACTION NOW and let me know!! HEHE~
BTW~ to all who have confirmed with us and those who are about to confirm,
there will be a S$20 registration fee that we all have to pay for on top of the S$144(it's one dollar cheaper now and according the OB person it's make a whole world of difference._. ).
Thanks Everyone! :)

[u][b]UPDATE (1SEPTEMBER2010)[/b][/u]
¤j®a¦n ¨þ¨þ §Ú§Ú§Ú~ ¤S¨Ó¤F :v¡]²³¡G·Ð¤£·Ð§r?)
¤µ¤Ñ¨S¤°麽¦n説ªº°Õ ¥u¬O§Æ±æ¨º¨Ç¤w¸g½T©w­n°Ñ¥[ªº®a¤H
½Ð¦b³o¸Ì¦^¤@¤U§A­Ì ¤ñ¸û³ßÅw FRIDAYS 6PM ÁÙ¬O MONDAY 7PM
ÁÙ¦³¨º¨ÇÁÙ·Q¥[¤Jªº¤H §A­Ì¥i¥H¦b§«ô¤­¥H«e¸ò§Ú»¡¤]¨S°ÝÃD
¦]爲§Ú§«ô¤­¦pªG¦³ªÅ´N·|¥h§ä«¥­Ìªº§d§Ó°¶ »¡¤@¤U ½Òµ{ªº¨Æ:X
«¥­Ì¿Ë·Rªº§d§Ó°¶¥ý¥Í¦b¶Ê¤F ©Ò¥H§Æ±æ§A­Ì¯à¾¨§Ö:pia
¨ä¹ê§Ú¤]·Q°Ý¤j®a¤@¤U ¦pªG¤Q¤ë¤¤¶}©l·|¤£·|¦³®a¤H¤£¦æ¤F? :hehe

NUTs~ §Úª¾¹D§AÅÜ­D ­n§ÖÂI¶}½Ò §Ú¤]ÅÜ­D(i'm in great distress) :fight
¥i¬O§Úı±oµ¥¦Ò¸Õ¦Z ¤ñ¸û¦nÐù? §Ú·|°Ý§Ó°¶ ¯à¤£¯àÅý§Ú­Ì¤Q¤ë¤¤¶}½Ò:cool
LOVES~ :love

Hello! This will be the last update.
For those that want to join the class please do let me know asap.
As for those attending the class, it commences on 25 September.:v(at long last)
The class will be on Saturdays, 7pm.
For people signing up for the first time with OB, it'll be S$164:X
For those that have signed up with OB before(for any course), it'll be S$144. :D
Thanks. :pia



[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ oinkies1205 ©ó 2010-9-9 10:22 PM ½s¿è [/i]]

iwilloveuu2010-7-19 01:05 PM


这¬O¨º个学¤F¦³certificate ªº¬O吗¡H«¢«¢¡C¨ä实¤]¤£¤@©w­n»Rªk»R¤Ñ°Ú¡C



oinkies12052010-7-19 01:21 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 19/7/2010 09:05 PM µoªí


这¬O¨º个学¤F¦³certificate ªº¬O吗¡H«¢«¢¡C¨ä实¤]¤£¤@©w­n»Rªk»R¤Ñ°Ú¡C

®a¤H们会觉±oɲ钱¦³点贵 ... [/quote]

¦³ÃҮѶܡH§Úª¾¹Dvocals¦³ÃÒ®Ñ ³o­Ó~~~ §Ú¤£ª¾¹D «¢«¢«¢
§Úı±o«Ü¶Q°Õ~ ­ü¡K¡K
¦³¤H»{ÃѧA§q¡HÁÙ¦³¼Ó¥D§Úªº¦W¦r¬O emily~
«¢«¢«¢ ¥s§Ú¨Î²ú§ÚÀ³¸Ó¤£·|¦^À³
¨C¦¸¦Ñ®v¥s§Ú§Ú³£¤£ª¾¹D :X

lailipin2010-7-19 03:52 PM
i wan to learn...but reali abit expensive:(

iwilloveuu2010-7-19 04:31 PM
theres another dance centre that is cheaper. but not recognised...

the one we talking about here is hai die, since more recognised, more ex.. and if im not wrong, they do give certs...

HedgehogShow2010-7-20 06:59 AM
but its a bit ex =(( no negotiation?

oinkies12052010-7-20 01:04 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lailipin[/i] ©ó 19/7/2010 11:52 PM µoªí
i wan to learn...but reali abit expensive:( [/quote]

:( it's expensive for me too... *sobs*
cause if i wanna learn i gotta pay from my own pocket... and it'll hurt badly.>_<

oinkies12052010-7-20 01:07 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 20/7/2010 12:31 AM µoªí
theres another dance centre that is cheaper. but not recognised...

the one we talking about here is hai die, since more recognised, more ex.. and if im not wrong, they do give certs... [/quote]

(Y) ®ü½º ;P

oinkies12052010-7-20 01:10 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]HedgehogShow[/i] ©ó 20/7/2010 02:59 PM µoªí
but its a bit ex =(( no negotiation? [/quote]

Sadly no cause it's ocean butterfly. :(
Their course prices are all fixed. :fight

HedgehogShow2010-7-21 02:38 PM
=(( thats really ex. LOL.  thans for the reply anyway =)

iwilloveuu2010-7-22 08:04 AM
LOLs. unless you guys are willing to go to a less distinguished centre to learn.. but actually its not VERY ex la. it's for 2 months leh!!

oinkies12052010-7-23 03:22 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]HedgehogShow[/i] ©ó 21/7/2010 10:38 PM µoªí
=(( thats really ex. LOL.  thans for the reply anyway =) [/quote]

¶â «Ü¶Q:'(
ÁÙ¦³ ¤£¥ÎÁÂ°Õ Á|¤â¤§³Ò
¤Ï¥¿³£¬O®a¤H ¤£¥Î¨º麽«È®ð°Õ

oinkies12052010-7-23 03:36 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 22/7/2010 04:04 PM µoªí
LOLs. unless you guys are willing to go to a less distinguished centre to learn.. but actually its not VERY ex la. it's for 2 months leh!! [/quote]

§A¦Aµ¹§Ú´X¤Ñ¦Ò¼{ ¨º§Ú·|¦A¸ò§A»¡
§Ú³o½a¤H®aªºµh­W §A¬O¤£·|¤F¸Ñªº>_<

zellylala2010-7-25 08:29 AM

iwilloveuu2010-7-25 10:05 AM
囘#14¡A ­n´ê¨¬10 ­Ó¤H¤~·|¶}¯Z¡C



iwilloveuu2010-7-25 11:12 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]oinkies1205[/i] ©ó 2010-7-23 11:36 PM µoªí

§A¦Aµ¹§Ú´X¤Ñ¦Ò¼{ ¨º§Ú·|¦A¸ò§A»¡
§Ú³o½a¤H®aªºµh­W §A¬O¤£·|¤F¸Ñªº>_< [/quote]


¹ï¤F¡Cµo²{³Ìªñ§Ú­D¤F¡I§Ú­Ì§Ö¥h¾Çbasic girls §a¡I



zellylala2010-7-25 04:51 PM

iwilloveuu2010-7-26 09:51 AM
囘#18¡A ¦nªº¡C




zellylala2010-7-26 10:25 AM

nnazhenn2010-7-27 03:23 AM
§Ú·Q学®@¡Cºâ§Ú¤@¥÷§a¡C¡C ¥i¬O¤£¦}没¦³°ò础ªº®@¡C¥i¥H吗¡H

iwilloveuu2010-7-27 07:45 AM
囘#21¡A ®¦¡C¥i¥H¡C

¦]爲¥L­Ì·|±q³Ì°ò¥»±Ð°_¡I =¡^







oinkies12052010-7-27 10:31 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]zellylala[/i] ©ó 25/7/2010 04:29 PM µoªí
§Ú­n参¥[¡I¦n·Q学¸õ»Rªk»R¤Ñ¡I [/quote]

¨º§Ú·Q»¡ªº ­Å»ö¤]³£»¡¤F ¨º´N³o¼Ë«£ «¢«¢«¢
¦pªG§A¯à§ä¨ì§ó¦h¤H¸ò§Ú­Ì¤@°_°Ñ¥[ §Ú­Ì´N¥i¥H¾¨§Ö¶}½Ò«£:pia

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:37 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 25/7/2010 06:05 PM µoªí
囘#14¡A ­n´ê¨¬10 ­Ó¤H¤~·|¶}¯Z¡C


§Æ±æ·|¦³§ó¦h¤H·Q¾Ç¡C [/quote]

§A¤p¤ß°Ú ¤U¦¸§Ú¨£¨ì§A§Ú¤@©w¤£·|ÄǤF§A
§A¥i¥HÀ°§Ú¦^´_¹À ¤z¹ÀÁÙ­n§Ú¨Ó°Ú

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:39 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]crystalbear[/i] ©ó 25/7/2010 06:17 PM µoªí
¤£¬O·s¥[©Y... [/quote]

®@ ¦n¥i±¤®@

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:43 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 25/7/2010 07:12 PM µoªí


¹ï¤F¡Cµo²{³Ìªñ§Ú­D¤F¡I§Ú­Ì§Ö¥h¾Çbasic girls §a¡I


µ¥§A¨Ó·s®É§ä§Ú­Ì¤@°_¾Ç§a¡I=) [/quote]

§A¨º¤@¥u²´·ú¨£¨ì§Ú¦³¿ú¤F°Ú¡H «ô¦«~

ÁÙ¦³ ­þ¨Óªº¤­­Ó¤H°Ú¡HÁÙ¬O§Úªº¼Æ¾Ç¦³°ÝÃD¡H

³Ìªñµoı¦Û¤v¦³learning disabillities

µM«á´N«Ü¦h¤H¸ò§Ú»¡ ¶Ô¯à¸É©å :X

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:46 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]zellylala[/i] ©ó 26/7/2010 06:25 PM µoªí
¦nªü¡I¥u¦³»Rªk»R¤Ñ¶Ü¡H¦n·Q¾Ç爱ªº¥D³õ¨q¡I [/quote]

«¢«¢«¢ §Úı±o·Rªº¥D³õ¨q ÁÙÆZ®e©öªº
¬Ý¬ÝMV ¦Û¤v¥i¥H¾Ç ¦]爲145¯uªº¦³ÂI¶Q:v

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:50 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]nnazhenn[/i] ©ó 27/7/2010 11:23 AM µoªí
§Ú·Q学®@¡Cºâ§Ú¤@¥÷§a¡C¡C ¥i¬O¤£¦}没¦³°ò础ªº®@¡C¥i¥H吗¡H [/quote]

OMG. I'm tired of chinese already.. ENGLISH can? can? can?

HEH~ ok... erm the 8 lessons includes the basics so you're fine! :D

anyway i bet NUT~ELLA~ can't dance either! HAHA.. i'm not good too!

so we'll all learn together! ;P

oinkies12052010-7-27 10:55 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 27/7/2010 03:45 PM µoªí
囘#21¡A ®¦¡C¥i¥H¡C

¦]爲¥L­Ì·|±q³Ì°ò¥»±Ð°_¡I =¡^






§Ö ... [/quote]

«u §Ú¦n¦h¤Ñ¨S¦³¦n¦n¥Î¹q¸£¤F

ANYWAYS stop eating donuts and frolick. GIVE THEM TO ME!!!
¦]爲§Ú³£ ¨S®É¶¡¦YªF¦è
§Ú¤]³£¦b¥´Äx²y :D ¦]爲§Ú­n¥Nªí§Úªº¯Z°Ñ¥[µóÀYÄx²y¤ñÁÉ
¤µ¤ÑÀY¤w¸g³Q¨k¦P¾ÇK¤F :hehe

oinkies12052010-7-27 11:06 AM
HELLO EVERYBODY~~~ HI HI HI!!! (¦ÛHIGH-ing) <<<< ignore me.
ANYWAY!   just FYI, we have 6 people already! :D YAY~~
SO... yeah. math:10-6=4 <<<< that's the number of vacancies left.
i'll be glad if we could have more but we can have more than 15! ^^
HMM. for those who have confirmed, please add NUTELLA or myself on MSN to get more info/ latest updates!
We're friendly and i won't bite... :hehe i dun know about NUT la. HEHE.
ME (emily): [email]oinkies_jialikoh@hotmail.com[/email]
MY ENEMY(kidding) NUTELLA : [email]heavenlyangels93@hotmail.com[/email]

I know that i'm mean and vulgar and i'm sorry about that.
I'm just like that. and SORRY ABOUT THE ATROCIOUS ENGLISH AND CHINESE. (i'm bad with language.)

iwilloveuu2010-7-27 11:11 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]oinkies1205[/i] ©ó 2010-7-27 06:37 PM µoªí

§A¤p¤ß°Ú ¤U¦¸§Ú¨£¨ì§A§Ú¤@©w¤£·|ÄǤF§A
§A¥i¥HÀ°§Ú¦^´_¹À ¤z¹ÀÁÙ­n§Ú¨Ó°Ú
§Ú¥i¬O­n§V¤OŪ®Ñªº®@>_< [/quote]

OMG. please la.


§ÚÁÙ¦bµo¿N~ ¦n²Ö¡C



oinkies12052010-7-27 11:24 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 27/7/2010 07:11 PM µoªí

OMG. please la.


§ÚÁÙ¦bµo¿N~ ¦n²Ö¡C


¤£µMÀ£¤O´N¦Y¦Y¦Y¡A§Ú·|ªÎ¦ºªº¡I¡I [/quote]

PLEASE???? why are u begging me? HEHE.:P
§Aµo¿NÁÙ¤£¥hºÎı ÁÙ¦b³o¸Ì»¡¨º麽¦h¸Ü
§Ú¤]·Q°Ú ¥i¬O§Ú©È§Ú·|¦£¦º
§ÚÀ£¤O¤jªº®É­Ô§Ú¤£·|¦Yªº §Ú·|µ´­¹ «¢«¢«¢
ÁÙ¦³§Ú·|¥h ¥´Äx²y
§ÚÀ³¸Ó·|½G¤U¨Ó§a (anyway from my size u can tell that §Ú«Ü¤ÖÀ£¤O¤j)
§Ú´e´N·|¦Y ¦Y«Ü¦h «¢«¢«¢=.=

iwilloveuu2010-7-27 11:29 AM

¦]爲¥\½ÒÀ£¤O¹ê¦b¤Ó~~~ ¿ï¿ù¬ì°Õ¡I




§A¦³°Ý gstyle basic ¶Ü¡H

aaplebbear2010-7-27 12:13 PM
¦ý¡A§Ú­nª¾¹D¬O¦bwhat day¡ã
¥i¬O¡A§Ú¨S¦³»R½_¢Ð¢Ï¢Ñ¢Ù¢Õ¢à¢ÝU ¢Ü¢Ò¡C¡C¡C

oinkies12052010-7-27 02:24 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 27/7/2010 07:29 PM µoªí

¦]爲¥\½ÒÀ£¤O¹ê¦b¤Ó~~~ ¿ï¿ù¬ì°Õ¡I




§A¦³°Ý gstyle basic ¶Ü¡H [/quote]

§Ú¤µ¤Ñ¨S¦³°Ý°Õ  ¤Ï¥¿§Ú²{¦b«Ü·Ð

oinkies12052010-7-27 02:29 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]aaplebbear[/i] ©ó 27/7/2010 08:13 PM µoªí
¦ý¡A§Ú­nª¾¹D¬O¦bwhat day¡ã
¥i¬O¡A§Ú¨S¦³»R½_¢Ð¢Ï¢Ñ¢Ù¢Õ¢à¢ÝU ¢Ü¢Ò¡C¡C¡C [/quote]

§Ú­Ì¤@¨ì 10­Ó¤H §Ú´N·|¦b¸òOBªº¤H°Ó¶q

nnazhenn2010-7-27 04:58 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]oinkies1205[/i] ©ó 2010-7-27 18:50 µoªí

OMG. I'm tired of chinese already.. ENGLISH can? can? can?

HEH~ ok... erm the 8 lessons includes the basics so you're fine! :D

anyway i bet NUT~ELLA~ can't dance either! HAHA.. i'm not g ... [/quote]

hhaha! can, english is not a problem! :D

phew, luckily there are basis.. haha.
erm, will those lessons be on weekends ?
if my sister is interested, can she join too??
she also like our hubby. hehes.
she is joining sfc too. :p

oinkies12052010-7-28 12:22 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]nnazhenn[/i] ©ó 28/7/2010 12:58 AM µoªí

hhaha! can, english is not a problem! :D

phew, luckily there are basis.. haha.
erm, will those lessons be on weekends ?
if my sister is interested, can she join too??
she also like our ... [/quote]

HAHA! GOOD! i'm so tired of chinese. =.=
everything in school is chinese. @@ (it's kinda my fault for choosing a chinese school, chinese class, chinese CCA):hoohoo
I'm not sure if the lessons will be on weekends. I have yet to call OB to confirm!
and YEAP! sure she can join us! :D
but please do confirm with me again on msn.
i'm kinda confused now. BTW u should let nut know about how many of you coming!
i'm just in-charge of calling OB and letting you guys know the detail! :v

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ oinkies1205 ©ó 2010-7-28 08:39 PM ½s¿è [/i]]

iwilloveuu2010-7-28 02:42 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]oinkies1205[/i] ©ó 2010-7-28 08:22 PM µoªí

HAHA! GOOD! i'm so tired of chinese. =.=
everything in school is chinese. @@ (it's kinda my fault for choosing a chinese school, chinese class, chinese CCA):hoohoo
I'm not sure if the lessons ... [/quote]

hmm.. u keep refering to me as NUT, when my name's NATALIE. are u sure people know it's me?? anws, the lesson would MOST PROBABLY be on weekends..

so just confirm ur attendance with me first...

iwilloveuu2010-7-28 03:12 PM
nnazhenn, u confirm learning?

ok so,

Basically, Now we have 7 people, including me and lz.

Can those who are interested kindly add me @ [email]heavenlyangels93@hotmail.com[/email]? (pls specify its regarding the dance.)

From there, i will liase with ALL of u and agree on the suitable date/ dates (by majority) befor we telephone OB.

We hope to hit ten soon. do ask around... Thanks.

oinkies12052010-7-29 08:48 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 28/7/2010 10:42 PM µoªí

hmm.. u keep refering to me as NUT, when my name's NATALIE. are u sure people know it's me?? anws, the lesson would MOST PROBABLY be on weekends..

so just confirm ur attendance with me firs ... [/quote]

YEAH. they know coz you're nutella! so NUTELLA=NUT!! :D
HAHA! yeah... EVERYBODY!!!!! confirm your attendace with NUT asap! ;P
HMM.. weekends._. should be fine:lol

oinkies12052010-7-29 08:58 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 28/7/2010 11:12 PM µoªí
nnazhenn, u confirm learning?

ok so,

Basically, Now we have 7 people, including me and lz.

Can those who are interested kindly add me @ [email]heavenlyangels93@hotmail.com[/email]? (pls specify its rega ... [/quote]

OH yes those who wanna add me please PLEASE PLEASE for god's sake specify what it's regarding!=.=
ok NUT dun forget to consider my timing too! :fight
THANKS! :admire:

iwilloveuu2010-7-29 02:57 PM
er im Natalie. Not Nutella. sorry for the confusion *glares at oinkoink emily*

Anws, so far ive only received confirmation from grizel(lala) and nicole. really appreciate.

yeap! so pls.. if you are really interested, add me at MSN ( [email]heavenlyangels93@hotmail.com[/email] )


indicate here:

your REAL name,
your contact no/ email,
the DAY/DAYS u free,
the number of ppl attending joining.

Thanks. we hope to start this ASAP, so yea!!

stop hesitating/ procrastinating n let us noe now!! =)

oinkies12052010-7-30 01:56 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 29/7/2010 10:57 PM µoªí
er im Natalie. Not Nutella. sorry for the confusion *glares at oinkoink emily*

Anws, so far ive only received confirmation from grizel(lala) and nicole. really appreciate.

yeap! so pls.. if y ... [/quote]

EH blame that woman at MACS for calling you nutella. :(

iwilloveuu2010-8-7 02:11 AM
lol. the Mac lady is ledgengary...

anws, the class is about to commence. but right now, becos one of them backed out, we would need 1 or 2 more that are interested to join us. instead of just wu fa wu tian, we would be learning another luo zhi xiang dance too..

the class is tentatively every friday, 6-7.30...

oinkies12052010-8-8 04:25 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 7/8/2010 10:11 AM µoªí
lol. the Mac lady is ledgengary...

anws, the class is about to commence. but right now, becos one of them backed out, we would need 1 or 2 more that are interested to join us. instead of just wu ... [/quote]

HAHA the Mac lady was DAMN FARRRNYYY!!! XD i don't think i'll ever forget that incident!! :v
anyway i think we need one or two more coz jemaine can't make it now!!! D: boohoohoo.. :'(

iwilloveuu2010-8-14 05:22 PM
now the dance is sort of confirmed, every friday, 6 PM. but there will be others joining us..

Those who still want to join can PM me. be quick! =)

cathay952010-8-24 07:54 AM

iwilloveuu2010-8-26 11:59 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]cathay95[/i] ©ó 2010-8-24 03:54 PM µoªí
°Ú~§Ú¤]«Ü·Q参¥[... [/quote]



¹ï¤F¡C½Ð§A¥[§Ú¦b [email]heavenlyangels93@hotmail.com[/email]

¦pªG§A¥Ø«eªø¤[¦b·s¥[©Y¡]½Òµ{³Ì¤Ö¨â­Ó¤ë¡^... ¨º´N½Ð§Aemail§Ú §A­þ¤Ñ¥i¥H¤W½Ò¡C




cathay952010-8-26 01:37 PM
¦^´_ #48 iwilloveuu ªº©«¤l


oinkies12052010-8-26 02:49 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]cathay95[/i] ©ó 26/8/2010 09:37 PM µoªí
¼K¼K~§Ú¦b·s¥[©Y读书°Ú... [/quote]

«¢«¢«¢ Åwªï§A¥[¤J°Ú^O^
§A¥[¤@¤UNUTªºMSN ÁÙ¬O§Úªº¤]¨S°ÝÃD

iwilloveuu2010-8-26 03:10 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]cathay95[/i] ©ó 2010-8-26 09:37 PM µoªí
¼K¼K~§Ú¦b·s¥[©Y读书°Ú... [/quote]

§A¥[§Ú¤F§a¡C½Ð§A¥D°Ê¸ò§Ú»¡¸Ü/µoemail µ¹§Ú¡C¦]爲§Ú¯uªº¤À¤£²M½Ö¬O½Ö¡C

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lailipin2010-8-29 08:37 AM
i wan join lei....but how much is the sch fees?...

oinkies12052010-8-29 01:20 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lailipin[/i] ©ó 29/8/2010 04:37 PM µoªí
i wan join lei....but how much is the sch fees?... [/quote]

If it's your first time joining a class at Ocean Butterflies it'll be S$164 in total ^o^
if you have already registered with OB before it'll be S$144 :)

iwilloveuu2010-8-30 02:14 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]lailipin[/i] ©ó 2010-8-29 04:37 PM µoªí
i wan join lei....but how much is the sch fees?... [/quote]

hello... glad to hear that u are interested... but do confirm with us quick if u want.. cos we needa inform the OB IC too.. thanks!

oinkies12052010-8-30 02:21 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 30/8/2010 10:14 PM µoªí

hello... glad to hear that u are interested... but do confirm with us quick if u want.. cos we needa inform the OB IC too.. thanks! [/quote]

§A³o¼Ë¤]¤Ó­«µø«¥­Ìªº§d§Ó°¶¤F°Õ «¢«¢«¢
ÁÙ¥s¥LIC ¥L¬Oreceptionist§a!!! :P

iwilloveuu2010-8-31 08:00 AM


²{¦b¬O ¬P´Á¤@¡A 7 ÂI¡A


¬P´Á¤­¡A  6 ÂI¡I¡I¡I




oinkies12052010-9-1 02:47 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]iwilloveuu[/i] ©ó 31/8/2010 04:00 PM µoªí


²{¦b¬O ¬P´Á¤@¡A 7 ÂI¡A


¬P´Á¤­¡A  6 ÂI¡I¡I¡I



=¡^ [/quote]

¨º­Ó¤H°Ú ´N§i¶D§Ó°¶
Patience is a virtue.
¥L­ÌOB¬O¤j¤½¥q ¤£¯Ê¿ú
ANYWAY I violently object to §«ô¤@ ¤CÂI
§«ô¤@ §Ú¦Ò¼{¦Ò¼{:\\

twinklet2010-9-5 05:26 PM
emily! when will the class be commencing? (:

oinkies12052010-9-6 01:01 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]twinklet[/i] ©ó 6/9/2010 01:26 AM µoªí
emily! when will the class be commencing? (: [/quote]

HAHA Before i saw ur picture i was wondering how come u know my name is EMILY! ;P
ERM actually i also dunno when the class is starting leh~ cause still not enough people..
and the past few days i think NUTELLA is having exams so she never disturb me!
cause if want monday i will only beable to make it after my exams.
MEANS~ 11oct can start class... but i dunno if can wait till then!
u can make it right? monday 7pm? :v
hope can wait till then~ then i can enjoy the class! :pia
will get back to you ok?
anyway u can add me on MSN~ [email]oinkies_jialikoh@hotmail.com[/email]
PLEASE state that u're lynn if not i'll reject :fight:D

iwilloveuu2010-9-22 01:54 PM


¬d¬Ý§¹¾ãª©¥»: »Rªk»R¤Ñ©M·Rªº¥D³õ¨q»RÁнҵ{~ ¦³¿³½ìªº¤H§Ö¶i¨Ó:D(updated 9SEPT2010)

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