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wintersky2011-4-3 10:13 AM
团购黑名单 - 12/8/12 更新


[u][b]初犯名單(领取时段NO SHOW - 犯3次取消参加团购资格)[/b][/u]
Zhouen Joanne
nnanzhenn X2
showluo4eva X2[/size]

[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2012-8-12 10:28 PM 編輯 [/i]]

Zhouen_Joanne2011-4-4 02:43 AM
知错了!没时常来查实我的错~ 对不起!我知错了~ 害你白拿我和我的朋友的专辑了!

新加坡的萱萱2011-4-4 03:56 AM
hi wintersky, my apology! i did went to the forum to check on friday night but my name wasnt updated and i thought i am the ones that need to wait for the next session. sorry as its my mistake fprmaking such an assumption without clarifying with you and caused so much problem fpr u. sorry, i asssure this wont happened again! :(

Zhouen_Joanne2011-4-4 04:44 AM
回復 #3 新加坡的萱萱 的帖子

we are the same =( hope she is not angry with us... i also went in to check on fri night and i din saw my names with dates so my friend told mi that i am not in her list... nv know it was updated later =S so sorry wintersky~ hope u are not angry with us =(

liyinn092011-4-4 09:08 AM
me too, i went to check whether there's a timing n date indicated next to my name. then till sunday, there isnt so i tot i have to wait till next week. sorry for letting u carry the album back home again. Will definitely appear this saturday! :)

rainchen114242011-4-7 12:55 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]新加坡的萱萱[/i] 於 2011-4-4 11:56 AM 發表
hi wintersky, my apology! i did went to the forum to check on friday night but my name wasnt updated and i thought i am the ones that need to wait for the next session. sorry as its my mistake fprm ... [/quote]
me also.... i am so sorry!!!

cassloveshow2011-4-20 08:13 AM
我真的有去 而且我家住很远 那天因为有事才迟到 我自己也白跑了一趟呀 >< 对不起。

snowy862012-11-14 09:45 AM
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