羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » 大家来当朋友吧!

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eileenk19802009-3-5 02:13 PM
Hi, Pamela. I'm Eileen. Mi oso leaving in the east. Where r u staying @? Mi staying @ Bedok Reservoir Rd. Thanks

esplanade562009-3-5 05:35 PM
回復 #61 eileenk1980 的帖子

heys hello!! i'm staying in Tamp. =)

shot2009-3-7 12:42 PM

Sharmain2009-3-7 01:27 PM
Im sharmain, :D
15 this year.

my msn : [email]takeme-away@live.com[/email]
must add hor ! (:

eileenk19802009-3-8 01:39 PM
Hi, Pamela. Sori 4 de late reply. Do u hv fun @ de a.s? So sad tat i did nt hv de chance 2 see zhu sing very closely. I was queuing outside de entrance. But, nvr de less, still had fun. Zhu is really veri shuai n nice. My 1st time seeing him in person, really worth the waiting. Did u join the SFC? Maybe nx time can join u, is it possible? Thanks

starztee2009-3-8 07:12 PM


msn : [email]starz_tee@yahoo.com.sg[/email] :")

米茶2009-3-11 02:07 PM

大家好,我新来的!哈哈。。 是刚刚才飘到这里哦!

Yo Peep! i'm a freshie here! hehe..
btw, i'm Michelle.
New fan of Show!
hope am welcomed here! hehe

ZeonTan2009-3-11 02:28 PM
welcome to here~
actually i also newbie at here~

lina03222009-3-12 08:16 AM

welcome welcome!!!!!


Poison-Rainbow2009-3-12 12:13 PM
Welcome! 欢迎 欢迎!:pia

米茶2009-3-12 01:29 PM
回復 #2 ZeonTan 的帖子

haha serious? actually am a new fan of Show.. which makes me nothing but blur... haha.. are you from singapore too?

米茶2009-3-12 01:35 PM
回復 #3 lina0322 的帖子

haha Thanks!

米茶2009-3-12 01:40 PM
回復 #3 lina0322 的帖子

haha Thanks!

ZeonTan2009-3-12 03:35 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]米茶[/i] 於 2009-3-12 09:29 PM 發表
haha serious? actually am a new fan of Show.. which makes me nothing but blur... haha.. are you from singapore too? [/quote]

i started like show when his 1st album~that time i like his style and song very nice!~!
i m malaysian but now stay in Singapore caused work here~

米茶2009-3-13 02:20 PM
回復 #74 ZeonTan 的帖子

wow.. that means you've already being a Show fans for 6 years? hm.. actually.. i know show thru the variety show that he, makiyo and blackie hosted together. its one of my fav variety show when i was still a sec sch student. Now, its yu le bai fen bai.. haha xiao zhu has grown so much.. and improved alot. and sama sama.. really love his voice and style. He is indeed a very genuine and sincere guy. :D

ZeonTan2009-3-13 02:53 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]米茶[/i] 於 2009-3-13 10:20 PM 發表
wow.. that means you've already being a Show fans for 6 years? hm.. actually.. i know show thru the variety show that he, makiyo and blackie hosted together. its one of my fav variety show when i w ... [/quote]

i agree with u~
he improve a lot~
become more and more handsome and sing more nice~

ya~i got his 1st album《Show Time》like it a lot~
i like the show also that u say which is 《TV三贱客》,is it the 1 u said?
i like the ppl hide up like TONG Sampah at the park and then got ppl hv to find out any difference like the 案发现场躲猫猫~

米茶2009-3-14 02:19 AM
回復 #76 ZeonTan 的帖子

wow!! i'm impressed!!! you actually remembered the title of that show! haha.. yea its that one! those were the days.. hey how old are u?

ZeonTan2009-3-14 01:14 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]米茶[/i] 於 2009-3-14 10:19 AM 發表
wow!! i'm impressed!!! you actually remembered the title of that show! haha.. yea its that one! those were the days.. hey how old are u? [/quote]

i m 1989years born~now can say 19/20 liao~
how about u??

米茶2009-3-14 03:55 PM
回復 #78 ZeonTan 的帖子

haha, you're younger then me by 4 years.. go calculate!:P 

ZeonTan2009-3-14 05:39 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]米茶[/i] 於 2009-3-14 11:55 PM 發表
haha, you're younger then me by 4 years.. go calculate!:P  [/quote]


米茶2009-3-14 05:46 PM
回復 #80 ZeonTan 的帖子

哈哈,谢谢。。 不过,你怎么知道呀??!!!!! 还有哦。。 不需要公布吧。。 低调。。。 

ZeonTan2009-3-15 03:03 AM
回復 #81 米茶 的帖子

= =''

crizalic2009-3-19 03:14 PM
Ryan here. 17 this year. Entering SP soon.
Staying in Jurong East. =P
My MSN's [email]ryantgl@hotmail.com[/email]
Hope to know some xiao zhu fans so can go to autograph sessions and concerts together. Haha.
Add me up~!

esplanade562009-3-19 03:51 PM
回復 #65 eileenk1980 的帖子

hey sorry for the late reply. Yeah sure. But I don't think I'm joining S.F.C eh. But probably can meet when he comes again or something. =)

Anki2009-4-4 05:54 PM


Tarzan'BAO2009-4-12 06:18 PM
oh. so sorry. did i add everyone of u guys?
a bit busy with things ard. so i didnt reply..

ENJOY knowing each other okay?
we have to make loads of frens.. :)

xiao_hui2009-4-12 11:46 PM
hihi.. my name is patricia..
u all can cor me pat..
i'm 20 this yr.. living at redhill..
my msn is [email]patakapiglet89@hotmail.com[/email]..
feel free to add me oo~~
nice to meet all of u.. :)

fannyQQ2009-5-15 05:02 AM
hi hello, i m qian qian, can call me cherry, form china
i want to join in....cherry521120@hotmail.com
pls add me, ok!
nice to meet u all!

Jqiang2009-6-5 09:59 AM
18 this year. Add me up :)
[email]ji_qiang_91@hotmail.com[/email] :D

zhangshuo5282009-6-5 04:04 PM
我的MSN    [email]zhangshuo528@hotmail.com[/email]

Binny2009-6-6 12:59 PM
14/15 this year

Tarzan'BAO2009-6-8 11:56 AM
okay. i added everyone. or u guys added me. lol.
LET's BE FRIENDS! it's been a while since i last catch up with everyone..
mayb we can meet up someday?


linryl2009-6-12 01:50 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Cindy.J.[/i] 於 2008-12-8 04:01 發表





我觉得我们新加坡的家人应该团结 ... [/quote]

我也是江苏的哦!我也加你Q了!有活动叫上我哦!我的msn: [email]linlin-lili@hotmail.com[/email]

[[i] 本帖最後由 linryl 於 2009-6-12 09:52 AM 編輯 [/i]]

xiiaoheiis2009-6-15 02:57 AM
我是weiyi 薇伊!
msn :icy_gal1694@hotmail.com

Stageshow4ever2009-6-15 05:06 AM
pls add me at [email]Kevinlim_1993@hotmail.com[/email]
My name is kevin
Let's be friend.

Tarzan'BAO2009-6-16 06:31 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Stageshow4ever[/i] 於 2009-6-15 13:06 發表
pls add me at [email]Kevinlim_1993@hotmail.com[/email]
My name is kevin
Let's be friend. [/quote]

new here? hmm. so i haven added u before huh.
lol. nice to meet u.. :)
ur email is similar to another fan's.

liyi2009-6-18 03:29 PM

allure2009-6-25 07:30 AM
Hihi Nice to see all show fans. Im 29 this yr. Hmmm Am i the oldest ? Lol...

Add me in MSN: [email]jolincheong@hotmail.com[/email]


Tarzan'BAO2009-6-26 04:16 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]allure[/i] 於 2009-6-25 15:30 發表
Hihi Nice to see all show fans. Im 29 this yr. Hmmm Am i the oldest ? Lol...

Add me in MSN: [email]jolincheong@hotmail.com[/email]

Cheers! [/quote]

it's okay. young at heart can le. hahas(:
i have added u anyway.
nice to know u! cuz we haven meet yet.

x3SHOW2009-6-27 06:58 AM
Hello, Anyone planning to join sfc here?

I'll be alone if i join cause none of my friends love show. :[
And  i don't know anyone in sfc.
So yupps, i feel rather odd joining. Sighs.

Jqiang2009-6-27 03:40 PM
Mine is [email]ji_qiang_91@hotmail.com[/email] ;)

Tarzan'BAO2009-6-29 09:55 AM
回復 #101 Jqiang 的帖子

you added me rite? hahas.
ystd's outing u were like so lonely.. LOL.
but hope u have fun(:

Janye2009-6-30 08:38 PM

我叫 珍妮(Janye),
來自中國福建, 也是在新加坡讀書的,

PS: 順便問問, 還有家人還沒匯款的嗎? 因為我不知道怎麼匯..哭..

pig_flu2009-6-30 09:43 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]allure[/i] 於 25/6/2009 03:30 PM 發表
Hihi Nice to see all show fans. Im 29 this yr. Hmmm Am i the oldest ? Lol...

Add me in MSN: [email]jolincheong@hotmail.com[/email]

Cheers! [/quote]

of cos not, we have aunty sandie here... ages doesnt matter, i am juz slightly younger den u... i juz added u..

pig_flu2009-6-30 09:45 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]x3SHOW[/i] 於 27/6/2009 02:58 PM 發表
Hello, Anyone planning to join sfc here?

I'll be alone if i join cause none of my friends love show. :[
And  i don't know anyone in sfc.
So yupps, i feel rather odd joining. Sighs. [/quote]

we got many ppl here join SFC already, what are u waiting for? Just join..

Dont worry, we will organizse outing more often, u can join us too if u are not SFC. When zhu come, we all can go and support him together.

pig_flu2009-6-30 09:48 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Jqiang[/i] 於 27/6/2009 11:40 PM 發表
Mine is [email]ji_qiang_91@hotmail.com[/email] ;) [/quote]

are u the 撒骨灰的 right? hahah.. i juz add u..

Tarzan'BAO2009-7-1 11:49 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]pig_flu[/i] 於 2009-7-1 05:48 發表

are u the 撒骨灰的 right? hahah.. i juz add u.. [/quote]

hahas. why call him tat?! lol. ;P
he seems to be enjoying though..

Tarzan'BAO2009-7-1 11:52 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Janye[/i] 於 2009-7-1 04:38 發表

我叫 珍妮(Janye),
來自中國福建, 也是在新加坡讀書的,

P ... [/quote]


bulushow2009-7-1 12:33 PM
I'm Cecilia. You can add me on facebook and msn at [email]morientes1988@hotmail.com[/email]. I hope to make more frens who like Show too!!! so let's all be frens and we can go to the events together!!!

Janye2009-7-1 06:09 PM

meijin922009-7-2 02:53 AM
hi i am mei jn
can add mi at [email]limmeijin92@hotmail.com[/email]

Jqiang2009-7-2 05:52 AM
Lol, What 撒骨灰的 ?! I helping you all get rid of the 'things'
I'm the 道士. LOL
Yea, i was having fun with the sands :D

Cindy.J.2009-7-2 05:56 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Jqiang[/i] 於 2009/7/2 13:52 發表
Lol, What 撒骨灰的 ?! I helping you all get rid of the 'things'
I'm the 道士. LOL
Yea, i was having fun with the sands :D [/quote]


Tarzan'BAO2009-7-2 09:20 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Jqiang[/i] 於 2009-7-2 13:52 發表
Lol, What 撒骨灰的 ?! I helping you all get rid of the 'things'
I'm the 道士. LOL
Yea, i was having fun with the sands :D [/quote]

haha. :)
next time i go sentosa i must enjoy the sands too!
i think i shld hav gone over to see experience how fun it is to play with the sand..

Tarzan'BAO2009-7-2 09:31 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]meijin92[/i] 於 2009-7-2 10:53 發表
hi i am mei jn
can add mi at [email]limmeijin92@hotmail.com[/email] [/quote]

is that u? hahas :)
sorry i left early with jing wen tat day..
hope u and ur bro hav fun tat day!

meijin922009-7-2 12:04 PM
回復 #115 Tarzan'BAO 的帖子

haha yes i am xiao chuan jiejie (mei jin)
had fun that dae!!!
didi was so tired that he went home bathe and sleep already

Tarzan'BAO2009-7-9 12:12 PM
回復 #116 meijin92 的帖子

yeah. i bet he was the most tired.
he played with the sands and water and everything on the beach!
added u anyway.

allure2009-9-3 10:06 AM
回復 #104 pig_flu 的帖子

好久没上sfc网站了.谢谢你们把我加入msn朋友名单.. aunty sandie 是哪位啊 ?

sh0wsh0w2009-9-12 04:40 AM
u live in woodlands ar..hahahas
i live in marsiling,so near (:

Tarzan'BAO2009-10-26 06:03 PM
回復 #119 sh0wsh0w 的帖子


i live in marsiling la. but ppl duno ma. so say woodlands lo.

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