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ST1046kimmy10232011-11-6 01:35 PM
Sundown festival 有出席的家人请看一看!

家人们, 当天有一起约好到现场吗? 要不要大家一起互相帮帮忙,站在一起会合支持罗爷?

Rochelle2011-11-6 11:51 PM

exmund2011-11-8 12:28 AM
can i know the link to the fb page regarding the time to meetup for the sundiown event ?

HedgehogShow2011-11-9 02:04 PM
yea! can you please provide the link? thanks! ^^

dorashow2011-11-16 11:10 AM

萱愛慘祥2011-11-16 12:58 PM

dorashow2011-11-16 05:59 PM
我的是$78~所以要找一起站在 free standing area 的家人~

萱愛慘祥2011-11-17 12:40 PM
我121 也是一樣FREE STANDING><

都一樣是站著  為什麼還有分 價錢><

dorashow2011-11-18 01:26 PM
喔﹐因為我的票是 early bird ticket﹐所以比較便宜
只有分vip area 跟 free standing area 而已﹐
所以在free standing area裡面站哪裡都可以 ^^

萱愛慘祥2011-11-18 03:50 PM

leencool922011-11-18 05:36 PM
any singaporean or malaysian want to chase him my places here still need one more person and we are like done..

tjamie2011-11-19 02:00 AM
回復 #11 leencool92 的帖子

do you know the schedule to chase? his flight time and all that? chase by taxi? u going sundown festival?

leencool922011-11-19 06:47 AM
yeah me and my friends are chasing by the way chase on some van.. of cst i am going do u have facebook if have add me ..if not erm.. tell u detail in here..are u singaporean?

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