羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » 《生命之舞 Born to Dance Live DVD》最後領取通知!

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angelaho2011-12-18 10:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 12/18/11 05:28 PM 發表

等一下6pm後在sembawang mrt station吧

下不為例! [/quote]


StupidCat2011-12-18 11:56 AM
just to double check.. there's no more collection alrdy? =) i was busy so i din see this two slots..

if really don't have alrdy i'll send you my address for the registered mail..

Thanks and sorry for inconvenience caused.

Vicky222011-12-18 01:59 PM
125.          Vicky22                  1              0            0             $35              全簽名

elaine17122011-12-19 03:07 AM
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natt30072011-12-19 10:23 AM
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happyhuhu2011-12-19 03:45 PM
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StupidCat2011-12-19 06:14 PM
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Vove2011-12-20 06:18 AM
Trans.no: 7363
Location: bt panjang plz
Date:  19/12/2011

natt30072011-12-20 07:13 AM

[SFC]Jn2011-12-20 09:42 AM
126.          [SFC]Jn                  1              0            0             $35              全簽名

Date: 20/12/11  Time: 17:03
Transferred $6.80.
Ref no. 7323
Address: Serangoon North Ave 1 Blk 128 #02-54 S550128

StupidCat2011-12-21 10:27 AM
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XuanXuan_07302011-12-21 11:50 AM
对不起 版主
我没有办法在今天八点之前付SGD6.80 给你
但是我明天早上就会立刻BANK IN 给你

Vicky222011-12-21 02:53 PM

elaine17122011-12-21 03:41 PM
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pyjan852011-12-21 03:43 PM
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Vicky222011-12-21 03:53 PM
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iamalittlepig2011-12-21 04:50 PM
楼主,我出国三个星期,我现在刚到changi airport.我才看到你的领取通知。请问还可以邮寄给我吗?我的那一份无所谓,可是另外三个朋友他们等罗志祥的专辑等好久了。拜托可以帮忙嘛?我可以现在就转账给你。thanks a lot

iamalittlepig2011-12-21 04:54 PM
Sorry. My address: BLK3 #12-73 Everton Park Singapore 080003. Guo Jingxiang. thanks a lot

iamalittlepig2011-12-21 05:06 PM
sorry, 楼主。我是编号112的,我一共订了九张专辑。我之所以帮另外三个朋友订是因为他们一直进不了forum(也不知道什么原因)。所以才每次我在订。我看不到邮寄到底总共应该多少钱,不知道是不是我的网络又不行了。
拜托~~~thanks a lot

iamalittlepig2011-12-21 05:15 PM
楼主,最后的请求。我知道现在年底了你一定很忙,你应该没有时间理我这个掉队的人了。如果可以通融的话,我可以等,等到你过完年,或是过完chinese new year后你有空了,你才寄给我吗?我还不敢跟我的朋友说。请你帮帮我,我可以放弃,但是不敢看到那三个等了很久的朋友的失望。拜托~~~thanks a lot

wintersky2011-12-22 05:04 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Vicky22[/i] 於 2011-12-21 10:53 PM 發表
不好意思,我明天才能去汇款~~~因为最近比较忙,请问可以帮帮忙吗?拜托拜托~~~ [/quote]


Rochelle2011-12-22 05:44 AM
Tze Shan, will I be able to check when I'll receive my parcel?

everlast1ng2011-12-22 06:21 AM

everlast1ng2011-12-22 07:19 AM

iamalittlepig2011-12-22 09:13 AM
sorry abt the reply I posted. Once related to Luo zhixiang, I become over anxious. thank u for ur understanding. And...pls delete my exaggerated reply if affected others.
Sorry again and thanks again.

linghui2011-12-22 11:58 AM
85.            linghui                   3             0             0               $105               全簽名



Vicky222011-12-22 02:17 PM
realli sorry about that~~`i promise won't happen tis case in future~~~pls pls pls~~~
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wintersky2011-12-22 03:29 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]cathay95[/i] 於 2011-12-14 04:57 PM 發表
**** 本內容被作者隱藏 ***** [/quote]


Vove2011-12-23 03:35 AM

XuanXuan_07302011-12-23 07:58 AM
77.            XuanXuan_0730      1             1              0               $65                全簽名           挂號郵寄.待補$6.80      

**** Hidden Message *****

thankieww n sorry ><

[[i] 本帖最後由 XuanXuan_0730 於 2011-12-23 08:13 PM 編輯 [/i]]

wintersky2011-12-23 10:41 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]vintage[/i] 於 2011-12-8 11:43 PM 發表
**** 本內容被作者隱藏 ***** [/quote]

[color=Red]Parcel returned to me due to wrong address provided
Revert with your correct address and transfer postage to me again by next monday 26/12/11
or DVD will not be resent[/color]

Geraldine2011-12-23 12:38 PM
94.            Geraldine              1             0            0               $35                全不簽名
Marsling Dr Blk 202 #09-140 S'pore 730202
對不起!因為都在國外!我還可以拿到DVD 嗎?

linghui2011-12-23 01:27 PM
85.            linghui                   3             0             0               $105               全簽名

pm你都沒回復。。。 :'(



cathay952011-12-24 12:14 PM

cathay952011-12-24 12:38 PM
非常对不起!!!!!刚才没看到你的回帖!24 sin ming walk #04-05 bishan park condominium postcode:575572。收件人:li baixin!!真的很抱歉!
127.          cathay95                2              2            0             $130              只簽#1         

Vove2011-12-25 03:50 AM
大概要花多久才会收到啊 都两天了?!

Deena2011-12-25 01:28 PM
回復 #1 wintersky 的帖子

不好意思, 我刚看到你的帖子! Sorry!!
75. Deena
Block 11 Serangoon Avenue 2
Singapore 556135

vintage2011-12-27 03:52 PM
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vintage2011-12-27 04:30 PM
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jashpek2011-12-28 07:31 AM
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everlast1ng2011-12-31 06:20 AM

jashpek2012-1-2 02:49 AM
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everlast1ng2012-1-2 07:02 AM
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XuanXuan_07302012-1-6 01:41 PM
77.            XuanXuan_0730      1             1              0               $65                全簽名           挂號郵寄.$6.80     

Sorry for disturb...
ermm...i would like to ask am i manage to get my DVD before CNY???

ElizaTYS2012-1-7 02:49 PM
98.            ElizaTYS               3              0            0                $105              全簽名


Blk 496B Tampines Street 43 #10-241 Singapore 525496


[[i] 本帖最後由 ElizaTYS 於 2012-1-7 10:56 PM 編輯 [/i]]

mrgermskwek2012-1-8 07:15 AM
Hi I'm 132. Mrgermskwek:)

I have not collected my DVD as I was away, how should I go about collecting it? Thank you:)

wintersky2012-1-9 03:10 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]XuanXuan_0730[/i] 於 2012-1-6 09:41 PM 發表
77.            XuanXuan_0730      1             1              0               $65                全簽名           挂號郵寄.$6.80     

Sorry for disturb...
ermm...i would like to ask am i manag ... [/quote]

[color=Red]Yes i will send your DVDs out by the end of this week
The post office ran out of packaging materials thus I was not able to send out yours with the last batch
Apologies for the delay[/color]

XuanXuan_07302012-1-9 08:41 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2012-1-9 11:10 AM 發表

Yes i will send your DVDs out by the end of this week
The post office ran out of packaging materials thus I was not able to send out yours with the last batch
Apologies for the delay [/quote]

nevermind nevermind as long as i can get it..then is okay =]]
thankieww huhh xD

shawnny4212012-1-9 08:52 AM
147.            shawnny421                  2              2            0             $130            全簽名

Hi im sorry about the late reply as i dunno how to  reply.. can you deliever it to my house? how much do i need to pay you? Thank you and sorry !
woodland ave 1 blk369 #07-855 s(730369)

everlast1ng2012-1-12 10:13 AM
Received the DVD. Thank you.

萱愛慘祥2012-1-16 02:21 PM
Received the DVD...Thankiewwww =]]

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