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imstillme2006-12-30 08:33 AM
小豬來新加坡了! ^^




[[i] 本帖最後由 imstillme 於 2007-2-8 09:15 PM 編輯 [/i]]

ilovejr2007-1-23 02:59 PM

呵呵,要謝謝小豬苦苦的哀求要來新加坡哦 ~ :kiss:

slyerss2007-1-24 02:12 PM
終於 終於阿!!! 等到快死了!

大家! 要一起會合馬?

squaretoes2007-1-30 04:13 PM
anyone knows which flight will he be taking? :)

crealism2007-2-2 02:41 PM
hey, do you guys know how to get tickets to his DXO showcase? I have waited so lonng for him to come..and he's not holding a public showcase..gah..i hate warner music. i'm definitely going to his autograph session at junction 8 next sat..what about you guys?

squaretoes2007-2-3 08:26 AM
i think M1 gives the tix if you buy some brand of handphones from them. and 93.3fm is giving away tix at night for the past week. dont know if they are still giving it away though. i tried to win the tix from 93.3, but damn difficult la. haha.

crealism2007-2-3 11:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]squaretoes[/i] 於 2007-2-3 04:26 PM 發表
i think M1 gives the tix if you buy some brand of handphones from them. and 93.3fm is giving away tix at night for the past week. dont know if they are still giving it away though. i tried to win t ... [/quote]

Ah okay..I don't listen to 93.3FM at all. I think the handphone you're talking about is the Samsung models..but I don't need a handphone.

Sigh. :fight

So you just gonna attend the autograph session?

ahfang872007-2-3 06:29 PM
is there a xiao zhu's FC here in singapore??
i wan2 go 2 e autograph session leh..
other than DXO n the auto session r there more event??

squaretoes2007-2-4 04:23 AM
i know hes making special appearance at the dance show on channel 5. but not sure on wed or thurs. and on thurs around 6.10pm he will be on air on 933 :)

haha. no choice but to go to his autograph session. i bet it will be full of ppl la.

funnycow2007-2-4 07:03 AM
i heard that the tickets can be bought from warner music singapore.. but i cant find a way to contact them as their website is down.

i saw the information on DXO website.


squaretoes2007-2-5 02:19 PM
channel u is also giving out tickets!

slyerss2007-2-7 06:13 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]squaretoes[/i] 於 2007-2-4 12:23 PM 發表
i know hes making special appearance at the dance show on channel 5. but not sure on wed or thurs. and on thurs around 6.10pm he will be on air on 933 :)

haha. no choice but to go to his autogra ... [/quote]

Should be on the thurs, Cos wed he still isnt in singapore! haa, Is there a way we can get into the dance flr live?

slyerss2007-2-7 06:16 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]ahfang87[/i] 於 2007-2-4 02:29 AM 發表
is there a xiao zhu's FC here in singapore??
i wan2 go 2 e autograph session leh..
other than DXO n the auto session r there more event?? [/quote]

I tried finding the Fc in sg. But the Fc seems very disorganized already.
No one is replying tags under the yahoo grp that stats themselves as the official FC in sg.

So far there is only the DXO event at 2pm-3.30pm.
The tickets are hard to get, and we might not be infront whereby we can take a closer look at him.

After the DXO at 5pm, Top of J8(Bishan) he will be having his auto session.
If you were to rush down from DXO, You might be right behind in the queue.

ying8872007-2-9 12:37 PM
so the autograph session will be damn pack... hope he finish signing everyone's cd...
anyone going at wad time??

squaretoes2007-2-10 02:42 PM
xiaozhu's damn handsome at junction8 right ppl? : )

ying8872007-2-13 03:05 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]squaretoes[/i] 於 2007-2-10 10:42 PM 發表
xiaozhu's damn handsome at junction8 right ppl? : ) [/quote]


ying8872007-2-13 03:07 PM
hey btw... t the main page of 各 地「秀」迷 don seem to hv singapore...
so singapore is catogarise as???

imstillme2007-2-14 05:40 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]ying887[/i] 於 2007-2-13 11:07 PM 發表
hey btw... t the main page of 各 地「秀」迷 don seem to hv singapore...
so singapore is catogarise as??? [/quote]

it's under  [url=http://forum.show4ever.net/forumdisplay.php?fid=21]新 島「秀」迷[/url]

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