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[SHOW]-KimmI2008-7-15 07:13 PM
Register for SFC..(合拼帖)

Today Yu Le Bai Fen Bai LIVE...
xiao zhu say about joining of membership!!

He said that we do not really need to worry about it as we can still register to be member on the spot of the event...
Dunno whether he said it including singapore anot..

If it is then i will be damn damn happy!! Because i dunno how to transfer the money there and at the moment i also do not have enough money to join.. So if can.. by the time he come i got the money already!!

Wish it does include Singapore!!

楼主麻烦借个位 :)

[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2008-7-19 03:32 AM 編輯 [/i]]

仲惠2008-7-16 01:46 PM
ya, i today den saw this date bai fen bai. :) i think to him as long gt register as SFC he would allow.
hmm...but also nt yet mention it apply to all the area or jus TW.

[[i] 本帖最後由 仲惠 於 2008-7-16 09:53 PM 編輯 [/i]]

lina03222008-7-16 02:06 PM
i think its for TW only ba? cuz TW de event is on July 26th...

haven august 1st yet...

fannyQQ2008-7-16 02:11 PM
hope it is same in singapore!
but where will be this even staged?

[SHOW]-KimmI2008-7-16 04:47 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]lina0322[/i] 於 2008-7-16 10:06 PM 發表
i think its for TW only ba? cuz TW de event is on July 26th...

haven august 1st yet... [/quote]

what do you mean as haven august 1st yet???
Izzit that on Aug 1st he will say where is his nxt station???

lina03222008-7-16 06:26 PM
no no no....

cuz the membership starts from august 1st ma...

if i nv get the wrong meaning from what i've read....


aiwei772008-7-16 09:16 PM
cos according to the T&Cs on the sfc site [url]http://event.ilovesuper.com/show/marryme.html[/url] ,

they stated that the official year for SFC always starts on 1st aug and ends 31st july of the following year. since the party in singapore definitely would not be taking place before aug 1st...take for example the party is in november (for example), if you only register at the party, your membership starts that day and STILL ends on 31st july of 2009, and not a full one year. i'm not sure if they would prorate the membership fees (i doubt so..meaning you might be paying the same amount for a shorter membership and receive less monthly news/updates ba...)

zhuzhu_932008-7-18 12:59 AM
Anyone is 15 years old and going to join S.F.C ....?

Can anyone tell me ??
i asked my mother whether i can join..., then she said ask my sis and bro...
scared that i cannot join...
just telling you guys...
haha !!
at school now...
haha !!

xiaoyu8262008-7-18 06:53 AM
i wanted to join but have no enough money...cos is quite expensive....how much is it by the way?

zhuzhu_932008-7-18 08:12 AM
Us 75 that means SG $102...
now i am saving it !!
i asked my mother and she say can..!!

xiaocao2008-7-18 03:14 PM
Sounds confusing to me!

So is it a one year membership or what?

I heard from my friend that Xiaozhu will be coming to Singapore as well for this event but not so soon though. Is it true? I'm busy lately and havent got the chance to watch and update myself with the enews.
Anyone knows?

Also, I'm quite curious regarding the payment. It always ponders me on how can i transfer the money over to Taiwan? It's in USD i know but how do I go about doing the transaction and how I know whether the money would reach there safe?

fannyQQ2008-7-18 05:04 PM
想问一下还有机会join SFC吗?

现在已经7月19好了,请问现在还有机会join SFC吗?
新加坡家人还有一起collect money吗?

xiaocao2008-7-18 05:40 PM

敏敏∼2008-7-18 05:53 PM
SFC随时都可以 join,只是不管你什么时候参加,membership会在7月31号结束..

敏敏∼2008-7-18 05:56 PM
it's basically usd75 for a one-year membership.
and the 'year' for this is from 1st august till end july the next year.
and no matter when you join the club, you will have to pay the usd75 and your membership ends on 31st july.
so for eg., if you join sfc in december, your membership will end on 31st july.
and it's true that he's coming to singapore, but the date hasn't been confirmed.
as for the transferring of money, just go to the bank and ask them to teach you.

敏敏∼2008-7-18 05:57 PM
don't forget that usd75 doesn't include the handling fees and etc.. so it's gonna be more than SGD$102..

[SHOW]-KimmI2008-7-18 06:00 PM
O.. ok!!
So anyone of you had already joined the SFC and get the confirmation letter???

JVS2008-7-18 06:16 PM
So How Many Join The Club Already?

xiaocao2008-7-19 03:03 AM

jasmine33062008-7-21 07:07 AM

are u going to transfer soon??

chun-chun2008-8-3 01:12 PM


tardyqueen2008-8-3 01:25 PM

illusionarch2008-8-5 03:42 PM
i am also very doubtful about transferring the money over. can anyone advise on the transfer steps? thank you!

hwl6610072008-8-5 10:47 PM

elementary2008-8-15 08:37 AM
楼主! 我跟你一样耶~~~
我会参加, 只不过现在还在努力存钱中,
只是那些money transfer 我不会而已.

chun-chun2008-8-15 02:16 PM
或者用bank card..新加坡錢可以換成美金~

xiaocao2008-8-16 08:20 AM
回復 #20 jasmine3306 的帖子

There's some delay for me.
I still had yet to join.
Next month i think.

jieqi662008-8-18 06:43 PM
i did join SFC by using Telegraphic Transfer to SFC. I went to POSB to do it. U can use cash or use your bank's account to pay the necessary payment.
Total i use S$247.60 (for 2 person) as i and my friend join together.Need to depend on that day u go bank to change to US rates.
If u need help for more detail,just pm me.I'm  willingly to help all xiao zhu fan to join SFC. SFC will only reply u 3 to 4 week later after SFC confirm received your payment.As now got more memeber joining that y need to take longer time to confirm.The payment will reaching Taiwan about 3 working days.

jermaine2008-8-20 05:11 PM
hi everyone here.. this is my first post.. first time joining FC... i wanna join SFC.. so i gonna use Telegraphic Transfer right? no closing date right?

Hope tat someone will be able to ans me.. Thanksssss a lot!!!!

dont mind addinng me into ur msn contact? cause i wanna know more fans in sg.. i'm alone joing SFC.. thanks!!


jieqi662008-8-21 03:53 AM
回復 #29 jermaine 的帖子

ya u can use telegrahic transfer.
do u wan some example to fill up the form? i usr POSB to transfer the money.
As we don't have the recevier address to confirm. So the rest of the detail must be correct.
The SFC will respond take around 3-4 week. So need to wait patiently.
add me @ msn: [email]jieqi66@hotmail.com[/email]

jermaine2008-8-21 02:06 PM
thanks thanks jieqi for helping me... :D i'll be transfering by tmr!! thanks alot!!

elementary2008-9-10 10:40 AM
因為我害會把錢匯錯, 而且不知道對不對,  所以就拖到現在還沒把錢交過去!  

我知道有貼 告訴我們怎樣transfer
不過~ 因為都是華文, 我不清楚步驟..
有沒有人愿意在Msn 教教我?


xiia0Gwen2008-9-16 03:00 PM
那么如果是在當天的話,是給現金嗎? 還是什么?
有沒SFC的Customer service 還是什么的,我現在好亂哦!




xiaocao2008-9-16 04:01 PM



[[i] 本帖最後由 xiaocao 於 2008-9-17 12:04 AM 編輯 [/i]]

jieqi662008-9-17 10:50 AM
回復 #31 jermaine 的帖子

welcome.... only need to wait a bit longer to confirm
but now seem to be faster as most of the memebership had confirm

Sharmain2008-9-19 03:04 AM
its so expensive?
i really wish t join narhs.
hais. ):

Btw, anyone can tell me when he's coming?
if there's sometime, maybe i can save money.

we can pay right at the spot right?

please answer if you know.
Thankyou very much.

[[i] 本帖最後由 Sharmain 於 2008-9-19 11:08 AM 編輯 [/i]]

angrytomato2008-11-19 07:02 PM
can we still join sfc? are the 500 places taken up? =/

=aPriL=2008-11-19 07:11 PM
there's no limit for the sfc animore
and yes, u can still join~

angrytomato2008-12-12 01:31 PM
mm. but the event is only limited to 500 right? or it has no limit too...? sorry for the overwhelming questions =x

bulushow2009-4-29 05:35 PM
Help pls?!?!?!

Hi! Wanna know if there are any SFC members here or anybody knows how to transfer money to taiwan side? cos i just joined SFC, and i need to transfer money to the bank account stated below, but not sure how to do it... Can anybody help me pls? thanx a lot...
ACCONT NO. : 200-20-052084-3

icybluey2009-5-1 05:34 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]bulushow[/i] 於 2009-4-30 01:35 AM 發表
Hi! Wanna know if there are any SFC members here or anybody knows how to transfer money to taiwan side? cos i just joined SFC, and i need to transfer money to the bank account stated below, but not ... [/quote]

you are transfering thru POSB?
If yes then you go to the counter fill up the telegraphic transfer application with the information that you provided above.All information needs to be in english.
If you don't how to fill up the form you can ask them to guide you.:)

[[i] 本帖最後由 icybluey 於 2009-5-6 09:44 PM 編輯 [/i]]

liyi2009-5-5 03:42 PM
hi, anybody will be transfering $$$ over to taiwan to renew his or her card?
if u are doing so, don't mind contact me?so tat we can transfer together and save some $$$ on the fees...

Sh!Hu!2009-6-6 01:11 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]liyi[/i] 於 2009-5-5 11:46 PM 發表
hi, anybody will be transfering $$$ over to taiwan to renew his or her card?
if u are doing so, don't mind contact me?so tat we can transfer together and save some $$$ on the fees... [/quote]

Hi my frene also wanna renew her membership =)

sws2009-6-10 07:39 PM

請問家人們 要加入這個SFC到底要怎樣加入呢?  還有我是電腦白癡~~完全不知道怎麼弄
請問有哪個新加坡的家人願意幫我一起加入嗎 我會把錢給你... 拜托了// 嗚嗚 我的MSN:  [email]lovestephaniewa@hotmail.com[/email]  謝謝了!

[[i] 本帖最後由 sws 於 2009-6-11 03:41 AM 編輯 [/i]]

wintersky2009-6-13 04:38 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]sws[/i] 於 2009-6-11 03:39 AM 發表

請問家人們 要加入這個SFC到底要怎樣加入呢?  還有我是電腦白癡~~完全不知道怎麼弄
... [/quote]

[color=Red]这次可以用paypal/credit card付会员费

如果还有那个部分不明白可以再问 :)[/color]

bulushow2009-6-17 12:12 PM
If i already register at the sfc website but have not yet paid, when do they start counting the membership? Cos i wanna join in the new year of sfc, but i already registered... just that i haven't paid... Can anyone advise me? Thank you.

wintersky2009-6-17 12:24 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]bulushow[/i] 於 2009-6-17 08:12 PM 發表
If i already register at the sfc website but have not yet paid, when do they start counting the membership? Cos i wanna join in the new year of sfc, but i already registered... just that i haven't  ... [/quote]

[color=Red]SFC membership all starts on 1st Aug and ends on 31st July
thus the 09/10 membership will start on 1st Aug 2009 and end on 31st July 2010[/color]

xiiaoheiis2009-6-22 05:47 AM

sun_in_action2009-6-22 11:04 AM
回復 #48 xiiaoheiis 的帖子

i also~
just wait for sfc to email us the new vip number bah~

xiiaoheiis2009-6-23 11:27 AM
回復 #49 sun_in_action 的帖子


wintersky2009-6-24 07:54 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xiiaoheiis[/i] 於 2009-6-23 07:27 PM 發表
嗯,关于那个爱心会服是要买的对吗? [/quote]


或者看看pig_flu的会服团购帖 :)[/color]

小豬女2009-6-24 01:34 PM

phoebe3082009-6-24 03:26 PM
Just wondering but does he call oversea fans on their birthday too?

xiaocao2009-6-25 09:15 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]phoebe308[/i] 於 2009-6-24 23:26 發表
Just wondering but does he call oversea fans on their birthday too? [/quote]

Yes, he will but probably will not be talking for long.

xiiaoheiis2009-6-25 09:54 AM
回復 #51 wintersky 的帖子


xiiaoheiis2009-6-25 09:56 AM
回復 #52 小豬女 的帖子


小豬女2009-6-25 01:23 PM
回復 #56 xiiaoheiis 的帖子

今年會員那麽多,都用送的話 SFC 會破產~!!

phoebe3082009-6-25 04:52 PM
im confused about the club tee. Once we join the membership, will we automatically get the heart shaped tee or do we have to order separately? And if we were to register on the spot at the events, can we need to fill out the online registration form? Can we register at an oversea event? Like if we were to go Taiwan for his first honeymoon event?

pig_flu2009-6-25 08:01 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]phoebe308[/i] 於 26/6/2009 12:52 AM 發表
im confused about the club tee. Once we join the membership, will we automatically get the heart shaped tee or do we have to order separately? And if we were to register on the spot at the events, can we need to fill out the online registration form? Can we register at an oversea event? Like if we were to go Taiwan for his first honeymoon event?  

I think this year, they nv mention about provide any club t shirt for the old members, but u can email ask SFC whether they do provide new the members T shirt for new members or not. Their email is [email]showfansclub@gmail.com[/email]

If you register on the spot a the events, there is no need to fill up online registration form, they will have a form for you to fill up. You may register yourself at the oversea event at the registration counter on that day too.

xiaocao2009-6-26 08:37 AM
愛心tee shirt是周邊產品哦!

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