羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » xiaozhu schedule in singapore

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ssu_cheryl2007-2-6 05:11 PM
xiaozhu schedule in singapore

Dear all fans,

Thurs 11.45am - arrival in singapore sq0027
6.10 pm - yes 93.3
8pm - the dance floor

2pm - DXO
5pm - J8 auto sess

The dance floor tickets have been fully given out to fanclub members... I still have remaining DXO spaces...however I do not actually have the actual ticket... I need to submit to warner the list of fanclub members names in order to get the "tickets". Hence... tickets are strictly for fanclub members only...

I realized that there have been complains saying someone is selling the tickets. I must verify to say that to date... I have not sold any tickets...

There are people selling tickets...

thru 1. ebay
2. yahoo auctions

I have checked through the forum (yahoo groups) and found no posts saying someone is selling the ticket ...

Please email me if any enquiries to [email]ssu_singapore@hotmail.com[/email].

On explaining $30 fanclub membership fee (why is it so expensive)
1. $20 goes to the t-shirt. Unfortunately...singapore fans are so last min... and usually sign up to be a member at the VERY last day... hence... I need to go down to the shop to print the t-shirts so as to be ready in time... sometimes i even have to pay $25...forking out $5 per shirt myslf juz to rush out the orders... so unless... fans would like to be very kind and help me by signing up earlier nxt time... I can prepare and order the t-shirts in bulk...thus reeducing the costs of the t-shirt...
2. $10 goes to membership fee... ( out of which includes member card, and the rest goes into stuffs like banners, boards etc...)

pls note that various email accounts are shared with various mods... so if I am replying you... i will most prob call u back and not reply thru email...so do leave your contact number in the email...

loVeheb32007-2-7 01:35 PM
may i know if i can join the fan club?

Vinhjj2007-2-8 11:22 AM
i hope to but i dun hav money

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