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hehe_haha_hoho2007-2-7 08:45 AM


小豬會在明晚星期四 10.15PM到100.3去!!!!

ting112007-2-7 08:51 AM
哇, 星期四行程滿滿的~ 但還好都是在mediacorp~

漂浮的云2007-2-7 10:15 AM

dragonfly93792007-2-7 03:52 PM
我要流口水了. :hoohoo

xiaohong2007-2-8 07:33 AM
太好了~~ 我一定會聼的!!!

crealism2007-2-8 02:14 PM
view the webcam live!! [url]http://www.radio1003.com/[/url]

xiaoyun902007-2-8 02:21 PM

imstillme2007-2-8 02:22 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]crealism[/i] 於 2007-2-8 10:14 PM 發表
view the webcam live!! [url]http://www.radio1003.com/[/url] [/quote]

why the webcam cant see xiaozhu??
can anyone see it?

crealism2007-2-8 02:22 PM
yah i can't watch!! >< before the show started i saw xiao zhu talking!! then it suddenly became yellow screen!!! ARGH!!

imstillme2007-2-8 02:26 PM
yar! me too.
i saw xiaozhu talking to the dj
then slowly the cam topple....

imstillme2007-2-8 02:26 PM
kk it's up again!

crealism2007-2-8 02:29 PM
YAY!!! but the webcam position not good >< xiaozhu keep leaning forward and face the other side ><!! and no sound >< alamak

[[i] 本帖最後由 crealism 於 2007-2-8 10:30 PM 編輯 [/i]]

imstillme2007-2-8 02:32 PM
i think it's slower rite?
yar no sound. so dumb i've to watch the webcam but use the mp3 to listen.

dragonfly93792007-2-8 02:33 PM

crealism2007-2-8 02:36 PM
hai~ the webcam drop down again~......

imstillme2007-2-8 02:38 PM
they need to fix the cam.
i feel like recording too. but the image is so blur

crealism2007-2-8 02:45 PM
aww hahha he just mentioned this forum!

crealism2007-2-8 02:46 PM
finally they adjust the webcam >< thanks xiao zhu~!!

edit: ..................face the wall again. HAI.

imstillme2007-2-8 02:48 PM
yar wad's wrong hur?

dragonfly93792007-2-8 02:48 PM
我要看啊! >.<

又可以看到了阿! ya!

[[i] 本帖最後由 dragonfly9379 於 2007-2-8 10:49 PM 編輯 [/i]]

imstillme2007-2-8 02:50 PM
i saw! haha. so cute.

xiaohong2007-2-8 03:00 PM
Xiao zhu very funny le.. hahahahahaha...... so cute.. but y is he whispering haha so cute

dragonfly93792007-2-8 03:04 PM
听不到他whisper. = ="

crealism2007-2-8 03:04 PM
xiao zhu got so many female assistants with him in the studio o_O...super star !.... and he left immediately after saying thanks~ aww if i'm the DJ i will feel very sad :(~

just now he got make monkey face! haha~

imstillme2007-2-8 03:06 PM
oh so those are the assistants?
i was still wondering how come the fans can go in. haha

xiaozhu said he's waking up at 7am tmr?
wonder where he's gg.hmm.

xiaohong2007-2-8 03:07 PM
小豬明天七點就要起床~ 好辛苦啊~
今天不要看 HBO 看的太晚哦~~ 哈哈

crealism2007-2-8 03:11 PM
he's staying at the hotel the whole day tomorrow to do media interviews o_O the whole day! must be A LOT of interviews. HBO nice to watch meh ? >< i seldom watch HBO~ maybe he wanna learn english haha!

imstillme: yap xiao shuang is definitely inside..then few more assistants from taiwan, and then from warner singapore a few more~ normally works like that. they always stick together to co-ordinate stuff.

[[i] 本帖最後由 crealism 於 2007-2-8 11:12 PM 編輯 [/i]]

dragonfly93792007-2-8 03:16 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xiaohong[/i] 於 2007-2-8 11:07 PM 發表
小豬明天七點就要起床~ 好辛苦啊~
今天不要看 HBO 看的太晚哦~~ 哈哈
看完百分白就去睡吧!!! [/quote]

那能不能报他自己的阿? :hehe
我连转都不会转. :nose

SmartChic2007-2-8 03:16 PM
what he said about our forum?

dragonfly93792007-2-8 03:19 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]SmartChic[/i] 於 2007-2-8 11:16 PM 發表
what he said about our forum? [/quote]

有email add可以send他东西哦!
我想他一定用小霜姐的户口进来的 ;P

dragonfly93792007-2-8 03:21 PM
不像933, 简短的访问而已.

SmartChic2007-2-8 03:21 PM
是喔?可以 send 东西?

那他的 email 不是爆到不行???


hehe_haha_hoho2007-2-8 07:18 PM
這個訪問真的很好聽!!!!! 好933的多了!!!!!

聽得出小豬很RELAX... 也分享了很多他的故事~~~~ 作了那麼多鬼臉!

可惜DJ沒問我的問題... 我想問小豬他上DANCE FLOOR的心情~~~~

crealism2007-2-9 04:35 AM
smartchic: xiao zhu said he normally doesn't reply emails..he just read them..cause as you said..really TOO MANY to read!

yingyingg2007-2-9 06:33 PM
but what is his email address? i didnt know it is given in this forum!

anyone posted his vid when he went for 100.3 interview on anywhere e.g. youtube?

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