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angtint2007-3-7 04:49 AM
i need help!

can i know how to upload avatars?

i have problem registering for an account in [url]http://www.joyinter.net/[/url]

they kept saying that the user id was used. ahhh help!

i hope someone can reply me in english. thanks.

dragonfly93792007-3-7 04:51 PM
what do you mean by upload avatars?
if the user id has been used by another person,
i think you should used another id.

angtint2007-3-8 12:23 PM
avatar is the picture you uploaded on your user. yours is Show at autograph session.

i tried using several user id. and then still cannot. couldnt be so coincidence that all i tried were used?

eh, did you sign up for an account here? [url]http://www.joyinter.net/[/url]


SmartChic2007-3-8 03:36 PM
actually dun have to register avatar one mah.... just upload your pic under 頭像 can liao.... but make sure ur pix is small enuff, server dun accept pix thats too large....

angtint2007-3-9 08:11 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]SmartChic[/i] 於 2007-3-8 11:36 PM 發表
actually dun have to register avatar one mah.... just upload your pic under 頭像 can liao.... but make sure ur pix is small enuff, server dun accept pix thats too large.... [/quote]

yeah i went to 頭像 then theres only avatars for me to choose. then where can i upload mine?

SmartChic2007-3-9 02:15 PM
can u see the "browse" button? just upload ur pix there will do....

angtint2007-3-9 02:24 PM
ya thats why! i dont have the browse button.

i only have the button to choose the avatars provided by the website.

or is there a rule like only a certain number of post then can upload avatar?

fengznana2007-3-9 02:29 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]angtint[/i] 於 2007-3-9 04:11 PM 發表

yeah i went to 頭像 then theres only avatars for me to choose. then where can i upload mine? [/quote]


去控制面板 ---> 編輯個人資料 ---> 把刚才的url放在论坛头像列表旁边的格子--> 按提交


[[i] 本帖最後由 fengznana 於 2007-3-9 10:31 PM 編輯 [/i]]

angtint2007-3-9 03:31 PM


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