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urban2007-9-12 06:09 PM
百分百 9/12(三) live

百分百 9/12(三) live
有小猪在新加坡宣傳《歌舞青春2 》的活動vcr哦!!! :>
将会在Channel U 9/13(四)5pm播出或1am重播...
要收看哦... 哈哈!!! ;P

shakabel2007-9-13 03:34 AM
r u serious? today 百分百 hv video of sg promo. woohoo.. must watch today!!!!!!!!

urban2007-9-13 04:14 AM
yup.. channel u wil show 1dae after taiwan show...
i watch yesterdae le..

angtint2007-9-13 06:17 AM
wow thank you for informing!

ahfang872007-9-13 06:18 AM
yeap. got e news about xiao zhu in spore.
n somemore xiaozhu got say abt spore too.
veri happy.
people, muz watch ah.
somemore e conversation between xiaozhu n xiaogui is so funny.
hahaha =D

urban2007-9-13 06:28 AM
哈哈... 节目超精彩的..
一定要收看... :>

shuxian2007-9-13 06:51 AM


elieang2007-9-13 07:03 AM
will watch it!!! thanks for reminding. ^^

shakabel2007-9-13 09:05 AM
i'm now watching..
xiaozhu n xiaogui speak ENGLISH..

ahfang872007-9-13 05:02 PM
hahaha ya lor.
they speak english.
then alot of joke.
january to december..
so funny!


urban2007-9-13 05:09 PM

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