羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » 請問羅志祥新加坡演唱會會賣他的周邊商品嗎?

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-michelle.^^2007-9-15 08:12 PM





請回復喔! :)


[[i] 本帖最後由 -michelle.^^ 於 2007-9-16 04:14 AM 編輯 [/i]]

shooooom2007-9-16 11:53 AM
不过你可以到 ilovesuper 的网站购买

Jaybi*2007-9-16 01:22 PM
OMG~  `   上次沒有訂購耶!!!><

-michelle.^^2007-9-16 01:55 PM
是喔..? 可是我不知道要怎麼網上訂購.. :'( :'(


Evange2007-9-16 02:13 PM

magicmusic2007-9-16 02:44 PM
i also want to purchase. buut i doubt there will be any more 團購吧 ):

wfenlow2007-9-16 04:45 PM
新加坡这场听说应该是不会有耶 ~
所以也只能在网上买咯 ~
但如果想买的 ~ 可以发短消息给我 ~
我可能可以帮你们哦 ~

Jaybi*2007-9-17 01:04 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]wfenlow[/i] 於 2007-9-17 12:45 AM 發表
新加坡这场听说应该是不会有耶 ~
所以也只能在网上买咯 ~
但如果想买的 ~ 可以发短消息给我 ~
我可能可以帮你们哦 ~ [/quote]

is there any reason why the concert in Singapore is not going to sell these items.....
i purchased the ticket to c the concert and also want to buy those things !!!!><

extreme shock and dissapointed!!!:'(

[[i] 本帖最後由 Jaybi* 於 2007-9-17 09:07 PM 編輯 [/i]]

shooooom2007-9-17 01:45 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Jaybi*[/i] 於 2007-9-17 21:04 發表

is there any reason why the concert in Singapore is not going to sell these items.....
i purchased the ticket to c the concert and also want to buy those things !!!!><

extreme sh ... [/quote]

There's probably several reasons. But then again we'll never know. Lol. I think it's cause SG is seriously small. It does not have a big enough market for them to make a profit if they are importing the items in. Cause taxes have to be imposed on the items so its probably cheaper if you buy it online. That's probably why they're not importing it in, but its not confirmed so dont be that disappointed? And anyway, there might be another group ordering for SG, in a month or 2? Look out for the details! :)

ahfang872007-9-17 02:53 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Jaybi*[/i] 於 2007-9-17 09:04 PM 發表

is there any reason why the concert in Singapore is not going to sell these items.....
i purchased the ticket to c the concert and also want to buy those things !!!!><

extreme sh ... [/quote]

we r also equally disappointed when we noe abt tis news.
cause they say the chance of selling those concert mechandise is onli 50 50
so its best to buy online, so liddat u will confirm have e mechandise

fengznana2007-9-17 04:53 PM
[size=3][color=Blue]会在安排团购Show On Stage周边商品


magicmusic2007-9-18 10:30 AM
oh great! this time round i will not miss the opportunity to purchase the items! (:

trecia912007-9-19 04:28 PM
think u guys don need to worry too much~~
most probably there'll be a group purchase again de~~
woo~~ great news for all~~
muz look out for it~!!

urban2007-9-20 05:19 AM
又要安排Show On Stage周邊商品團購了

aidelin2007-9-20 03:05 PM
Oh yes another round... Missed the previos round... Gotta catch on this time round hehee

xueqi2007-10-4 09:00 AM

esplanade562007-10-9 04:55 AM
Just want to check,
will the group purchase be the same with the one curently going on or just S'pore alone de?


trecia912007-10-9 10:29 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]esplanade56[/i] 於 2007-10-9 12:55 PM 發表
Just want to check,
will the group purchase be the same with the one curently going on or just S'pore alone de?

Thanks!(: [/quote]

hmm~~~ if there will be one it will be juz for singapore alone de~~ but is not confirm if there really will be one more group purchase~~ so we can only pray for now~~

starztee2007-10-11 09:53 AM

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