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show2me2007-11-6 01:07 AM


只有首500名!! 要快!!


[[i] 本帖最後由 show2me 於 2007-11-6 09:11 AM 編輯 [/i]]

show_shadow2007-11-6 05:29 AM


xueqi2007-11-6 05:39 AM

show2me2007-11-6 06:25 AM
没有票是一个问题但重点是太仓促了吧。似乎在上课和上班的人都没办法去耶。 这么办呢? NANA 会去吗?

xueqi2007-11-6 06:53 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]show2me[/i] 於 11/6/07 02:25 PM 發表
没有票是一个问题但重点是太仓促了吧。似乎在上课和上班的人都没办法去耶。 这么办呢? NANA 会去吗? [/quote]


buffygirl2007-11-6 08:50 AM
請問是去bugis junction 的customer service counter換海報嗎?還是bugis junction的sistic counter?

aidelin2007-11-6 11:14 AM
天啊!!! 真的??? 明天我放学了赶去… 希望还有…

lunnatic2007-11-6 03:27 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]buffygirl[/i] 於 2007-11-6 04:50 PM 發表
請問是去bugis junction 的customer service counter換海報嗎?還是bugis junction的sistic counter? [/quote]


xueqi2007-11-6 03:50 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]buffygirl[/i] 於 11/6/07 04:50 PM 發表
請問是去bugis junction 的customer service counter換海報嗎?還是bugis junction的sistic counter? [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]比較有可能的是sistic counter。但是在我印象中,好像不記得bugis有customer service counter.[/b][/color]

dragonfly93792007-11-6 04:14 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xueqi[/i] 於 2007-11-6 11:50 PM 發表

比較有可能的是sistic counter。但是在我印象中,好像不記得bugis有customer service counter. [/quote]

sistic counter就在customer service的旁边。

xueqi2007-11-6 04:30 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]dragonfly9379[/i] 於 11/7/07 12:14 AM 發表

sistic counter就在customer service的旁边。 [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]=.=  哈哈~是哦?!我這幾年來是瞎了嗎?怎麽都沒看到?…[/b][/color]

dragonfly93792007-11-6 05:11 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xueqi[/i] 於 2007-11-7 12:30 AM 發表

=.=  哈哈~是哦?!我這幾年來是瞎了嗎?怎麽都沒看到?… [/quote]


bess08202007-11-6 05:19 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]show2me[/i] 於 2007-11-6 09:07 AM 發表
昨天在U周刊看到的。只要在明天(7/11/07)拿你在SISTIC购买的演唱会门票就有得换取这次的演唱会的限量海报哦!只有首500名而已。所以不止星期五买的才有, ... [/quote]

I also read the above in the u-weekly mag but it mentions that [u]those who already bought the concert ticket at Bugis sistic counter[/u] can redeem a poster today at the level 2 customer service counter. It didn't say that those who bought their tickets at other sistic counters can redeem the poster. So can we, those who didn't buy at Bugis, redeem the poster too?

cybergal2007-11-6 05:31 PM
actually i also read the same thing, as those who buy previously from bugis can redeem... not all... and they do haf a way to check where ur tix is purchased from i tink, cos at the area where the ticket can be torn, just above the price number, there is a series of codes.. mine from bugis so theres XXXX_BUG.. perhaps u all can check urs.. c whether my assumption is correct =)

小笨豬2007-11-6 06:32 PM
well i read it too
they also mentioned only those who bought their tickets from bugis sistic are able to collect the posters

黑巧克力2007-11-6 11:24 PM

thr3e2007-11-7 12:05 AM
so it's only for those who bought at bugis?
sry can someone confirm cause i dont want t go down t be disappointed...

buffygirl2007-11-7 04:46 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]thr3e[/i] 於 2007-11-7 08:05 AM 發表
so it's only for those who bought at bugis?
sry can someone confirm cause i dont want t go down t be disappointed... [/quote]
oni those who buy frm bugis can get e poster coz i went down tiz morning to check liaoz
alot of ppl did nt buy frm der n we cnnt get e ticket:@

xueqi2007-11-7 05:08 AM

thr3e2007-11-7 05:18 AM
回復 #18 buffygirl 的帖子

hmm thanks for the info.
kinda disappointed..

nevermind we still can see him on friday.
so everybody cheer up yea.

HopeManatsuRei2007-11-7 08:29 AM
Yah! Its onli for thos ewho bought at bugis. I just went to collect poster this morning... Cool!!!!

aidelin2007-11-7 09:10 AM
I went down to try my luck also...
Too bad, to my disappointment, those who bought tickets at bugis junction then can take the posters... OHHHS~~~

BUT friday guys must go support him...Today de yu le bai fen bai SHOW mention Singapore's event....

bess08202007-11-8 07:22 AM
I'm sure a lot of people didn't buy their tickets from Bugis so Bugis probably still have a lot of posters left. Maybe they will distribute the remaining ones to the people queuing on fri?
Otherwise left so many posters they also don't know what to do with them.... ;P

[[i] 本帖最後由 bess0820 於 2007-11-8 03:50 PM 編輯 [/i]]

starzshow272007-11-8 11:46 AM
r u guys going to queue early??

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