羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » [新加坡区] 领取《进化三部曲》- 1/1新增日期

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stage_060922007-11-11 10:04 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]fengznana[/i] 於 2007-11-10 10:38 PM 發表
之前的时间暂时暂停,请大家星期二不要去ALJUNIED MRT

等我一ߑ ... [/quote]


urban2007-11-11 05:13 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]fengznana[/i] 於 2007-11-10 10:38 PM 發表
之前的时间暂时暂停,请大家星期二不要去ALJUNIED MRT

等我一ߑ ... [/quote]

okie... 等你的通知
谢谢咯, 辛苦了 :)

luv_silver2007-11-14 11:26 PM
大大的感謝, 我想在Boon Lay Mrt拿

skybluez2007-11-15 01:05 AM
不好意思, 想问个问题。。

Ms Nana,

你好, 我并没有预购这本书, 但是我想请问一下, 我是否能在你分发这些书的当儿, 顺便拿我的演唱会票吗? Err, 我只是想再这里问问看, 如果不行的话,我会等你的通知才拿票。。。 :)

Cherilyn2007-11-15 03:03 AM
hey nana jie! thank you so much!

51.Cherilyn    2 book
collect at woodlands!
can you arrange the time with me?

miie12007-11-15 03:56 AM
thanks again. i can meet at woodlands . [:

greenscorpio2007-11-15 04:00 AM
我想在aljunied mrt拿。

aidelin2007-11-15 09:22 AM
I will like to take at (boon lay mrt)... thanks =)

anqi2007-11-15 03:16 PM
我想在woodlands mrt 领取书。

123452007-11-15 03:55 PM
nana jie, i would like to collect the bks at ang mo kio. pm u but not sure if its sent or received..thks alot!

-michelle.^^2007-11-15 05:36 PM

我PM你了... :)

show2me2007-11-16 12:35 AM

Thank you!

Since Bugis cannot, Pasir Ris. Thank you

[[i] 本帖最後由 show2me 於 2007-11-19 10:31 AM 編輯 [/i]]

Yun912007-11-16 02:35 AM
hi nana jie...

i (no. 52) would lik to collect at boon lay mrt... thx lot !!

tingxuan2007-11-16 04:07 PM

i would like to collect it at bedok.

thanks nana-jie!

stage_060922007-11-18 06:27 AM

tingxuan2007-11-24 04:43 PM
mmh woahh i see so many people collect le..
who will contact me ar? (: hahaa
i wanna collect at bedok. hehes ^^

show2me2007-11-26 12:33 AM
may i know when can we get our books?

show2me2007-12-3 09:13 AM
erm.. so sorry to trouble. nana jie, pm you does that mean that i reply where i want to get? cos i haven't got the book yet.. is it have to wait after the 5th of dec?

祥是偶的2007-12-6 05:25 PM
Woodlands 的過了嗎?

fengznana2007-12-7 01:04 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]祥是偶的[/i] 於 2007-12-7 01:25 AM 發表
Woodlands 的過了嗎?
*嚇傻* [/quote]


公主Evonne2007-12-10 02:26 PM
17. 公主Evonne

星期三 12月12日, 645pm-700pm Aljunied MRT - Control Station (书和CD同一天领取)


slyerss2007-12-10 03:10 PM
5. Slyerss - 1copy.

Wed 12dec07! Aljunied ctrl station.

Thanks! 6.45pm!

blahxx2007-12-10 09:20 PM
Y         7.   blahxx                       1      
星期四      12月13日      晚上645 ~ 8点      Aljunied MRT - Control Station        限5人

will reach at around 7~ thanks! :)
have e other poster reached yet? if not i'll collect tat next time ^^

yingyingg2007-12-11 02:20 AM
Y      42. yingyingg                      1
星期四      12月13日      晚上645 ~ 8點      Aljunied MRT - Control Station

i'll reach at 6.45. or maybe later cuz i'm not sure if i'll end late.
if the poster isn't here yet, can i give it up so you can give others?
cuz i can't hang up posters at home. and don't wanna sell it for personal gains.

miie12007-12-11 03:02 AM
Y      14. miie1                    1
星期四      12月13日      晚上645 ~ 8點      Aljunied MRT - Control Station
will reach at abut 7 [:

[[i] 本帖最後由 miie1 於 2007-12-11 11:04 AM 編輯 [/i]]

tardyqueen2007-12-11 08:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]yingyingg[/i] 於 11/12/2007 10:20 發表
Y      42. yingyingg                      1
星期四      12月13日      晚上645 ~ 8點      Aljunied MRT - Control Station

i'll reach at 6.45. or maybe later cuz i'm not sure if i'll end late.
... [/quote]

Oooooh. I want leh! :>

fengznana2007-12-11 01:36 PM

粉紅豬豬2007-12-12 12:32 AM



ps: 我能在同一時間領專輯嗎?

[[i] 本帖最後由 粉紅豬豬 於 2007-12-12 08:34 AM 編輯 [/i]]

show2me2007-12-12 04:18 AM
hi, previously i pm bugis but i think nana jie say cancel already right? than i pm pasir ris but no reply. so i wonder if i am collecting at pasir ris or i can collect in on 13/12?

if can collect on the 13/12, april will be collecting for me together with the cd 唱片行版. thank you!

[[i] 本帖最後由 show2me 於 2007-12-12 12:40 PM 編輯 [/i]]

luv_silver2007-12-12 11:41 AM
Y      35. luv_silver                     1
I will collect together with the CD on thursday at 6.45pm
I replied in the CD collection thread also,not sure if that's the right thing to do.

fengznana2007-12-12 01:15 PM
沒有回複的人,請不要來領,我沒有帶你的東西。。謝謝!!  [/color][/b][/size]

aidelin2007-12-17 06:46 AM
hmmm~ i had tagged to take the book at boon lay... there is still no people contacting me to meet up to collect the book... Cause alot people seemed to have taken... ??

blahxx2007-12-19 05:36 AM
星期五      12月21日      晚上645 ~ 730      Aljunied MRT - Control Station

Y         7.   blahxx                       1  

will be there at 7pm! thanks alot NaNa jie!! ^^

blahxx2007-12-25 06:02 AM
4) 星期四      12月27日      晚上645 ~ 730      Aljunied MRT - Control Station

Y         7.   blahxx                       1  

will reach by 7pm! hope to collect it tis time haha!
thanks alot ^^

elaine17122007-12-25 01:04 PM
4) 星期四      12月27日      晚上645 ~ 730      Aljunied MRT - Control Station

i will be there to collect it at ard 7.15pm~!


fengznana2007-12-26 12:37 PM

anqi2007-12-31 06:53 PM
43. anqi
collect on forth jan. will reach arnd 7plus. thanks

[color=Red]对不起,临时有很重要的事,所以不能领了。只好等下一次。。 =([/color]

[[i] 本帖最後由 anqi 於 2008-1-2 03:37 PM 編輯 [/i]]

show_shadow2008-1-1 04:14 AM
3)  星期五      1月4日      晚上6點45分 ~ 7點30分      Outside Aljunied MRT (Face Control-RIGHT SIDE)
16. show_shadow  

6.45pm左右領取 謝謝~~

stage_060922008-1-1 03:29 PM
32. stage06092   
星期五      1月4日      晚上6點45分 ~ 7點30分      Outside Aljunied MRT (Face Control-RIGHT SIDE)

和showon stage的周边商品一起

aidelin2008-1-2 10:40 AM
26. aidelin

nana jie I will be taking e book that day... thanks =) I will reach around 7plus ba~

fengznana2008-1-3 12:42 PM

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