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angtint2007-11-15 04:15 AM
TEENAGE magazine Dec issue

Hey people!

grab your teenage december issue now! Show was on the cover! and there's a giant poster of Show as well. i didnt tear the poster out. so that is only half the size.



caiiwenn2007-11-15 04:16 AM
will go and grab many copies later. hahas!!
thanks for informing~ (:

xueqi2007-11-15 04:23 AM



[[i] 本帖最後由 xueqi 於 2007-11-15 05:56 PM 編輯 [/i]]

秀慧2007-11-15 04:24 AM
questions are soooooooooooooo simmple. lol!

shakabel2007-11-15 05:18 AM
the question are chicken feet.. 挖哈哈~~﹗﹗﹗

xiaohong2007-11-15 05:23 AM
OMG.. so shuai!!

angtint2007-11-15 05:28 AM
haha enjoy!

welcome to all!

i dont dare to post at the magazine, newspapers thread eh. because i dont know how to translate.someone post it over there?

-michelle.^^2007-11-15 05:30 AM
呀!!!! 一定要買的啊!!!!

帥帥帥!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :) :D :)

qi042007-11-15 05:32 AM
k thnx for ya info
will go grab it

trecia912007-11-15 05:43 AM
woo~~~ yeah man~~~ shall go grab many copies later~~~
thks for informing~~~ =)

luv_silver2007-11-15 09:37 AM
thank you
haha his smile...
so wide :love

elieang2007-11-15 05:55 PM
已经把海报包起来, 挂在墙上了~! 哇哈哈。

graceter2007-11-23 03:18 AM

shooooom2007-11-23 06:59 AM
Hahahaha. I love the last reason that they gave.
"Hello! It's SHOW! Why do you EVEN need 8 reasons?"
I SO agree~
The top reason should be that its SHOW's concert.
Duh, you hafta go.

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