羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » [集合帖] 12月新加坡行

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lingxyz2007-11-30 05:09 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-1 12:47 AM 發表
We chase until almost 11 luh!
He went back to hotel at about 9? [/quote]

一想到小猪人在新加坡就好 high啊!!

xiaohong2007-11-30 05:14 PM
Yup.. very high now.. dunno can sleep tonight a not.. so excited!!!

angtint2007-11-30 05:24 PM
tomorrow concert!

more high ah!

yingyingg2007-11-30 05:55 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-1 12:46 AM 發表
Staying at Intercontinental again..
Haha, Party Boys might be here tmr :> [/quote]

ya remember i saw on ylbfb where xiao gui said at xiao zhu's qing gong yan he was drunk, then he said future qing gong yan's at singapore or other countries he will control and try not to get drunk again.
so since he said "singapore", he might come to support? thats only my guess lah.

ilovejr2007-11-30 06:08 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tohsinyee[/i] 於 2007-12-1 12:07 AM 發表
Anyone knows if Party Boys got come? (: [/quote]



aiwei772007-11-30 06:42 PM

rynn052007-12-1 01:41 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-1 12:47 AM 發表
We chase until almost 11 luh!
He went back to hotel at about 9? [/quote]

omg are you serious! haha i thought you guys wanted to chase until 8 plus only!
oh mans so you guys waited at indoor from like 5 onwards after me and steph left?

tardyqueen2007-12-1 03:34 AM
回復 #127 rynn05 的帖子

We waited until he went back to the hotel, then waited somemore. But he never came down, so we left :(

caiiwenn2007-12-1 03:43 AM


今晚一定要喊爆+濟爆 indoor~
是不~ :)

萬分期待!! :D
對啦﹐ 想問一下

shakabel2007-12-1 05:07 AM
btw, 今晚的演唱會不會賣 concert merchanise 啊??

xueqi2007-12-1 05:12 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]rynn05[/i] 於 12/1/07 12:31 AM 發表
to xueqi : 哈哈,你们追到八点多是不是?
我是 samantha 如果你不知道我是谁!哈哈 小猪几点回饭店? [/quote]


xueqi2007-12-1 05:13 AM
回復 #130 shakabel 的帖子


geraldineliew2007-12-1 07:42 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xueqi[/i] 於 2007-12-1 01:12 PM 發表

我們追到11點多~都快累死了! [/quote]

LOL. of course u all tired lah, i follow u all chase till 9pm plus also damn tired liao. think u all worse. haha.. but wei le xiaozhu, its worth it. LOL. CONCERT LTR :D

angtint2007-12-1 07:56 AM

what time you all plan to reach there? i think half of the forumers are there already?

thr3e2007-12-1 08:01 AM
回復 #134 angtint 的帖子

i think a lot of ppl thr alr.. but i'm meeting my friend and she can only make it after 5.30!! ahh..
anw the doors should open around 7 plus, so yea it doesnt really make a difference..

geraldineliew2007-12-1 08:30 AM
i think i'll be reaching there quite late. i'm still home now. think i'll reach at abt 7.15?

jelind2007-12-1 04:15 PM
hi any know when xiao zhu going back and his flight details? thanks

phoebe3082007-12-1 05:13 PM
any idea where xiao zhu went after the concert for qing gong yan?

xiaohong2007-12-1 06:00 PM
should be at the hotel there for celebration right.. hope he get a good night rest (after putting in all the effort to perform for us!! ) got such an early flight to catch tml..

angtint2007-12-1 06:20 PM
ahh what time is his flight ah. 8plus?

huang2007-12-2 03:17 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]suina_91[/i] 於 2007-11-30 10:55 PM 發表

he arrived at 2 plus. not 12 plus. [/quote]

very sorry for giving the wrong info..

karenchan252007-12-2 07:42 AM
what time xiao zhu left singapore???

esplanade562007-12-2 08:04 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]karenchan25[/i] 於 2007-12-2 15:42 發表
what time xiao zhu left singapore??? [/quote]

if i'm not wrong, the flight is SQ872, at 8.35am.
info from  [url=http://forum.show4ever.net/viewthread.php?tid=73816&extra=page%3D1]here [/url].

tardyqueen2007-12-2 02:52 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]phoebe308[/i] 於 2/12/2007 01:13 發表
any idea where xiao zhu went after the concert for qing gong yan? [/quote]

Qing gong yan was at hotel. He never came out of the hotel at all.

tardyqueen2007-12-2 02:55 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]caiiwenn[/i] 於 1/12/2007 11:43 發表


今晚一定要喊爆+濟爆 indoor~
是不~ :)

萬分期待!! :D
對啦﹐ 想問一下
慶功宴歌迷能進嗎? [/quote]

It was behind locked doors.. So souldn't go in. But could hear them partying luh, lol.

xiaohong2007-12-2 03:39 PM
Really?? I hope he will talk about his concert in SG on bai fen bai.. looking forward to this week's live... hehe

shakabel2007-12-2 11:54 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]esplanade56[/i] 於 2007-12-2 04:04 PM 發表

if i'm not wrong, the flight is SQ872, at 8.35am.
info from  here . [/quote]

how come he took CI here. n go back took SQ??

thr3e2007-12-3 02:47 AM
回復 #147 shakabel 的帖子

he had t rush back for the autograph session.
but his sponsor is CI. so no choice but t take one way.
only SQ has early flight.

xueqi2007-12-3 03:27 AM
回復 #148 thr3e 的帖子


thr3e2007-12-3 03:45 AM
回復 #149 xueqi 的帖子


小雨show2007-12-3 03:52 AM
对啊! 一定会没事。 呵呵

icez2007-12-3 04:53 AM

esplanade562007-12-3 04:59 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]shakabel[/i] 於 2007-12-3 07:54 發表

how come he took CI here. n go back took SQ?? [/quote]

The only flight by CI on Sunday is at around 3pm.
But he has a autograph session in TW at 2pm,
thats why he took SQ back instead.

tardyqueen2007-12-3 12:33 PM
回復 #152 icez 的帖子

Correct me if I interpreted anything wrongly 哦~。

shakabel2007-12-6 03:13 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]esplanade56[/i] 於 2007-12-3 12:59 PM 發表

The only flight by CI on Sunday is at around 3pm.
But he has a autograph session in TW at 2pm,
thats why he took SQ back instead. [/quote]

ya hor, he had a autograph session in TW tat day.

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