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princessbelle2007-12-6 01:37 PM
i tink singapore the guards are all too strict..in taipei the one was so gd man!!! j8??? sobz... dat means like go late den cannot hear him perform..he is so handsome!! haha

[[i] 本帖最後由 princessbelle 於 2007-12-6 09:41 PM 編輯 [/i]]

angtint2007-12-6 02:32 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]buffygirl[/i] 於 2007-12-6 04:36 PM 發表

i hate j8 too!place is small+e guard der is very rude
btw見面會=? nid ticket? [/quote]

no. 16th is stars award.

xinyi182007-12-6 05:05 PM

show4eva2007-12-6 07:42 PM
i hope the 14th autograph session is show's last time having his autograph session at j8....that place is seriously too small....those who cum at a later time cant watch his performance....the next album hope the organizer will organise a bigger autograph session venue...never j8 again...

angtint2007-12-7 01:02 AM
exactly. i dont want to queue so early. but if dont go early, then you wont get a chance to see Show's performance. sighhh

ling27062007-12-7 01:36 AM
sure got ppl go queue over night one...

starztee2007-12-7 01:39 AM
ya i also agree

singaporean so 怕輸...


yingyingg2007-12-7 01:52 AM
ya...sure will have people queue overnight de. the marina sq session on saturday is only dance competition? no autograph?

Vichelle2007-12-7 03:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]starztee[/i] 於 2007-12-7 09:39 AM 發表
ya i also agree

singaporean so 怕輸...

[img]http://i236.photobucket.com/albums/ff158/starztee/show1.jpg[/img] [/quote]

[b][color=Purple][size=2]haa.. Ivy so clever wor. :P:P
i really wish i had portable wings so i can fly there right after work. Damnit. :busy::busy:
2 days ago, one of the DJs in 933 still announce the wrong timing. she says 730pm. =.==.=[/size][/color][/b]

[color=White][b][size=3]♥ \\\\ 小猪公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥ [/size][/b][/color]

黑巧克力2007-12-7 04:29 AM

caiiwenn2007-12-7 05:29 AM
:'( :'(

我要合唱!!! :(

thr3e2007-12-7 08:44 AM
12/15 dance competition,
those interested in taking part, the info i got from 1003 is that must dance one whole song.
WHOLE song yea.. no cut versions..

anyway is thr anyone who has signed up? cause like tday's the dateline..

[[i] 本帖最後由 thr3e 於 2007-12-7 04:47 PM 編輯 [/i]]

sheliachq2007-12-7 03:40 PM
does anyone who cannot attend this session would like me to help you get ur album signed? (:

xueqi2007-12-7 04:19 PM
回復 #132 thr3e 的帖子


buffygirl2007-12-8 06:57 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]thr3e[/i] 於 2007-12-7 04:44 PM 發表
12/15 dance competition,
those interested in taking part, the info i got from 1003 is that must dance one whole song.
WHOLE song yea.. no cut versions..

anyway is thr anyone who has signed up? ... [/quote]
wow!e whole song?!
i wonder is der any1 frm here participating:)

elieang2007-12-8 12:12 PM
hmmm. i'm still blur leh.
on the 14th autograph session, what will he be signing?
is there a singapore version of [show your dance] ? =.=

thr3e2007-12-8 12:18 PM
回復 #136 elieang 的帖子

singapore version? you mean the album?
in sgp t get autograph must be the EMI IMPORT version i think.

as for what he's signing, just bring the album.
it's either sign on the cardboard box or on the lyrics book.
cause speshow is sign on the box.
but in tw they say lyrics book.
so just bring all.

elieang2007-12-8 12:39 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]thr3e[/i] 於 2007-12-8 08:18 PM 發表
singapore version? you mean the album?
in sgp t get autograph must be the EMI IMPORT version i think.

as for what he's signing, just bring the album.
it's either sign on the cardboard box or  ... [/quote]

ohh. ok~ thnks alot.
cause i thought there's a singapore version. haha.

thr3e2007-12-8 12:46 PM
回復 #138 elieang 的帖子

as long as you buy from any music store in sgp, not china version, then can sign.

lingxyz2007-12-9 03:20 AM
so it's confirmed that on 15/12 is the dance competition only and no autograph session?

shakabel2007-12-9 07:38 AM
hi all,

so there will be a autograph session at j8?
what he signing?
the 舞所不在 album ar?

but my 舞所不在 album is bought from taiwan. can he sign? my lyric bk is already signed by him.:P

[[i] 本帖最後由 shakabel 於 2007-12-9 03:39 PM 編輯 [/i]]

angtint2007-12-9 07:53 AM
i think only signing on singapore's version.

or is it the hard cover for both singapore and taiwan the same?

if so, there is still chance to sign again.

if not must buy another album.

shakabel2007-12-9 08:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]angtint[/i] 於 2007-12-9 03:53 PM 發表
i think only signing on singapore's version.

or is it the hard cover for both singapore and taiwan the same?

if so, there is still chance to sign again.

if not must buy another album. [/quote]

i not sure is sg selling the same as taiwan ver. u bought from singapore music store? how ur album look like?

angtint2007-12-9 09:18 AM
i ordered from forum. taiwan version too.

tardyqueen2007-12-9 09:38 AM
Taiwan version is the squarish, flat one bah (MJ's selling them at 28.90)?
And singapore version is the rectangular, normal ones?
I think most prolly only signing on singapore version?

xiaoyun902007-12-9 01:39 PM
last time speshow only sign singapore version cos they got check de..
for the avex logo from singapore..

elieang2007-12-9 02:16 PM
just now got tv ad saying about the autograph session.
they say only sign the taiwan ver bought from singapore.
tat means the front cover have the EMI IMPORT sticker on it.

xiaoyun902007-12-9 03:12 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]elieang[/i] 於 2007-12-9 10:16 PM 發表
just now got tv ad saying about the autograph session.
they say only sign the taiwan ver bought from singapore.
tat means the front cover have the EMI IMPORT sticker on it. [/quote]

that one is taiwan version?
den singapore version is.......WAD?
anybody can post picture up?
so confusing larrr.=.=

angtint2007-12-9 04:43 PM
wahh i haven seen the ad on his album.

well, i think bought from singapore's popular, sembawang and hmv is safe.

anyone know still got where comes with the NY booklet?

jwen_show2007-12-9 04:57 PM
我13号晚上去日本:'( ...


Vichelle2007-12-9 05:00 PM
[color=Purple][b]hi people~

i've also asked this question in EMIMUSICTAIWAN forum as i've also bought 2 types of his TW version.. apparently most of the feedbacks are to use albums [color=Red][u]ONLY WITH EMI STICKERS[/u][/color] on it. [i]( if i'm not wrong, the advertisement on tv also mentioned so. look out for it. )[/i]

other company logos like for example, HSM are definitely a [color=Red][u]NO-NO[/u][/color].

the so-called 'SINGAPORE VERSION' should looks exactly like the following. [color=Red]( please take note on the [u]RED[/u] circle. )[/color][/b][/color]


[color=White][size=3][b]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/b][/size][/color]

xiaoyun902007-12-9 05:14 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Vichelle[/i] 於 2007-12-10 01:00 AM 發表
hi people~

i've also asked this question in EMIMUSICTAIWAN forum as i've also bought 2 types of his TW version.. apparently most of the feedbacks are to use albums ONLY WITH EMI STICKERS on it.  ... [/quote]

thanks for the picture:>
actually i tink so long as buy from any proper music store in singapore all should be fine.
proper= sembawang or CD rama this kinda shops.

Vichelle2007-12-9 05:23 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]angtint[/i] 於 2007-12-10 12:43 AM 發表
wahh i haven seen the ad on his album.

well, i think bought from singapore's popular, sembawang and hmv is safe.

anyone know still got where comes with the NY booklet? [/quote]

[b][color=Purple]you can try MJ Multimedia at Causeway Point.. i saw the [color=Red][u]LAST[/u][/color] piece (packaged together with his new album) when i bought 4 albums on Saturday. :cool:cool  it's $36.90 if i never remembered wrongly..[/color][/b]

[b][size=3][color=Pink]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/color][/size][/b]


Vichelle2007-12-9 05:35 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xiaoyun90[/i] 於 2007-12-10 01:14 AM 發表

thanks for the picture:>
actually i tink so long as buy from any proper music store in singapore all should be fine.
proper= sembawang or CD rama this kinda shops. [/quote]

[b][color=Purple]:hehe:hehe you're most welcome~

yeah perfectly agree with you.

[color=Red]PEOPLE,[/color] as long as you purchase his new album from any legal CD shops like, CD-RAMA in Popular bookstores, Sembawang Musi
c Centre, Music Junction etc, fret not. You'll definitely in the safe zone. :lol:lol[/color][/b]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


小雨show2007-12-9 05:37 PM
thanks for your info

Vichelle2007-12-9 05:40 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]小雨show[/i] 於 2007-12-10 01:37 AM 發表
thanks for your info
(; [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]my utmost pleasure~ :):)[/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


angtint2007-12-10 01:49 AM
wow then the version we ordered from forum maybe can sign again if he is going to sign on the hard cover for singapore fans?

but, dont know when can we collect back our album.

i seriously dont feel like buying his album again ahhh. when it is the same version.

lingxyz2007-12-10 04:52 AM
Thanks for the info!
I was wondering abt it too!
I bought from HMV and it has the EMI sticker :)

princesswei2007-12-10 05:41 AM
回復 #133 sheliachq 的帖子


Im working on Fri, and afraid cant make it on time.
are you able to help me get his autograph? Pls..

caiiwenn2007-12-10 07:26 AM
Oh, thanks vichelle!(:

But why SG dun have 3張合照5張抱抱!!! :(

jasmine33062007-12-10 07:52 AM
i got to work on friday but i really really want to go soooo much... Love xiao zhu la.. dunno wat to do now... maybe take leave or MC..

ilovejr2007-12-10 08:24 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]caiiwenn[/i] 於 2007-12-10 03:26 PM 發表
Oh, thanks vichelle!(:

But why SG dun have 3張合照5張抱抱!!! :( [/quote]


但我們地方太小了 國王也紅爆我們的小島


shakabel2007-12-10 10:40 AM
the album i bought from tw, have tat sticker too.

is tat mean i can use tat album to get xiaozhu autograph?

msmieakiko2007-12-10 10:54 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]shakabel[/i] 於 2007-12-10 06:40 PM 發表
the album i bought from tw, have tat sticker too.

is tat mean i can use tat album to get xiaozhu autograph? [/quote]

[color=mediumvioletred]Yes, of course =)

zhuzhu_932007-12-10 01:20 PM
so the marina square is 簽唱會 too ?
i'm just wanna confirm !!! because i can't go junction 8 !!

Vichelle2007-12-10 01:55 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]zhuzhu_93[/i] 於 2007-12-10 09:20 PM 發表
so the marina square is 簽唱會 too ?
i'm just wanna confirm !!! because i can't go junction 8 !! [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]nah. for 15th at Marina Square, 95% confirm will only have 舞林大会. :nose:nose

so yah.. better try your best to rock your arse down on 14th at Junction 8.. :>:>[/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


lingxyz2007-12-10 01:59 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]ilovejr[/i] 於 2007-12-10 04:24 PM 發表


但我們地方太小了 國王也紅爆我們的小島

去臺灣的簽名/簽唱真的比較爽! [/quote]


Vichelle2007-12-10 02:04 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]angtint[/i] 於 2007-12-10 09:49 AM 發表
wow then the version we ordered from forum maybe can sign again if he is going to sign on the hard cover for singapore fans?

but, dont know when can we collect back our album.

i seriously don ... [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]the thing is.. unsure whether he'll be signing on the hard cover of the album or the lyrics book.. :nose:nose

i also don't wish to buy another same album as i've already bought 2 different types of TW versions le.. :L:L

* headache *[/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


Vichelle2007-12-10 02:09 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]lingxyz[/i] 於 2007-12-10 12:52 PM 發表
Thanks for the info!
I was wondering abt it too!
I bought from HMV and it has the EMI sticker :) [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]you're most welcome~ no need so ke qi laa.. :):)[/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


Vichelle2007-12-10 02:18 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]caiiwenn[/i] 於 2007-12-10 03:26 PM 發表
Oh, thanks vichelle!(:

But why SG dun have 3張合照5張抱抱!!! :( [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]most welcome my dear~ no need so ke qi yah~ :):)

hais. 别提3张合照5张抱抱了.
his 签票会 i damn angry with those mediacorp people. :@:@
cannot 互动 with him on the stage 就算了. keep on pushing and shooing people down the stage. :@:@:@ - 愤怒 - :'(:'([/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]♥ \\\ 小豬公主 。 Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


angtint2007-12-10 02:43 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Vichelle[/i] 於 2007-12-10 10:04 PM 發表

the thing is.. unsure whether he'll be signing on the hard cover of the album or the lyrics book.. :nose:nose

i also don't wish to buy another same album as i've already bought 2 different ... [/quote]

haha i didnt buy the 7-11 version later on.

i thought i am the only one struggling with this. sighh, if only singapore have the 3albums one photo, then i dont mind getting another 2. but thats not the case.

lets hope that he is signing on the cover for Singapore's fans! then we can save another 20dollars.

Vichelle2007-12-10 04:55 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]angtint[/i] 於 2007-12-10 10:43 PM 發表

haha i didnt buy the 7-11 version later on.

i thought i am the only one struggling with this. sighh, if only singapore have the 3albums one photo, then i dont mind getting another 2. but  ... [/quote]

[color=Purple][b]yeapyeap.. [i]* praying now.. *[/i]

already started to ask around le.. once i have any latest news will definitely update you guys yah~ :v:v

if he really don't sign TW version this Friday.. i think i will kill myself on the spot. >_<>_< guess it's better to have a Singapore album on hand just in case ??

[color=Red]argh. fan si ren.[/color][/b][/color]

[color=Pink][b][size=3]❤ \\\ 小豬公主 。Vichelle /// ❤ [/size][/b][/color]


dragonfly93792007-12-10 07:33 PM

(这么认为的原因是因为罗祥用的笔通常是paint marker。如果签在歌词本上,那歌词本肯定完蛋。太重了那个ink,所以道理来说应该是在盒子上 :nose)

msmieakiko2007-12-10 10:15 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]dragonfly9379[/i] 於 2007-12-11 03:33 AM 發表

(这么认为的原因 ... [/quote]


shakabel2007-12-10 11:48 PM

希望是签在hardcover of the album。

[b]dragonfly9379[/b] 簽在歌詞本上, 不会 smudge. cuz mine is signed on the lyric bk. n it did nt smudge :)

=aPriL=2007-12-11 02:46 AM
itz near to impossible to get the hugs or pic wif him
though it'll DEFINITELY boost the sales
i'll buy 50 albums!
*abit kuazhang*
bt i'll buy alot lor!

angtint2007-12-11 02:56 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Vichelle[/i] 於 2007-12-11 12:55 AM 發表

yeapyeap.. * praying now.. *

already started to ask around le.. once i have any latest news will definitely update you guys yah~ :v:v

if he really don't sign TW version this Friday.. i  ... [/quote]

haha thanks thanks.

thats why i am asking if there is anywhere still having the NY booklet. if so, then i think have to buy first.

but arghh, i really dont wish to buy again.

=aPriL=2007-12-11 03:02 AM
my fren bought 2 albums ytdae... n tink still haf the booklet wor~

lingxyz2007-12-11 03:37 AM
回復 #178 =aPriL= 的帖子

can let me know where your fren bought from?
i'm looking around for the album with the booklet too!
thanks! :)

caiiwenn2007-12-11 04:01 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]Vichelle[/i] 於 2007-12-10 10:18 PM 發表

most welcome my dear~ no need so ke qi yah~ :):)

hais. 别提3张合照5张抱抱了.
his 签票会 i damn angry with those mediacorp people. :@:@
cannot 互动 wit ... [/quote]

就是! :@
那麼多security 站在那邊
都拍不到小豬啦~!! :'(

如果新加坡got der 3张合照5张抱抱
we will be like damn high ba! :)

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