羅志祥國際後援會 » 各 地「秀」迷 » 新 島「秀」迷 » Seriously nid help regarding my concert tickets!

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skybluez2007-12-1 12:53 AM
Seriously nid help regarding my concert tickets!

Hi, does anyone has ms nana's contact no? i nid to ask her regarding my tix, i bought my tix under my fren's name (qi3 fa1) but due to some reasons, she has to go back to china permanently. Qi3 Fa1 has already sold her tix to another fren of mine. So nw im afraid tat ms nana has contacted Qi3 Fa1 regarding the collection of tixs instead of me coz until nw i havent received any msg or calls fr her (coz i realised some of u has already gt her pm regarding the collection of tixs). I am very worried nw, even thou i tried to post a few msges in the forum and send ms nana a msg (she wasnt online yst)... I dun noe if i shld follow the rest to the indoor stadium to collect together? Can anyone tels me how to contact her?

*PS Ms Nana: im sorry to post it here becoz u wasnt online last nite...

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