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shooooom2007-12-4 02:03 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]thr3e[/i] 於 2007-12-3 22:53 發表
pics are allowed. video is illegal.
so try not t post vids? i see a lot of vids ard..

and the media sucks.. xin.sg, straits times, all suck. keep saying his singing not good. like hao peng you, ... [/quote]


miki162007-12-4 05:54 AM
yup i agree that the concert is v good...still high from it though it's already tuesday...can see the effort he put in to perform his best for us...

the zaobao journalist commented that his costumes lack variety, too 'prince-like'...c'mon this is called adhering to the theme...he's the king in our heart mah...:D

angtint2007-12-4 07:32 AM
i think it is not fair for Show as the reporters write until like that.

he put in so much effort and yet he got a cold blanket.

but well, i think most importantly is that we enjoyed ourselves and feel that he did well.

i think the reporter shouldnt say that his english didnt improve. the way they write is too harsh. we know it ourselves that he improved and is a fact that we adore his english!

bess08202007-12-4 10:45 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]miki16[/i] 於 2007-12-4 01:54 PM 發表
the zaobao journalist commented that his costumes lack variety, too 'prince-like'...c'mon this is called adhering to the theme...he's the king in our heart mah...[/quote]

What?! Why the journalist say like that? I think his costumes are very nice!!! Suits him very well.

miki162007-12-4 11:22 AM
i wanted to find the article and post it here...but apparently the report on zaobao.com is different from the one on the printed zaobao...if you all are interested, can check out the article on 3rd Dec zaobao...the exact word used by the journalist is 服装太逊, which i think is too harsh...

but looking from another perspective, i guess the journalists has nothing to pick on his performance...Hence they gotta report things like lousy english and costumes...

tardyqueen2007-12-4 11:27 AM
Wtf. Omg, the costumes were like, damn nice can?
They totally fit him, cos he's 國王 what.
Omt, someone go burn that reporter's house or something.
Yea, it's either the journalist has nothing to pick about on his performance, or he hates xiaozhu, thus the freaking ridiculous article.

esplanade562007-12-4 04:14 PM
This reporter must be no taste!
Don't know how to appreciate the outfits.

cmj4082007-12-5 09:44 AM
哈哈  我也去看了  一个字HIGH啊   跟他唱了两个小时    都没声音了 出来。。。。 不过值得啊  呵呵  
多来几次吧 !!!!  一次看不够哦。。。。。对不!

lina03222007-12-5 10:09 AM


wintersky2007-12-5 10:13 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]lina0322[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:09 PM 發表

我倒覺得是那為記者品味遜 [/quote]



tardyqueen2007-12-5 10:20 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]cmj408[/i] 於 5/12/2007 17:44 發表
哈哈  我也去看了  一个字HIGH啊   跟他唱了两个小时    都没声音了 出来。。。。 不过值得啊  呵呵  
多来几次吧 !!!!  一次看不够哦。。。。 ... [/quote]


angtint2007-12-5 10:27 AM
Show never mention about Singapore concert in yulebaifenbai right?

he only mention that watching yulebaifenbai is special in other country.

imstillme2007-12-5 10:56 AM
the concert was really really great and i enjoyed myself alot.
but it was too short! less than 2hrs?
and the performance are all repeats. was hoping for some surprise.
oh yar the stage was so small! cant play much effects.
no wonder show didnt mention it in baifenbai. cos it was really nth special.
sorry no offense. im just voicing my opinion.

wintersky2007-12-5 11:07 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]imstillme[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:56 PM 發表
the concert was really really great and i enjoyed myself alot.
but it was too short! less than 2hrs?
and the performance are all repeats. was hoping for some surprise.
oh yar the stage was so ... [/quote]

performances are repeat is definitely de
cos we are not the first stop of his world tour mah

but yes i must agree with you that the stage is so small
he and his dancers dont even have place to move around
esp during Twinkle

at least he talked more than in the tw concert?
if i'm not wrong
cos in the tw one he was only allowed to talk aft 1 hr of singing and dancing!

anyway seems like singapore concerts all very short
the other time i went for jolin's one
also less than 2 hrs
but at least i can see more sincerity in xiaozhu's concert!
dont wanna list out the reasons but yea...

the best concert i've ever been to!

shooooom2007-12-5 12:31 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 18:13 發表


哈哈! [/quote]


miki162007-12-6 07:34 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 07:07 PM 發表
the other time i went for jolin's one
also less than 2 hrs
but at least i can see more sincerity in xiaozhu's concert!

This was my exact sentiments after watching xiaozhu's concert too, as i went for jolin's one as well...i can understand what you mean...i was sitting at row 1 of A32 for Jolin's, if only i got that same spot for xiaozhu's cos he always came to this side...argh, in the end i was sitting at row 1 of T32, the best that i can get...

all right, i have slammed the journalist too much that i forgot to give my thoughts of the concert...i agree that it is too short too...but he has already sang almost all his songs...i hope he'll come again when he releases a few more albums...

my fav moments include the part where he mentioned when he released his 1st album, he told his fans he'll come here for a concert one day and he finally did it after 4 yrs...all the dances that he did (esp the chair dance and the hankerchief dance)...when he sang 'yi zhi du xiu', he changed the lyrics to i'm not so-and-so, i am luo zhi xiang...the way he engages his fans in the concert...etc etc...

geraldineliew2007-12-6 04:26 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-4 07:27 PM 發表
Wtf. Omg, the costumes were like, damn nice can?
They totally fit him, cos he's 國王 what.
Omt, someone go burn that reporter's house or something.
Yea, it's either the journalist has nothing to ... [/quote]

tians. relax. the reporter will got "bao ying" de lah. dun care that bloody reporter, most importantly, we enjoyed ourselves =D

tardyqueen2007-12-6 04:41 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]geraldineliew[/i] 於 7/12/2007 00:26 發表

tians. relax. the reporter will got "bao ying" de lah. dun care that bloody reporter, most importantly, we enjoyed ourselves =D [/quote]

Lol. But he write until like, kns liddat lor. Grrrr. Yesssssssssssssss, who didn't enjoy themselves?! :>

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