ù§Ó²»°ê»Ú«á´©·| » ¦U ¦a¡u¨q¡v°g » ·s ®q¡u¨q¡v°g » 请问¤U·s¥[©Yªº®a¤H~~~

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=aPriL=2007-12-6 02:17 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]wintersky[/i] ©ó 2007-12-6 07:26 AM µoªí
may i know what you think is possible then?
why not share the solution with us so that we know how to tackle them the next time we see them! [/quote]
previously they arent so horrible...
they're gettin frm bad to worse actually
tatz y we haf tat post up to tell every1
tatz wat we agreed to do wif mi jie...

as to solution, we wun be here havin such a big headache shld there be a definite solution
we juz wana tell every1 tat zhu, shuang n mi jie are nt happy bout these issues
we gota take note
n if we see any1 doin those tings, we gota unite to prevent tat frm happening

xueqi2007-12-6 03:13 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]tardyqueen[/i] ©ó 12/5/07 06:35 PM µoªí

Well, it's just my opinion..
Anyohhow, hope Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie have a happy trip here the next time!

And hor, anyone realised that there wasn't any news about Singapore's concert on ... [/quote]


tardyqueen2007-12-6 04:03 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]=aPriL=[/i] ©ó 6/12/2007 09:58 µoªí

sat can? i actually brought it during the concert!
bt my hp died den cant contact u... [/quote]

Ahhhh! Are you serious? Lol. I was around all the while what (was chasing the whole time).. Maybe you didn't see me luh..
Heh, yea saturday can :)

tardyqueen2007-12-6 04:17 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]wintersky[/i] ©ó 5/12/2007 18:38 µoªí

from what i read from ¿P´@'s thread
he didnt really mention about it
hope he didnt get affected by those local newspaper reports:( [/quote]

The only thing he mentioned was, watching yubai in another country feels different, like, uhhhh? :(

[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]angtint[/i] ©ó 6/12/2007 09:58 µoªí

yes, i was also hoping to hear from him about Singapore's concert.

but kind of disappointed when he only mention about watching yulebaifenbai.

is it that bad to even mention? the next L ... [/quote]

Yeaaaaa, totally disappointed luh. I dun think he's not allowed to say anything about the concerts.. He did say about his taiwan one what, ¦³ÅRÆE¥¶©Ô¦a¤@ª½Á¿¡C¡C¡C¤£¬O¶Ü?

[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]xueqi[/i] ©ó 6/12/2007 11:13 µoªí

¤ßùثܤ£µÎªA内¡C¡C¡C [/quote]

´N¹³§A»¡ªº¡M¤ß¨½«Ü¤£¦n¨ü¡M¤@ª½¦b·Q¥L¬O¤£¬O¤£³ßÅw§Ú­Ì :(:(

=aPriL=2007-12-6 04:29 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]tardyqueen[/i] ©ó 2007-12-6 12:03 PM µoªí
Ahhhh! Are you serious? Lol. I was around all the while what (was chasing the whole time).. Maybe you didn't see me luh..
Heh, yea saturday can :) [/quote]
hahahaha!! 宝贝~
u noe alot of ppl noe mi coz i plaster my pic everywhr!
bt i cant recognise all of u coz i may juz see u like once or twice...
so... sorie ah~ hahaha
will update tat blog as to wat time n whr
coz gota see whr i'll be goin aft the mit up~

=aPriL=2007-12-6 04:32 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]tardyqueen[/i] ©ó 2007-12-6 12:17 PM µoªí
´N¹³§A»¡ªº¡M¤ß¨½«Ü¤£¦n¨ü¡M¤@ª½¦b·Q¥L¬O¤£¬O¤£³ßÅw§Ú­Ì:(:( [/quote]
dun tink tat...
[b][color=Red][size=5]he wun dislike us de...[/size][/color][/b]
coz we're nt the ones who made him unhappy...
nxt time he comes juz make sure tat he's happy throughout the trip can le!
okie okie? ^^

caiiwenn2007-12-6 04:51 AM

But like wad april and the rest said,
we are not the ones who made him unhappy.
So, should be fine.




=aPriL=2007-12-6 05:07 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]caiiwenn[/i] ©ó 2007-12-6 12:51 PM µoªí

But like wad april and the rest said,
we are not the ones who made him unhappy.
So, should be fine.


§Úı±oªü ... [/quote]

¥u­n¬O¦³¤H±À挤¡A¥u­n¬O¦³¤H¥Î flash¡A¥u­n¬O¦³¤H´¡队¡A§Ú们³£该团结纠¥¿¥L们¡H
¤£ºÞ¥L们¬O¤£¬O SHOW ³y诣 ªº¡A还¬O¤°¤\ªº
¦ý¬O [size=3][b][color=Red]绝对[/color][/b][/size] ¤£­n¦³¤°¤\冲¬ð

caiiwenn2007-12-6 07:15 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]=aPriL=[/i] ©ó 2007-12-6 01:07 PM µoªí

§Ú们¦bªü²»ªº ... [/quote]

Understood~ :)

Let's hope all these will stop ASAP ba~
really hope xiao zhu and xiao shuang jie can have a pleasant trip to SG.

bess08202007-12-6 12:01 PM
Yah, let's hope when he comes on 14 and 15 dec, unhappy things won't happen again and he will go back to Taiwan in happy mood. I hope his a.s this time will be orderly. Last time his 'jing wu men' a.s I nearly suffocated with all the pushing and squeezing @@

tardyqueen2007-12-6 04:52 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]=aPriL=[/i] ©ó 6/12/2007 12:29 µoªí

hahahaha!! 宝贝~
u noe alot of ppl noe mi coz i plaster my pic everywhr!
bt i cant recognise all of u coz i may juz see u like once or twice...
so... sorie ah~ hahaha
will upd ... [/quote]

Haha, aiyo. Nvm. Okay, will check back at the blog! :)
Actually wanted to go up and ask you, but scared you ¤£­@·Ð, cos alot of people will ask you...
And anyway, your group of friends very scary also. LOL. :X

[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]=aPriL=[/i] ©ó 6/12/2007 12:32 µoªí

dun tink tat...
he wun dislike us de...
coz we're nt the ones who made him unhappy...
nxt time he comes juz make sure tat he's happy throughout the trip can le!
okie okie? ^^ [/quote]

Are you gonna chase ¥þµ{ again this time round?

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ tardyqueen ©ó 2007-12-7 12:57 AM ½s¿è [/i]]

±Ó±Ó¡ã2007-12-7 06:57 PM
wah, i never come for so long and got so many long comments sia.

let me try to make this as short and sweet as possible (people who know me know that that's difficult for me)

basically we not attacking people, we are just saying that some of their actions are wrong.

and why the meeting is only for ssu members is because it was an emergency situation,
and when there is an emergency the fastest way is to just gather ssu because we can be recognized by our shirts.
and we all follow each other so when we see a big group gather we all will kpo and crowd around also.
it's easier to communicate with one another within an organization rather than when you guys are all scattered
cos not all of you may know each other, thus it's difficult to pass message.

[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]tardyqueen[/i] ©ó 2007-12-7 12:52 AM µoªí

Haha, aiyo. Nvm. Okay, will check back at the blog! :)
Actually wanted to go up and ask you, but scared you ¤£­@·Ð, cos alot of people will ask you...
And anyway, your group of friends very scary also. LOL. [/quote]

we very scary ah =x
we very nice one leh. lol.
you want to ask what you just come and ask us la (:
if we can answer the question we'll definitely answer you. lol.

[[i] ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ ±Ó±Ó¡ã ©ó 2007-12-8 02:59 AM ½s¿è [/i]]

Vichelle2007-12-7 07:40 PM
[color=Purple][b][size=3]* °Ô°Ô¤p½Þ..*
©ú¤Ñ·|§ó¦n! :pia:pia[/size][/b][/color][color=White][b][size=3]

♥ \\\ ¤p½Þ¤½¥D ¡C Vichelle /// ♥[/size][/b][/color]


tardyqueen2007-12-8 05:43 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]±Ó±Ó¡ã[/i] ©ó 8/12/2007 02:57 µoªí
wah, i never come for so long and got so many long comments sia.

let me try to make this as short and sweet as possible (people who know me know that that's difficult for me)

basically we not ... [/quote]

Lol! SCARY! Ya'll walk all one big group one lor. Aiyo.
Me and my friend that time will µS¿Ý very long before asking ya'll. :X

=aPriL=2007-12-8 07:43 PM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]tardyqueen[/i] ©ó 2007-12-9 01:43 AM µoªí
Lol! SCARY! Ya'll walk all one big group one lor. Aiyo.
Me and my friend that time will µS¿Ý very long before asking ya'll. :X [/quote]
like tat means scary ah?
okie okie
nxt time i break up my grp~

mi will start aft auto... b4 tat gota work!!!!!

tardyqueen2007-12-9 09:57 AM
[quote]­ì©«¥Ñ [i]=aPriL=[/i] ©ó 9/12/2007 03:43 µoªí

like tat means scary ah?
okie okie
nxt time i break up my grp~

mi will start aft auto... b4 tat gota work!!!!!
:'( [/quote]

HAHAHHAA. At least you're confirmed chasing! §A­Ì¬O©T©w¨C¦¸³£·|°lªº°Ú, lol.
My friends either can chase one day only or totally cannot, zzzzzz. Make me wanna §ì¨g already :'(

¬d¬Ý§¹¾ãª©¥»: 请问¤U·s¥[©Yªº®a¤H~~~

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