speishowen | 2007-12-3 01:41 PM |
:( |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-3 01:56 PM |
是最後一天吧﹗ |
speishowen | 2007-12-3 02:02 PM |
想知道下 |
過分到極點 |
xiaohong | 2007-12-3 04:00 PM |
這些人真可惡!! 雖然我不再現場但聼了都生氣!!!! |
speishowen | 2007-12-3 04:52 PM |
小猪知道不是猪迷来的吗??? |
回復 #6 speishowen 的帖子
反正就是很氣人! |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-3 05:54 PM |
po 帖了哦...
[url]http://forum.show4ever.net/viewthread.php?tid=74181[/url] |
lina0322 | 2007-12-3 06:00 PM |
丟臉耶!!!!! |
真的臉都丟光了 >.< |
angtint | 2007-12-4 03:31 AM |
wow. i didnt know that. i thought what happened. as in like Show doesnt look happy even after his concert. i thought he should be very happy since it was a successful. |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-4 04:17 AM |
but we do haf alot to improve on la...
* dun be so gan cheong to take his pic... den we can take grp pic wif him!
* dun push n shove... coz most of the time u onli look at show din see 小霜姐
* gif him space... he like ppl to chase him... bt dun like ppl to crowd so near
* dun use flash when takin pics... v irritatin when itz rite in ur face
* in public places dun scream n shout... v 沒有形象 n reflecting v badly on him
tatz all i can tink of nw..
we work hard 2gether okie?
mi jie tok to us... so ssu will be takin the control if tings get out of hand
(like at the airport)
so if u see us gettin u guys to do sumting, pls cooperate okie~
(i noe u guys will de)
^^ we all luv show... nw we wan show to luv us more |
Oo=Pit~必=oO | 2007-12-4 04:36 AM |
你們是最有素質的豬迷喲!![/color] |
caiiwenn | 2007-12-4 04:58 AM |
看了APRIL在哈拉 POST 的帖!
太過份了! :@
we have to work hard together.
let show have a pleasant trip when he comes to SG.
當然希望小豬和小霜姐會理解! (i believe they will) |
graceter | 2007-12-4 06:42 AM |
真是一群不懂事的野蠻人~ |
msmieakiko | 2007-12-4 06:56 AM |
PS:嗯如果她們有什麼不滿,發生爭執的話,還是要保持冷靜喔! |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-4 07:02 AM |
I think next time should 開會..
Like, not only SSU members, all the fans should be involved.
Cos Mi 姐 will tell youall whats wrong and all right and we can also listen at the side luh, but sometimes cannot hear everything.
So next time everyone sit down at some place and 開個大會議吧..
Liddat can let everyone know what's going on better and understand how to improve and all also.. |
看他們會怎樣? |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-4 07:58 AM |
回復 #19 黑巧克力 的帖子
而且﹐用閃光燈拍他們﹐他們應該爽死吧﹐因為他們是 attention seekers 啊﹗ |
Oo=Pit~必=oO | 2007-12-4 09:48 AM |
回復 #20 tardyqueen 的帖子
可憐的羅祥和小霜姐~T_T[/color] |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-4 11:21 AM |
﹕( |
bess0820 | 2007-12-4 11:33 AM |
Mmm, I didn't know such a thing happened. Didn't even know Xiao Zhu was unhappy. I also chase a lot of stars (usually alone or with friend) but my chasing is only going to various autograph sessions to see them. I like to collect autographed albums by different celebs. In case anyone's wondering, I swear I'm not one of person in the group you guys are talking about. I don't know that group at all.
I have never ever cut queue (I know how it feels when you go early to queue up and is in front but end up a lot of people suddenly standing in front of you, pushing you to the back)......
nor chased them to their hotels (I respect their privacy and after a.s, I'm too tired to go anywhere else).......
nor shouting vulgarities in public (very uncivilised act).....
nor pushing people at events (I stand a distance from the person in front of me as I know how it feels to be pushed at)
What that group did was insensible and threw spore fans' faces *shakes head*
[[i] 本帖最後由 bess0820 於 2007-12-4 07:38 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
esplanade56 | 2007-12-4 04:00 PM |
After reading April's post,
I feel that this is where we see different types of people.
There's nothing we could do since you guys have been telling them similar warnings.
stubborn people, disgracing Singaporeans faces! :fight >_<
I don't have much experience in autograph sessions since I've been only to 2 sessions, one being XiaoZhu's ticket autograph session.
And I definitely hope to get a chance to 追车. :)
I believe XiaoZhu will understand what happened,
and won't blame you guys about it but know that its the other grp's fault.
:):) |
wintersky | 2007-12-4 05:41 PM |
誰在plaza singapura外面排隊的時候插隊
真替有去送机的家人感到不值!!! |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-4 07:14 PM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-4 03:02 PM 發表
I think next time should 開會..
Like, not only SSU members, all the fans should be involved.
Cos Mi 姐 will tell youall whats wrong and all right and we can also listen at the side luh, but somet ... [/quote]
well, all i can sae is~
we can tell u wat to do, wat canot do
bt ppl will tink "who are they to tell us tat!"
n itz easier for us to get ssu ppl to do tings since we're frm ssu!
so, we do seek ur cooperation shld we let u noe wat to do?
all i wan nw is tat zhu be happier for his nxt trip...
*sigh* |
lina0322 | 2007-12-4 07:26 PM |
然後在加上小霜也有讀了帖子, 應該多少了解他們了啦....
人在做 天在看... 呵呵呵.
啊不然以後他們在機場或者飯店鬧的時候, 大家一起靜下來, 閃到一邊....
留他們在中間鬧... muwahahas! =X |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 02:43 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]lina0322[/i] 於 2007-12-5 03:26 AM 發表
然後在它傅炊F帖子, 應該多少了解他們了啦....
人在做 天在看... 呵呵呵.
啊不然以後他們在機場或者飯店鬧的時候, 大家一起靜下來 ... [/quote]
i rather we dun gif them a chance to even START
damn embarrassing lor...
coz they wun care n juz continue...
damn thick skin de... |
serena_leng | 2007-12-5 02:51 AM |
希望他们能够看到 APRIL 的帖,
是不是啊, 新穎?
:) |
回復 #13 =aPriL= 的帖子
呵呵。知道了:) |
tohsinyee | 2007-12-5 06:06 AM |
Ya, I saw them before and everytime wonder who they are.
They really everyone's autograph session also go lor.
Hope we won't see them during the Show Your Dance autograph session.
=.= |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 07:08 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 5/12/2007 03:14 發表
well, all i can sae is~
we can tell u wat to do, wat canot do
bt ppl will tink "who are they to tell us tat!"
n itz easier for us to get ssu ppl to do tings since we're frm ssu!
so, ... [/quote]
Maybe not tell us what to do like, 24/7 luh.. Haha, that should be fine.
But should at least let all the fans, the 乖 ones, get involved, know what's the situations and all..
Cos sometimes Mi 姐 tell you all, 就會有種 left out 的感覺啦.. 好像只有 SSU 是他的粉絲一樣.. Haha.
[[i] 本帖最後由 tardyqueen 於 2007-12-5 03:09 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 07:22 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 03:08 PM 發表
Maybe not tell us what to do like, 24/7 luh.. Haha, that should be fine.
But should at least let all the fans, the 乖 ones, get involved, know what's the situations and all..
Cos sometimes Mi ... [/quote]
nt sae we're the onli fans
itz more like we're the official fc in sg, den we are responsible to sorta maintain order?
we do wana get all of u involved!
tatz y we update u guys here ah~
bt mi jie cant go up to EVERY fan to tell them wat to do?
tatz y mi jie will tell us, and it'll be up to us to do wat to be done...
we gota work hard together to make zhu n shuang n mi jie happie!!
regardless ssu or forum fans |
lina0322 | 2007-12-5 08:30 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tohsinyee[/i] 於 2007-12-5 02:06 PM 發表
Ya, I saw them before and everytime wonder who they are.
They really everyone's autograph session also go lor.
Hope we won't see them during the Show Your Dance autograph session.
=.= [/quote]
sure will see them de.....
很難不看到他們... 耀眼的很;P |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 09:24 AM |
哈哈! |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 09:28 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-4 03:02 PM 發表
I think next time should 開會..
Like, not only SSU members, all the fans should be involved.
Cos Mi 姐 will tell youall whats wrong and all right and we can also listen at the side luh, but somet ... [/quote]
do you really really need people to tell you
dont shout in public places
then you know it's wrong to do that?
like this the 会 will never end
and i see the failure of singapore's educational system
just like the other time when i was queueing for the concert tix autograph session
these 2 girls behind me bought newspaper to sit
then they went to cut q cos they saw their frens in front
and left their newspaper all spread out on the floor
the 2 girls queueing right behind them just took the newspaper to sit
nothing wrong with that
but when the queue shifted to the left side - the macs side
they just dump the newspaper back there
like it's got nothing to do with them
and then the wind blows
and you all know what happened
those were sec 4 girls - cos one of them was studying her TYS
i thought it's all common sense,no?
[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2007-12-5 05:32 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
lina0322 | 2007-12-5 09:37 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 05:24 PM 發表
忘了另外 ... [/quote]
嗯 agree..
很難 |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 09:47 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 5/12/2007 15:22 發表
nt sae we're the onli fans
itz more like we're the official fc in sg, den we are responsible to sorta maintain order?
we do wana get all of u involved!
tatz y we update u guys here ah~
bt m ... [/quote]
Haha, got it :)
Really hope the next trip here, 小豬and小霜姐能一路開心到底啦..
Oh yea, April! When can I collect my jacket 呢? :) |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 09:48 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 05:24 PM 發表
忘了另外 ... [/quote]
totally agree wif u tat we do get carried away at times wif the cheerin n all..
bt itz oso impt for us to lower the volume when asked to?
especially in places like hotels, restaurants, airports, etc..
every1 here luvs zhu n WILL get too excited to see him~
n of coz itz realli easy to juz sit here n type all the "rules and regulations"
bt dun u agree tat we do nid sum1 to tell us when we're doin tings overboard? |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 09:53 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 5/12/2007 17:28 發表
do you really really need people to tell you
dont shout in public places
then you know it's wrong to do that?
like this the 会 will never end
and i see the failure of singapore's educ ... [/quote]
Eh? I'm just giving an opinion, like doh.
Like of course i know it's wrong to shout in public places, who doesn't.
But sometimes we don't know what Xiaozhu thinks right? Cos he'll tell Mi Jie and Mi Jie will tell SSU?
So my opinion is just one of the ways to let all the fans know? |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 10:01 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 2007-12-5 05:48 PM 發表
totally agree wif u tat we do get carried away at times wif the cheerin n all..
bt itz oso impt for us to lower the volume when asked to?
especially in places like hotels, restaurants, airports ... [/quote]
i didnt go to the airport this time round
so i dont know how bad the situation was
but shouting in the airport is like so disgusting
cos there are tourists there as well and i'm sure they didnt know why people are shouting at the airport!
what i wanna say is
it's ok if we have someone to tell us what xiaozhu dislikes that are specially with reference to him
like maybe the tw fans can tell us more about them cos they see xiaozhu like all the time
but if we singaporean fans need people to tell us
NO shouting at the airport
NO pushing xiaozhu
which are "rules" that apply in general
like do we push our friends around?do we shout when sending frens off at the airport?
then we know we cant do that
isnt that a bit...how to say...
and things like dont use the flashlight directly onto his face
actually these "rules" are already conveyed to us indirectly
cos we always read those tw fans saying that
we love xiaozhu and we'll listen
like the other time when i went to send him off for the concert promotion
we were all so close to him but nobody used the flash
which means the msg was passed on very well
if that group of pple insist on using
that means they dont care about xiaozhu
and it's no use even if we have someone telling us what to do
i hope you get what i mean!
[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2007-12-5 06:09 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 10:06 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 05:53 PM 發表
Eh? I'm just giving an opinion, like doh.
Like of course i know it's wrong to shout in public places, who doesn't.
But sometimes we don't know what Xiaozhu thinks right? Cos he'll tell Mi Jie ... [/quote]
yea of cos we dont know what xiaozhu thinks
but erm
you mean
maybe xiaozhu will like his fans to shout for him in public places?
and we need xiaozhu to tell michelle and then pass the msg 10 thsd times then we know if he likes that?
and seriously i dont think xiaozhu will give a list of "i dont like" to michelle
and sometimes
it's just about right and wrong
just to give an example
even if xiaozhu likes his fans to scream his name at the airport
BUT we know it's wrong to do that
we shouldnt do that
and just like what i replied to april
if that group of people wanna act stupid and dont heed advices
it's no use even if we have xiaozhu telling them personally
cos from what i read they didnt listen to xiaoshuang
if you think you belong to the group of 乖 fans
that means you can behave yourself and your idea of right and wrong is already there
then what for you need people to tell you what to do?
hope you get what i mean!
[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2007-12-5 06:18 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 10:18 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 5/12/2007 18:06 發表
yea of cos we dont know what xiaozhu thinks
but erm
you mean
maybe xiaozhu will like his fans to shout for him in public places?
and we need xiaozhu to tell michelle and then pass the msg ... [/quote]
An example.
There was supposed to be a 大合照 that day at the airport. And in the end, there wasn't any. We all didn't know why at first until we overheard Mi Jie telling SSU what went wrong? So, there are still times when certain msges and all are not passed down and some fans don't know what's going on?
And, like what a forumer said up there, it's hard to control the screams and all sometimes, because we do get high when we see Xiaozhu. But i believe everyone tries their best to control, well, maybe except [i]that[/i] group of people. |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 10:25 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:18 PM 發表
An example.
There was supposed to be a 大合照 that day at the airport. And in the end, there wasn't any. We all didn't know why at first until we overheard Mi Jie telling SSU what went wrong? ... [/quote]
i'm really sorry to hear about the group photo
and i can understand why you all are so angry with that group of people
if you mean that when things go wrong and we need somebody to EXPLAIN to us what happened
yes sure i agree
cos there are always so many people chasing him around and sometimes we miss things
but if you said we need ssu or michelle to have a meeting with us
so that we can bahave
i dont think it'll work
cos those who heed advices would have behaved themselves
but people like that group of people
they wont listen even if we have a daily meeting
the sad thing is
we cant control what others do
but it should be ok since april opened a thread to explain things already!
hope you'll have a chance to take group photo with xiaozhu next time!
i was quite disappointed that there wasnt any group photo taking since SPESHOW actually... |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 10:35 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 5/12/2007 18:25 發表
i'm really sorry to hear about the group photo
and i can understand why you all are so angry with that group of people
if you mean that when things go wrong and we need somebody to EXPLAIN ... [/quote]
Well, it's just my opinion..
Anyohhow, hope Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie have a happy trip here the next time!
And hor, anyone realised that there wasn't any news about Singapore's concert on yubai?
And, xiaozhu didn't mention anything about it as well? :(:( |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 10:38 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:01 PM 發表
i didnt go to the airport this time round
so i dont know how bad the situation was
but shouting in the airport is like so disgusting
cos there are tourists there as well and i'm sure they di ... [/quote]
ppl do get too excited at times to forget wat they shld n shldnt do
n of coz there're ppl who simply dun care
even if they do read the posts, they juz do as they like
for ppl who care, we juz remind them
for ppl who dun, we'll haf to "protect him"
i do get wat u mean
bt as u said, sumtimes itz easier said than done
the crowd was alot bigger at the airport tis time than the previous time
thus previously, there wasnt much of a trouble
i'm nt claimin tat i've nvr shouted in the airport b4 coz i did
in nov, we shouted in when zhu was oreadi in the checkout counter that we arrived
itz juz emotional for us and i realli wan zhu to noe tat we're there when he was waitin for us
usin of flashes is plain irritatin...
i dun tink itz fair to compare sendin frenz off wif sendin zhu off
as nt every1 can see zhu as juz a FREN
n nt every1 has as much chance to get close to zhu
itz inevitable to get excited n 4get ourselves
wat has happened has happened
all we wana do is to improve
i'm sure i'm speakin for every1 tat we all wana take a grp pic wif zhu (again for sum of us) |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 10:38 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:35 PM 發表
Well, it's just my opinion..
Anyohhow, hope Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie have a happy trip here the next time!
And hor, anyone realised that there wasn't any news about Singapore's concert on ... [/quote]
from what i read from 燕婷's thread
he didnt really mention about it
hope he didnt get affected by those local newspaper reports:( |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 10:44 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:35 PM 發表
Well, it's just my opinion..
Anyohhow, hope Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie have a happy trip here the next time!
And hor, anyone realised that there wasn't any news about Singapore's concert on ... [/quote]
tis time, we'll hafta work together to make it a happy trip for them!
i realised... :( |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 10:45 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:38 PM 發表
ppl do get too excited at times to forget wat they shld n shldnt do
n of coz there're ppl who simply dun care
even if they do read the posts, they juz do as they like
for ppl who care, we juz ... [/quote]
yup improving on the future is more important than talking about what has happened
but actually are you all able to get in contact with that group of people?
and at least talk some sense into them?
that's the most direct way to improve future situation i guess
but like what you've said
they dont even listen to xiaoshuang
is it ok to mess with them?
it feels very bad when things are out of our own control
like everytime during autograph session
i hear people complaining that others cut their Q
when the truth is that the person complaining also just cut Q!
only thing i can do is go q earlier the next time and hope not so many pple will cut my Q!
[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2007-12-5 06:48 PM 編輯 [/i]] |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 10:51 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 5/12/2007 18:44 發表
tis time, we'll hafta work together to make it a happy trip for them!
i realised... :( [/quote]
Haha, 一定一定!
Maybe next time should form a bigger 人牆 to protect Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie..
I wanna join you all in the 人牆 la! But not from SSU, so very weird. Lol. |
tardyqueen | 2007-12-5 10:53 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 5/12/2007 18:45 發表
yup improving on the future is more important than talking about what has happened
but actually are you all able to get in contact with that group of people?
and at least talk some sense into ... [/quote]
I think it's impossible to talk sense into them manz, check out their reply on this page: [url]http://forum.show4ever.net/redirect.php?tid=74181&goto=lastpost&highlight=#lastpost[/url] |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 11:01 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:53 PM 發表
I think it's impossible to talk sense into them manz, check out their reply on this page: [url]http://forum.show4ever.net/redirect.php?tid=74181&goto=lastpost&highlight=#lastpost[/url] [/quote]
ok now i know which group of people is that!
just be more careful when you all form the 人墙 next time then
they are like so voilent
always pushing people around
my Q also ganna cut by them like a thsd times before
they just exploit the fact that we wont ask them to stop doing it nor tell the security
but i doubt the security will do anything
they are super useless!
those security at the venue i mean
not those employed by xiaozhu's company |
yingyingg | 2007-12-5 03:14 PM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:38 PM 發表
from what i read from 燕婷's thread
he didnt really mention about it
hope he didnt get affected by those local newspaper reports:( [/quote]
i rushed back from school just to catch ylbfb and i was so disappointed.
the ONLY thing he mentioned about singapore is “在新加坡看百分百真的感觉不一样”
man...can imagine how disappointed he was. and there wasnt even a single news about the concert here. |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-5 03:22 PM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]wintersky[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:45 PM 發表
yup improving on the future is more important than talking about what has happened
but actually are you all able to get in contact with that group of people?
and at least talk some sense into ... [/quote]
tok since showtime till nw oso like tat
u tink itz still poss to get it into their head? |
tohsinyee | 2007-12-5 03:54 PM |
so next time we must be united! Cannot let them bully us =x
我們不是好欺負的!!! |
suina_91 | 2007-12-5 04:25 PM |
i think now xiaozhu they all think singapore fans is like donno wad liao lor.
will be scared coming to singapore liao lor... |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 04:42 PM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]suina_91[/i] 於 2007-12-6 12:25 AM 發表
i think now xiaozhu they all think singapore fans is like donno wad liao lor.
will be scared coming to singapore liao lor... [/quote]
actually we dont have to worry about that
lousy fans dont only exist in singapore
there are also tw fans who used the flashlight onto his face
there are also hk fans who pushed him before
and in the other thread it was already stated very clearly that that group of people has got nothing to do with us
he wont 一竹竿打翻全船的人 one!
i'm sure he wont!
he's a 老艺人 already!
would have seen enough of lousy fans!
hehe! |
wintersky | 2007-12-5 11:26 PM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]=aPriL=[/i] 於 2007-12-5 11:22 PM 發表
tok since showtime till nw oso like tat
u tink itz still poss to get it into their head? [/quote]
may i know what you think is possible then?
why not share the solution with us so that we know how to tackle them the next time we see them!
[[i] 本帖最後由 wintersky 於 2007-12-6 07:29 AM 編輯 [/i]] |
angtint | 2007-12-6 01:58 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 06:35 PM 發表
Well, it's just my opinion..
Anyohhow, hope Xiaozhu and Xiaoshuang Jie have a happy trip here the next time!
And hor, anyone realised that there wasn't any news about Singapore's concert on ... [/quote]
yes, i was also hoping to hear from him about Singapore's concert.
but kind of disappointed when he only mention about watching yulebaifenbai.
is it that bad to even mention? the next LIVE show he also didnt mention. the one that was air yesterday in taiwan.
i think the news might be in the later time?
or i was thinking, he is not allow to say about the concert? |
=aPriL= | 2007-12-6 01:58 AM |
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 2007-12-5 05:47 PM 發表
Haha, got it :)
Really hope the next trip here, 小豬and小霜姐能一路開心到底啦..
Oh yea, April! When can I collect my jacket 呢? :) [/quote]
sat can? i actually brought it during the concert!
bt my hp died den cant contact u... |
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