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fannyQQ2007-12-11 08:00 AM
SHOW 新加坡之行

14号,SHOW到达新加坡,在Bishan junction的签唱会,有没有人组织去接机哈?
by right,anybody know which hotel Show will stay ?

[[i] 本帖最後由 fannyQQ 於 2007-12-11 04:06 PM 編輯 [/i]]

tardyqueen2007-12-11 09:35 AM

jasmine33062007-12-12 06:36 AM
我也想去接机, 可是我不能拿leave 了。

tardyqueen2007-12-12 06:53 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]jasmine3306[/i] 於 12/12/2007 14:36 發表
我也想去接机, 可是我不能拿leave 了。 [/quote]


angtint2007-12-12 10:18 AM
i will go and send him off i think. hope not too early.

hmm, wont be there for his arrival.

graceter2007-12-12 12:45 PM

jasmine33062007-12-13 05:57 AM
我也想可是不能。 好烦。。。。

[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 12/12/07 02:53 PM 發表

那你可以去送機呀:) [/quote]

rccy942007-12-13 08:07 AM
anyone noe his flight details again?

tardyqueen2007-12-13 12:05 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]jasmine3306[/i] 於 13/12/2007 13:57 發表
我也想可是不能。 好烦。。。。



sminty2007-12-13 04:28 PM
hi there...does anyone know wat time he will arrive tml....coz i  wanna go 接机 la.... =)

=aPriL=2007-12-13 04:58 PM
who nids cab? my fren lookin for ppl for her cab for chasin~

jasmine33062007-12-14 02:12 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]tardyqueen[/i] 於 13/12/07 08:05 PM 發表

哈﹐為什么? [/quote]

我得做工。。 不能请假。

shakabel2007-12-14 03:01 PM
he took eva airline... arrived ard at 12.30pm..

shooooom2007-12-15 02:18 PM
Does anyone know when he's leaving?
I didnt get the chance to go 接机 so I wanna go 送他走...

shakabel2007-12-15 02:45 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]shooooom[/i] 於 2007-12-15 10:18 PM 發表
Does anyone know when he's leaving?
I didnt get the chance to go 接机 so I wanna go 送他走... [/quote]

i tink most likely he leaving on monday ba.
is he going back by eva air again...? if yes, i will be there. my dad's fren taking eva back to tw on monday. :>

dream172007-12-15 03:29 PM
i think he not going back taiwan ba..
mayb going straight to china for his concert on e 18th..
jus guessing..

shakabel2007-12-15 03:57 PM
oh, ya hor..

it reali going straight to china. he mus be dame tired loh.

jelly192007-12-15 06:02 PM
if he going straight china, where will he be going?
anyone know can share?
due to working, i didn't get to see him the past 2 days
hope to send him off on mon =))

shooooom2007-12-15 06:39 PM
he'll be going to 無錫
he has a concert there on the 18th...

jelly192007-12-15 07:50 PM
oh ok thanks =))
sorry to trouble but there no flight to there straight.
i think he will change flight at somewhere ba...

angtint2007-12-16 05:22 AM
i think he will either go to nanjing or shanghai?

i guess he is leaving either midnight or early morning.

思廷2007-12-16 10:10 AM
according to zao bao.
he'll be going to shang hai straight after stars awards.

[url=http://forum.show4ever.net/viewthread.php?tid=75836&highlight=]here's the link[/url]

angtint2007-12-16 10:23 AM
wow they say after stars award go airport.

thats so rush.

sigh, cannot send him off. arghhh!

tardyqueen2007-12-17 08:48 AM
He flew off to Shanghai, 0115hrs on 17th :(

ailisi2007-12-17 11:07 AM

singapore's official fan club de web is wad ar? i wanted to join but i cant find saddies. pls email me the website. [email]ai_li_si_tan92@hotmail.com[/email]

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