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teowenxin2008-1-25 10:51 AM
晚报e乐大奖 ( 快来投票 ! )

[font=Arial]Sample Text[/font][color=Purple]Sample Text[/color][b]Sample Text[/b]

Sorry i had to use English , but i don't have Chinese software in my computer.

Okay , there is this contest , organise by 晚报. This website is [url]http://contest.omy.sg/contest/award/[/url] . You can vote for Xiao Zhu 's concert.

For more imformation , please go to the website. Thanks. :)

caiiwenn2008-1-25 11:02 AM

teowenxin2008-1-25 11:16 AM
everytime also like that one.... Haiz.... I never check la.... later kanna minus point again !!!

msmieakiko2008-1-25 11:45 AM
記得發帖之前爬帖謝謝 ((:

teowenxin2008-1-27 12:04 PM
sorry , what is 爬帖? Is it look for the 帖 ?

msmieakiko2008-1-27 03:25 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]teowenxin[/i] 於 2008-1-27 08:04 PM 發表
sorry , what is 爬帖? Is it look for the 帖 ? [/quote]

Just tk a few mins,
Look ard & check if anyone has posted on the same topic~
Lols; maybe 1 or 2 pages bah...((:

teowenxin2008-1-30 12:23 PM
ic.... Thanks... HAha !!

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