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teowenxin2008-1-30 12:20 PM
注意一下! 娱乐百分百在 Channel U 播出的时间!

[font=Arial]Sample Text[/font][size=2]Sample Text[/size][color=Pink]Sample Text[/color]

On the 6 , 7 and 8 of Feb , 娱乐百分百 播出的时间 will change to 6pm instead of 5pm. So please take note of that . After this three special days , the time for 百分百 will be 5pm le......

Happy New Year !!

rynn052008-1-30 01:01 PM
haha thanks so much for the info! :):)

lucky you informed me, if not i blur blur go watch at 5pm then dont have! haha :>

happy chinese new year to you too! :)

msmieakiko2008-1-30 04:01 PM

新年期間 還有娛百,

aiwei772008-1-30 05:21 PM
and if you haven't realized, wednesday's yubai repeat at night on channel U has been changed to 12mn instead of 1am....meaning thu 12mn for the wed yubai shown at 5pm on chn U (tw tues' episode)

msmieakiko2008-1-31 01:19 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]aiwei77[/i] 於 2008-1-31 01:21 AM 發表
and if you haven't realized, wednesday's yubai repeat at night on channel U has been changed to 12mn instead of 1am....meaning thu 12mn for the wed yubai shown at 5pm on chn U (tw tues' episode) [/quote]

[color=mediumvioletred]Mediacorp no shows to show.

suina_912008-1-31 06:28 AM
yeah yeah... is this counted good or bad hah..
people eating reunion dinner they play bai fen bai..
how am i gonna see man..

peanutcrazy2008-1-31 07:45 AM
HAHA thanks for the info=D
I'm going to Malaysia for the new year so I recording. If not for your info I record the wrong timing! HAHA=D THANKS!
Aiyo my recording only can max. for 3 days. I'll miss AT LEAST 4 days of bai fen bai. HAISH

Yeah I think watching bai fen bai when eveyrone eating reunion dinner is like... 無言 My cousins are like making damn alot of noise one lor... XD I always turn on bai fen bai excpetionally loud. Cause i don't want to miss ANYTHING xiaozhu says=D


caiiwenn2008-1-31 08:44 AM
沒戲播? 哈哈!
新年還有寶貝真是開心! !呵呵!
先祝大家新年快樂阿! :D

angtint2008-1-31 10:31 AM
wow thanks for informing!

though it crashes with the channel8's news, but i will try to watch!

xiaoyun902008-1-31 02:48 PM
[quote]原帖由 [i]aiwei77[/i] 於 2008-1-31 01:21 AM 發表
and if you haven't realized, wednesday's yubai repeat at night on channel U has been changed to 12mn instead of 1am....meaning thu 12mn for the wed yubai shown at 5pm on chn U (tw tues' episode) [/quote]

haha. show earlier good mah.
den no need stay up so late. esp if next day still got sch :)

anyways. during new year is the repeat still same time?

Shosho7772008-1-31 03:32 PM
Thanks so much for the info! It will crashes with the 6.30pm news..and my parents wanted to watch..OH NO...how? That means I mus miss half and hr of it? NO!!!!!

Anki2008-1-31 07:31 PM

-michelle.^^2008-1-31 09:57 PM
喔.. 謝謝通知喔..
哇! 新年好多戲可以看喔!! 呵呵~ :)

skybluez2008-2-1 01:53 AM
谢谢你的通知。。。 太好了。。。 新年还是可以看到他。。。 :)
祝大家新年快乐, 心想事成。。。

msmieakiko2008-2-1 02:26 AM
[color=mediumvioletred]U all can see the 3.30am repeat episode! ((:
Hahahaha, if u all can stand larh.

sheliachq2008-2-1 09:17 AM
thanks for informing!
bt i thought the repeat is depend on what &how many 8pm shows they're gonna repeat.

Oo=Pit~必=oO2008-2-1 10:29 AM

teowenxin2008-2-1 11:32 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]xiaoyun90[/i] 於 2008-1-31 10:48 PM 發表

haha. show earlier good mah.
den no need stay up so late. esp if next day still got sch :)

anyways. during new year is the repeat still same time? [/quote]

During the new year period , the repeat time for wednesday at channel u is 2.30am . Thursday is 3.30am and friday is 1.30am. Thanks...

Cherilyn2008-2-2 04:54 AM
thanks for the information!
xie xie!

rynn052008-2-2 07:26 AM
[quote]原帖由 [i]teowenxin[/i] 於 2008-2-1 07:32 PM 發表

During the new year period , the repeat time for wednesday at channel u is 2.30am . Thursday is 3.30am and friday is 1.30am. Thanks... [/quote]

hahah thanks so much for the repeat timings!
it's great to be able to watch repeats since i cant watch the afternoon ones during cny period! :)
i'll be staying up anyways so i'll cheng xia qu and wait! haha

思廷2008-2-2 09:00 AM

teowenxin2008-2-2 12:25 PM
actually you can sleep for while then see the repeat one... haha... repeat one so late.... at first also thought chinese new year don have loh... haha

kanon2008-2-2 03:27 PM
Ch U's Time Table:

除夕 (2月6日):
6pm - 7pm 娛樂百分百
2:30am 娛樂百分百

初一 (2月7日):
6pm - 7pm 娛樂百分百
3:30am 娛樂百分百

初二 (2月8日):
6pm - 7pm 娛樂百分百
1:30am 娛樂百分百

xiaomint2008-2-3 02:20 PM
回復 #7 aiwei77 的帖子

i think it's because ch u won't be repeating the" romantic princess" so the bai fen bai repeat will be shown at 12am instead of 1am .. on both wed and thurs...
btw..thanks so much for the info..or i'll really miss it..

happy new year to all!!

stage_060922008-2-5 07:21 AM

aidelin2008-2-6 07:49 AM
有cable tv 的人记得锁定6pm的岁末感恩音乐派对ch56,有国王...

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