【2011/05/15 XINMSN】羅志祥:不要厭倦我
【2011/05/15 XINMSN】羅志祥:不要厭倦我
http://entertainment.xin.msn.com ... -documentid=4843002
文字: Joelle Chong
照片: UnUsual Productions
視頻: Teng Siew Eng
最初只有8000個座位出售給公眾。 然而,公眾巨大的需求讓主辦單位増加更多的座位,而且這些新増的票很快就被搶購了。
昨晚,超過1萬多名觀眾到新加坡室內體育館支持台灣歌手羅志祥的 2011年世界巡迴安可場的演出。 這位歌手打破了新加坡歷史上觀眾人數最多的紀錄。
在一個綠色的霓虹燈裝飾和穿上一身銀色的服裝的開場下,以三首快歌打開演唱會的序幕-- '獨一無二ONLY U'," 舞法舞天" 和"精舞門",羅志祥表演期間也使用 LED顯示屏和激光表演,令表演更具視覺藝術。
羅志祥期後問候他的歌迷,並教他們簡單的手勢凡搭配陪他下一首"touch my heart"。 當唱這首歌的時候,歌迷都一起跟著跳舞。 羅志祥在如此高昂的氣氛下,走下舞台唱'敗給你',並開始與歌迷互動。
當羅志祥與他們握手時歌迷都蜂擁而至,。幾個幸運的女孩甚至被羅志祥拿起相機,當他用自己的相機拍照。 他甚至摟著另一個粉絲的肩膀自拍,實在令人羨慕。
作為娛樂百分百的主持人,羅志祥用展他的主持功力把他的演唱會串連的非常完美。雖然這場演唱會沒有任何嘉賓, 但整場演唱會沒有一個時刻是沉悶的。
他進一步解釋說,電視劇播出了三個月,每週一集。一邊播的時候人們會與他們的朋友和家人討論和猜測下一集的劇情。 但羅志祥亦補充說,如果有合適的劇本他也想嘗試一下拍電影。
羅志祥還深情地跟他的歌迷說,誰曾專程從亞洲各國去看他的演唱會,還詢問他們“厭倦了我沒有?” ,在群眾大聲說"不會"之後,羅志祥提醒歌迷不要厭倦他。
唱到最後一首歌的時候,羅志祥要求全場的觀眾站起來,又在台上可愛地撅著嘴,踏腳和勾引歌迷, 他又戲弄一個男觀眾,要他一人站起來跳”TWINKLE”的舞蹈動作。
“那些帶著你的女朋友的,今天晚上你的女朋友是我的” 羅志祥笑著打趣說道。
但這些表演能讓這些熱情的歌迷滿足嗎? 他們要求安可,在場內不斷的尖叫再尖叫,直到當屏幕上出現了一個五六歲的小孩的表演時,他們才安靜下來。
充滿才藝的羅志祥坐在一套鼓前再次出現在台上, 他熟練地擊鼓,引來台下強烈的尖叫和歡呼。 當他的表演結束後,他問歌迷是否希望能更頻繁地看到他在新加坡出現。
他用新加坡式英語說"Steady ah!" ,並他表示會爭取多點到新加坡。
演唱會結束前,羅志祥特別感謝陪同他來新加坡的母親。 他補充說:那些有FACEBOOK的、微博、MSN和其他什麼的,回去記得要更改狀態為 '2011羅志祥一萬零一夜安可場好看慘了” 。
最後在”愛瘋頭和” 撐腰”兩首歌下結束近3小時的演唱會”,歌迷都帶著滿足回家。
台灣歌手 用他出色的表演,服裝亮片,激光和煙花爆竹讓人眼花繚亂
Only 8,000 seats were sold to the public initially. However, a huge demand for the show caused the organiser to open more seats. These were quickly snapped up by the public too.
Last night, more than 10,000 concert-goers turned up for Taiwanese singer Show Luo's 2011 Show Encore World Live Tour at the Singapore Indoor Stadium. The singer broke the record of having the biggest turnout at the stadium in its entire history.
Decked in a futuristic neon green and silver costume, Show descended from above and opened the concert with three fast numbers -- 'Only U', 'Wu Fa Wu Tian' and 'Jing Wu Men'. LED panels and lasers used during the show provided a visually aesthetic performance.
Show proved he is the 'Asia's Dance King' that night. He was rarely out of breath and hit all the right notes as he danced.
The singer then greeted his fans and taught them a simple hand sign to accompany his next song 'Touch My Heart'. When the song came on, fans sportingly danced along. Show got so high that he went down the stage during 'Bai Gei Ni' and began interacting with them.
Fans swarmed towards Show as he shook their hands. A couple of lucky girls were awarded with a picture of Show, when he used their cameras to take a photo. Show even snapped a picture with another fan with his arm around her shoulders, much to the envy of many.
The host of entertainment programme 100% Entertainment showed off his hosting skills as he stitched his concert up perfectly. Show might not have any guests at this concert, but there was not a dull moment.
When the singer disappeared for a costume change, the video montage on the screens recounted Show's dramas -- from Outsider II in 2004 to Hi! My Sweetheart in 2009.
Appearing again in a red, sequinned suit, Show shared a touching moment with his fans as he spoke about his roles in various idol dramas before performing the songs from the dramas, including 'Hui Se Kong Jian', 'Ai Zhuan Jiao', 'Xing Fu Bu Mie' and 'Ai Bu Dan Xing'.
"I like filming idol dramas, because they leave a lasting impression on people," Show said.
He further explained that a drama is aired over three months, with an episode each week. As people watched, they would discuss with their friends and family and anticipate for the next episode together. However, Show added that he would like to do a movie if the right script comes by.
Show also spoke affectionately to his fans, who had travelled from various countries in Asia, asking them if they are "tired of me yet?" Receiving a strong 'no' from the crowd, the singer reminded his fans not to become tired of him.
The stage was then transformed into a disco, reminiscent of those in the late 70s and 80s, complete with a vintage incandescent bulb sign as Show performed 'Qiang Si Qiang Si', 'Hu Die Xiu' and 'Hu Li Jing'.
Making a small mistake during 'Wo Bu Hui Chang Ge', Show stuck out his tongue adorably and apologised to the crowd. | |