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標題: 【2013/01/09 YahooNews】 Show Luo dismisses incest rumour  
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【2013/01/09 YahooNews】 Show Luo dismisses incest rumour

http://sg.entertainment.yahoo.co ... mour-064500419.html

9 Jan – Annoyed by the vicious incest rumour surrounding his affection for his mother, Show Luo showed everybody that it is not a problem by kissing his mother on the mouth.

As reported on Asianpopnews, on 6 January, Taiwanese singer Show Luo finally completed his three-day concert in Taiwan's Taipei Dome, the first stop for his "Over The Limit World Live Tour".

At the after-party press conference of his concert, Show exclaimed, "I really don't care what the rumour says, but I really want to educate those who say I am incestuous, because those people really don't know what 'love' means!"

Show then turned to his mother, who was standing beside him at the time, and kissed her on the lips.
He added, "I only have one mother. If I do not love her, who else will?"

The singer also hugged and apologised to his mother for his bad behaviour for the past month, explaining that the pressure of performing well for the concert had given him mood swings.

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2013-1-10 10:01 PM#1
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