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標題: 【2011/05/16 STOMP】Asia's Dance King Show Luo has over 10,000 fans  
秘 書
Rank: 4

UID 127024
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註冊 2009-8-21
來自 新加坡SFC
【2011/05/16 STOMP】Asia's Dance King Show Luo has over 10,000 fans

羅志祥  04:45 AM 瀏覽帖子 「秀」新 新 聞  【2011-05-16 STOMP】Asia's Dance ...  

【2011-05-16 STOMP】Asia's Dance King Show Luo has over 10000 fans begging for more

PART 1: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2109
PART 2: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2110
PART 3: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2111
PART 4: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2112
PART 5: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2113
PART 6: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2114
PART 7: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2115
PART 8: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2116
PART 9: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2117
PART 10: http://youthphoria.stomp.com.sg/breaking_news/article/2118
14th May 2011 was truly a night of visual feast for Show Luo's fans at the  '2011 Encore World Live Tour'. About more than 10,000 supporters turned up for the Taiwanese singer Show Luo's concert at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, one of the biggest turnout ever at the stadium. And it was no surprise that at the end of three hours, he left fans hungry for more.

The concert also showcased Show Luo's intense telepathy with his fans -- the concert felt like a long catch-up session, where Show shared some of his thoughts, likes and dislikes, as well as his own confessions in life to the fans as though in an extended conversation.

Hailed as 'Asia's Dance King', Show Luo whipped up many sleek dance moves through the fast-paced opening songs 'Only U', 'Wu Fa Wu Tian' and 'Jing Wu Men'. Donning shades, the king showed off his sexy dance moves as excited fans constantly waved their ready-made LED fan panels and other 'Show' light sabres to show their anticipation and glee.

Also affectionately known as 'Xiao Zhu', the all-in-one talented singer, dancer, actor and host didn't disappoint with his ability to connect and mingle with his audience through the night.
For one, throughout his performance, Show Luo did not forget to call out to, and involve the audience who were seated on the far left and right blocks of seats, and on the upper levels, away from him.

But of course, the bulk of his attention (and affection) went to his beloved SFC (Show Luo Zhi Xiang Fan Club), as he took photos with lucky female fans, threw towels used to dry his sweat into the arena. In his song 'Bai Gei Ni', Show went off the stage to mingle with the fans, taking photos with hordes of female teenagers.
At all times, the stadium was a plethora of waving lightsticks, embellished by tints of blue, red, green and yellow. Watch closely and you can see a sea of blue-eared headwear - proudly donned by members of his fan club SFC.

Much as Show is top-notch as a dancer and often perfects his dance tracks with neat moves and great 'live' singing, his slower songs like 'Ai Zhuan Jiao', 'Xin Fu Bu Mie' and 'Pin She Me' resonated with the audience greatly as well.
Afterall, the 32-year-old has acted in a couple of idol drama serials, and has sung many romantic ballads for serial dramas like 'Corner With Love' (2007), 'Hot Shot' (2008) and the very popular 'Hi My Sweetheart' (2009). Throughout the video montages shown during the concert,  fans were treated to a recap of Show's journey in the industry.

Spirits soar high and the space was almost transformed into a thumping and fun disco hall when he appears on stage with a stunning digital backdrop display of a virtual stage. Show had fun on stage, belting out energetic and fun tunes Qiang Si Qiang Si', 'Hu Die Xiu' and 'Hu Li Jing'.
A great mix of graphics, lighting, dancers and a live band simulation where performers held musical instruments on stage to portray the Big Band sensation, the 'stage' also reminds one of his line of merchandise branded 'STAGE', to which were snapped up by his fervent fans pre-and-post concert at a merchandise booth outside the Indoor Stadium. Products sold consist of caps, bags, lanyards etc.

The concert, in its rowdiness and banter fun, also felt emotional, honest, and sincere. During songs 'Wo Bu Hui Chang Ge', the audience sang along animously, and even when there was a slight slip-up in lyrics, Show apologised immediately, and at the end of the song, he even spoofed part of the lyrics to confess his mistake.
A turning-point and perhaps memorable moment of the concert is when Show Luo shared his feelings vis a vis a video regarding a scandal report of him. Prompting his fans that 'I want you all to hear my heartbeat', Show confesses that he has always pursued an attitude of 'what you see is what you get' with regards to how he conducts himself as an artiste, as Show Luo on stage and as an all-round artiste.

Host of Taiwanese daily entertainment news '100% Entertainment' that is aired in Singapore as well, Show unleashed his ability to work the crowd, with his banters and antics.
At one point, Show even singled out a male fan teasingly and asked for him to perform the dance actions for his song titled 'Twinkle', which was met with the fan's sporting fun and the audience's great cheers.

He also quipped that coming to Singapore gives him a high propensity to grow fat, because there are so many great food around here.
From cajoling the assistant who brings him his quick refreshment in between songs to the gleeful artiste also playfully proclaims to boyfriends who have actually accompanied girlfriends to this concert, "Too bad! They only have eyes for me here today!', Show definitely demonstrated his charm.

Yet, his sincerity and hardworking attitude in the showbiz has come a long way and is an established belief within the hearts of many fans.
The party extravaganza ended on a high note with Show Luo's drumset encore, followed by 'Ai Feng Tou' and 'Cheng Yao', which showed the spanky side of him The party extravaganza ended on a high note with Show Luo's drumset encore, followed by 'Ai Feng Tou' and 'Cheng Yao', which showed the spanky side of him having fun with his own dance team mates.

To echo last year's concert where he prompted fans to post statuses on MSN, Facebook and Weibo of ' The 2011 Show Encore World Live Tour' is such eyeful awesomeness!'; the artiste reminded fans to do the same that night.

Indeed, Show-ing us his love for Singapore fans!

See you soon, Show!

[ 本帖最後由 jerlinyjl 於 2011-5-18 10:46 AM 編輯 ]

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2011-5-16 07:38 PM#1
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助 手
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UID 146229
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註冊 2010-1-27
來自 HK

永遠愛你 是我的承諾
沒有為什麼  就憑你是羅志祥

2011-5-16 07:48 PM#2
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 116611
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帖子 148
閱讀權限 20
註冊 2009-4-18
來自 Adelaide, Australia
i love this man ! he is truly awesome. i'm proud to say i love Show.
2011-5-16 08:13 PM#3
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助 手
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UID 190132
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註冊 2010-10-31
來自 小豆丁❤祥
哇 好多圖喔!

❤ 羅志祥, 陪你到最後❤

我的微薄: http://t.sina.com.cn/1793041917
2011-5-16 08:21 PM#4
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 204525
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註冊 2011-4-17
2011-5-16 11:22 PM#5
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 202339
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註冊 2011-3-27
來自 Hong Kong
Show is awesome!!!!!
Love him as always :$
2011-5-16 11:23 PM#6
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科 長
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註冊 2006-3-22
來自 香港

原帖由 黑運神 於 2011-5-16 07:48 PM 發表
其實複製去 google 或者 yahoo 也有英文翻譯的功能!
2011-5-16 11:40 PM#7
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員 工
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UID 64140
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註冊 2007-11-13
來自 新加坡
2011-5-16 11:43 PM#8
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助 手
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UID 183250
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註冊 2010-8-10
來自 新加坡
每次都说不好的, 不是说它有说罗祥的不是. BUT 每次报道的东西都是新加坡人丑陋的行为. -.-
一万零一夜,HIGH 翻全世界啦!

2011-5-17 12:40 AM#9
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秘 書
Rank: 4

UID 1813
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閱讀權限 40
註冊 2006-3-25
來自 新加坡
好多照片  報導很詳細  評語很好~  
STOMP太給力了~ 讚讚讚!!!

2011-5-17 01:51 AM#10
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 204450
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註冊 2011-4-17
來自 台北
Because of his unbeatable talent and charm,
Show amazed every single person at the Singapore Indoor Stadium on May 14th.
A true achiever who never fails to put on smiles on his fans.
Always have been there with us through thick and thin
and always will be.
2011-5-17 02:30 AM#11
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 195043
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註冊 2011-1-10
來自 Mary小晨@USA
It's no surprise that he can cause such a big effect
after all, he IS the pop icon of Asia
who truly appreciates and brings out his nature
never cease to amaze his fans
this is a real KING.
2011-5-17 03:25 AM#12
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員 工
Rank: 2

UID 109379
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註冊 2009-1-29
照片好多好多...  值得紀念收藏~
2011-5-19 06:08 PM#13
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