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標題: 【2012/11/05 THE NEW PAPER】Chinese pop music here to stay(提SHOW)  
秘 書
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UID 127024
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註冊 2009-8-21
來自 新加坡SFC
【2012/11/05 THE NEW PAPER】Chinese pop music here to stay(提SHOW)


Taiwanese pop idol Show Luo summed up the night’s general sentiment in one powerful sentence.
While strutting down the red carpet at the glitzy, star-studded 12th Global Chinese Music Awards last Friday, the 33-year-old, dubbed Asia’s Dance King for his groovy moves, was quizzed by host Dennis Chew if he intended to perform the Gangnam Style dance for his fans.
“No, I won’t,” said the straight-talking entertainer. “I’m here to support Chinese pop music.”
Indeed, if there was one thing to remember this year’s awards by, it was the Mandopop camaraderie displayed by Luo, his peers and their loyal fans.
Organised by seven Chinese radio stations from around the region – including Singapore’s Yes 93.3 FM – the prestigious annual event was graced by several Asian A-listers, including Eason Chan, Joey Yung, and Tanya Chua.
Read the full report in The New Paper on Monday (Nov 5).

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2012-11-5 12:59 PM#1
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助 手
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UID 182930
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註冊 2010-8-7
來自 美國
羅志祥真的超帥的啦!! 全場high翻天!

2012-11-5 01:22 PM#2
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科 長
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UID 3062
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註冊 2006-4-5
來自 Taipei
一直重複著說 請支持華語音樂  幫華語音樂圈發聲 最貼心  因為這樣唱片公司才得以生存
華語音樂才能夠源源不絕  羅祥~是最用心最努力最有實力的唱跳歌手 也是人氣最旺的天王

[img][/img]How do I live without U~~~
2012-11-5 03:34 PM#3
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員 工
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UID 204661
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註冊 2011-4-18
來自 sydney, australia
salute!!!!! love you show
2012-11-5 07:32 PM#4
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員 工
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UID 236695
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註冊 2012-8-22
來自 Tainan,Taiwan
2012-11-5 10:37 PM#5
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員 工
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UID 216119
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註冊 2011-9-8
來自 新加坡!
支持正版專輯! 羅志祥, 加油!
2012-11-5 11:40 PM#6
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