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標題: 【2012/06/13 Channelnewsasia】Show Luo puts mum before girlfriend (新加坡新聞)  
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【2012/06/13 Channelnewsasia】Show Luo puts mum before girlfriend (新加坡新聞)

http://www.channelnewsasia.com/s ... iew/1207316/1/.html

BEIJING: Many men waffle when asked whom they would side with, in an argument between their girlfriend and their mother.

Taiwan singer Show Luo isn't one of them.

The star expressed that his mother will always come first, when he met the media at an autograph session in Beijing on Monday, reported Chinese media.

"If she (his girlfriend) talks back to my mother, we'll just break up … because she is unfilial," said Luo matter-of-factly, without even a moment's hesitation.
Show Luo puts mum before girlfriend

This comes just weeks after Luo kissed his mother on the mouth during one of his concerts, an incident which has raised more than a few eyebrows.

Could he have an Oedipus Complex and feel some sort of attraction toward his mother?

Luo insists that this was not the case - he explained that he simply loves his mother very much, and, as her son, just wants to make her happy.

"In this world, you only have one mother. There is no second mother.

"Doting on her, being filial to her is very normal," said Luo, who had previously pointed out that he often kissed his mother to show his affection for her.

Those who want to be Luo's girlfriend now have one more thing to take note of (besides Luo's penchant for wearing women's clothes at home) - don't upset his mother.

北京:  許多男人當被問及,在其母親和女友之間的爭論。
那些想成為羅志祥的女友,現在第一件事要注意的(除了羅志祥喜歡在家穿女性的衣服) - 不要使他的母親生氣

[ 本帖最後由 bonniebaby 於 2012-6-14 11:52 PM 編輯 ]

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2012-6-14 10:45 PM#1
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那些想成為羅志祥的女友,現在第一件事要注意的(除了羅志祥喜歡在家穿女性的衣服) - 不要使他的母親生氣


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