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標題: 【2010/07/13 XINMSN】 Show Luo is jealous of local host Lee Teng  
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註冊 2009-8-21
來自 新加坡SFC
【2010/07/13 XINMSN】 Show Luo is jealous of local host Lee Teng

http://entertainment.xin.msn.com ... -documentid=4216800

The Taiwanese star was in Singapore for the opening of the STAGE flagship store
Taiwanese star Show Luo is jealous of local host Lee Teng.

Lee Teng took his 'baby' and made it bigger and better.

The baby in question? Fashion brand, STAGE.

Show Luo and Lee Teng are business partners in this venture. Show specially flew from Taiwan for the ribbon-cutting ceremony of Lee Teng's third outlet in Singapore recently. The outlet will be the flagship store for STAGE.

Lee Teng had spent a six-digit sum on setting up the store. When asked what he thought of the new store, Show said he was satisfied with what Lee Teng had done.

"Actually I'm kind of jealous because this store is even bigger than mine in Taipei and Kaosiung!"
Lee Teng briefing Show on some details

During the interview after the ceremony, Show was all praises for Lee Teng

"He introduced the brand to Singapore and has put his heart into maintaining the business for the past two years."

He also said that by letting Lee Teng handle the franchise in Singapore, he felt like he was giving his baby away for Lee Teng to take care of.

Show's fans had thronged *SCAPE even before he arrived, prompting reporters to tease Lee Teng for being overshadowed. Lee Teng modestly replied he is the one who is benefitting from the attention.

Since Show is also Jolin Tsai's good friend, reporters could not resist sneaking in a question about the recent rumours of her hooking up with Jay Chou. Jolin and Jay had set tongues wagging after collaborating in an encore performance at Jay's recent concert.

"Those are just rumours; all she did was to perform as a guest!"

When asked about Jolin's sister, who recently got hitched, Show said that he is happy for her, but the star clearly did not forget the reason he was at the event. He cleverly drew attention back to the opening by drawing an analogy.

"Today is a 'marriage' too; I'm marrying my daughter (STAGE brand) off to Lee Teng, hopefully they can give birth to a few more shops!"

When xinmsn went on to ask about Show's own love-life, the quirky star quickly used Lee Teng as a shield.

"Actually, I've been together with Lee Teng for a long time already."

Jokes aside, Show revealed that he is not worried about marriage since he's a guy. He understands that for girls, age may be an obstruction when it comes to marriage, so he hopes that Jolin can find her happiness soon.

Show stayed in the store for an hour, serving customers and signing autographs for fans on the STAGE merchandise.

[ 本帖最後由 jerlinyjl 於 2010-7-14 11:11 PM 編輯 ]

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2010-7-14 11:05 PM#1
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註冊 2010-1-3
來自 ♡雪梨♡熊貓妹
HAHHA, first is the baby, second is the daughter, is stage the baby &  the daughter?
好無奈喔,記者還要追問羅 關於Jolin..

2010-7-15 07:34 AM#2
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註冊 2008-8-12
來自 新加坡 (SF ST0159)
呵呵,把 STAGE 嫁掉,罗宝贝太可爱了。

2010-7-15 02:23 PM#3
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UID 154621
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來自 香港♥*.SFC.:D

2010-7-15 02:32 PM#4
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