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標題: 【2013/04/22 SUPERADRIANME】Rainie&Show WeChat TVC To Air In Singapore  
  本主題由 Makoto 於 2013-7-9 09:30 AM 合併 
秘 書
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來自 新加坡SFC
【2013/04/22 SUPERADRIANME】Rainie&Show WeChat TVC To Air In Singapore

Rainie Yang & Show Luo WeChat TVC To Air In Singapore

http://www.superadrianme.com/201 ... o-air-in-singapore/

Pop stars Rainie Yang and Show Luo are the Super Duo Taiwanese Ambassadors for WeChat’s first television commercial (TVC) to be air across Singapore channels like Channel 8, Channel U, W drama, E-City and some other Chinese channels from 22 April 2013. This will be WeChat’s initiative to expand its users in Singapore for its all-rounder social messaging application, WeChat, created by China’s Tencent which already hit 300 million users globally in January 2013.

In this 30-seconds TVC, Rainie and Show displayed romantic chemistry and playfulness through the use of WeChat’s simplest functions – text messaging, voice messaging and emoticon services. WeChat’s TVC illustrates how WeChat is designed to be convenient even in the midst of one’s busyness.

“‘Moments’ is one of my favorite WeChat features. I am able to keep in touch with the people I love by simply posting pictures from my daily life with captions to tell my stories, and I enjoy the communication that takes place when people start commenting on them,” Show said. Rainie likes the WeChat Group Chat function as it conveniently lets her arrange for meet-ups with her friends.

Supported on Wi-Fi, 3G, and 4G data networks, WeChat is available for FREE on the iOS, Android, Windows and Symbian mobile platforms.

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2013-4-22 09:52 PM#1
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秘 書
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UID 177170
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註冊 2010-6-19
來自 馬來西亞
所以是已經播了喔? 怎麼都沒看到~~~

2013-4-24 02:40 PM#2
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2013-4-24 11:55 PM#3
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【2013/04/26 環球網科技】羅志祥楊丞琳拍攝微信電視廣告 投放新加坡市場


据外媒报道,腾讯在新加坡发布聊天应用WeChat电视广告,希望加大产品在新加坡的市场份额。这段时长30秒的广告由两位台湾当红明星杨丞琳和罗志祥拍摄, 将会在新加坡免费中文频道播出。

腾讯国际商业部新加坡地区经理Louis Song表示,希望借广告提高新加坡消费者对微信品牌认知。他说,新加坡和香港、台湾、马来西亚以及泰国一样,是一个强劲增长的市场。我们在这里见证了移动应用平台的稳定增长。


  虽然WeChat在全球有超过3亿用户,但是,在新加坡,Whatapp聊天应用似乎比WeChat更加受欢迎。在东南亚都拥有大量用户的Line和韩国的Kaokao Talk在新加坡的用户就更少了。

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●只用行動來保護玻璃心 - 羅志祥
2013-4-26 02:03 PM#4
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UID 139190
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註冊 2010-1-3
來自 海外

2013-4-26 02:41 PM#5
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員 工
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UID 238896
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來自 广州
内地很多人玩微信啦 坐地铁 看到坐着的一推人 打开的都是微信~香港好像也有~

2013-4-26 03:40 PM#6
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UID 3062
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註冊 2006-4-5
來自 Taipei
現在微信流行慘了 美國也是~給力 給力 給力~

[img][/img]How do I live without U~~~
2013-4-26 04:18 PM#7
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助 手
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UID 191740
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註冊 2010-11-24
來自 Hong Kong

2013-4-27 12:37 AM#8
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秘 書
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UID 177170
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註冊 2010-6-19
來自 馬來西亞
每次看到廣告有他出現 都會很興奮

2013-4-27 03:17 PM#9
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秘 書
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UID 89005
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註冊 2008-7-24
來自 HongKong SFC♥
we chat越來越流行了,大家都常常低頭玩

2013-4-28 12:57 PM#10
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UID 208100
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註冊 2011-5-27
來自 好乖的新加坡;)
很開心新加坡也開始播了 !!

2013-4-30 06:05 AM#11
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