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UID 193283
積分 25
帖子 7
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註冊 2010-12-16 來自 澳大利亚
【2011/11/21 大紀元、雪梨-SMH 】打開亞州旅遊市場 澳洲啟用當地名人
【2011/11/20 雪梨. Sydney Morning Herald 】Move over, Lara - but who the bloody hell is this?
http://m.smh.com.au/lifestyle/ce ... 20111119-1noet.html
Tim Barlass November 20, 2011
Broad appeal … Show Luo is pitching Australia to the Chinese having produced 10 videos on a trip to promote north Queensland, taking over from traditional pitch from the likes of Lara Bingle.
SHOW LUO is a heart-throb pop singer and actor from Taiwan who has a blogging audience of 20 million.
Known as the ''dancing king of Asia'', he also endorses products ranging from jeans to burgers and contact lens cleaning solution.
The Chinese hang on his every word. So if he says Australia is worth a visit, then it's worth a visit.
Forget the blond, bronzed stereotypes of Paul Hogan and Lara Bingle - Show Luo is the new way to market Australia as a tourist destination.
The Tourism Australia strategy involves recruiting high-profile figures of carefully targeted nations to do all the talking, as the US talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey did during her tour of Australia last year.
But the two nations that really matter, and where tourism bosses are pinning their hopes of doubling tourist revenue from $70 billion to $140 billion by 2020, are India and China. That's where Show Luo comes into the picture.
He travelled to Cairns in April and generated 10 short videos for Tourism Australia to promote tropical north Queensland, including four broadcast on a Chinese national TV station and six others which were used for online viewing.
In China, there will be an anticipated 100 million outbound tourists by 2020, and Australia wants to capture its fair share. At present, the country hosts about 500,000 Chinese tourists a year.
Show Luo's counterparts in India are theatre personalities Divya Palat and Aditya Hitkari, who travelled to Australia on their honeymoon and shot amateur video footage that is included in television commercials just launched in India.
"We first came to Australia on our honeymoon and have returned on numerous occasions,'' Ms Palat said.
''From the first time we set foot in Australia, we fell in love with the country.
''It has everything you would want in a holiday destination and we are delighted to share our wonderful memories with others and tell them what a great place Australia is to visit."
India is ranked 11th in terms of international visitor arrivals to Australia and, by 2020, it is expected there will be 50 million Indian citizens ready for outbound travel.
The managing director of Tourism Australia, Andrew McEvoy, said the advertisements in India were a ''result of our reputational damage that was done around the [racial] student [incident] in Melbourne [in 2009]''.
''But I think it's a model for us. Advocacy is the way of getting other people to tell your story for you,'' Mr McEvoy said.
He said that the tourism body would spend a quarter of its marketing budget - $16 million - in China and double spending in India to $8 million next year.
''I think there is a refocus on Asia given that the economies are strong,'' Mr McEvoy said.
QUOTE: 原帖由#27 sophiayi 於 2011-11-21 11:16 AM 發表
【2011/11/21 大紀元】打開亞州旅遊市場 澳洲啟用當地名人
http://www.epochtimes.com.au/gb/ ... 0%E5%90%8D%E4%BA%BA
據悉尼晨鋒報報導,中國人很信賴他的話,如果他說澳大利亞值得一游,那麼就肯定如此。不用提老套路的金發碧眼,古銅色膚色形象的保羅•霍根(Paul Hogan)和拉萊•賓格爾(Lara Bingle),羅志祥是做澳大利亞旅游業市場的新選擇。澳大利亞旅游局的戰略是針對國家招聘經過精心挑選有知名度的人物,正如美國脫口秀女王奧普拉去年來澳旅游而做廣告一樣。
但是,中國和印度這兩 個國家的旅游業老板真正目的是寄予希望,在2020年前使旅游業財政收入從700億翻一番到140億,這也正是羅志祥要專攻的方向。他在四月份前往凱恩斯旅游,為澳大利亞旅游局制作出10個短片來宣傳昆士蘭的熱帶風光,其中4個短片在中國國家電視台播出,6個短片可在線觀看。
羅志祥的印度同行是戲劇人物Divya Palat和Aditya Hitkari,他們在澳大利亞渡蜜月,他們拍攝的觀光短片錄像剛剛在商業電台播放。“我們剛剛去澳大利亞渡假,並且多次返回,”Palat先生說,“我們第一次踏上澳洲的土地,我們就愛上了這個國家。 這里是一個渡假勝地,我們很高興和別人分享我們美好的回憶,並告訴分享澳大利亞是一個很棒的地方。”
來澳洲旅游國際的游客排行中印度排第十一,截至2020年預計會有5,000萬印度人准備出境旅游。澳洲旅游局董事總經理麥克沃伊(Andrew McEvoy)稱,在印度打廣告,我們的聲譽受到損壞是於2009年左右在墨爾本學生 [種族]發生的事件的結果。
“但我認為這對我們是個典范, 宣傳是告訴其他人關於你的故事的方式,”麥克沃伊先生說。
他表示,明年旅游業系統將在中國花費四分之一的市場預算,大約有1,600萬澳元,在印度市場將花銷大約8000萬澳元。“我認為我們會根據經濟能力及效果勁來調整在亞洲的戰略,”他說。 [ 本帖最後由 Makoto 於 2011-11-21 12:39 PM 編輯 ]
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